Post: Dpads and sticks usage on bind only menu
04-28-2015, 05:00 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I've been creating a menu for a couple of weeks now and I'm stuck.
I can't find a way to make dpads works on WaW for a bind menu.
Can anyone help me with that?
04-28-2015, 06:56 AM #2
Can’t trickshot me!
Originally posted by MarkModding View Post
I've been creating a menu for a couple of weeks now and I'm stuck.
I can't find a way to make dpads works on WaW for a bind menu.
Can anyone help me with that?

I'm going to guess that you are making it for cfg, For cfg you would use something like bind dpad_up "OPTION_HERE" that should hopefully work
04-28-2015, 03:35 PM #3
But like, can I put more than 1 command, or make just like mw2

self waittill("OPTION_HERE")
if (getStance() == "crouch" && self meleebuttonpressed())
self iPrintln("Function should work");
04-29-2015, 05:53 PM #4
Can’t trickshot me!
Originally posted by MarkModding View Post
But like, can I put more than 1 command, or make just like mw2

self waittill("OPTION_HERE")
if (getStance() == "crouch" && self meleebuttonpressed())
self iPrintln("Function should work");

Ahh you should of said it was for gsc btw that code is for crouch and r3 I don't know what the code for dpad for gsc
04-29-2015, 07:59 PM #5

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