Post: COD WaW Client Kick Dvar
06-01-2015, 01:24 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I know the client kick and ban dvar but how do you identify the client number.
Has anyone got the status command to work as mine seems to glitch out.
06-01-2015, 01:39 AM #2
Error… Cat invasion!
Originally posted by Iaaron94 View Post
I know the client kick and ban dvar but how do you identify the client number.
Has anyone got the status command to work as mine seems to glitch out.

Been along time since I did this but I thonk this could help to pop up a small menu to show the client ids name

Originally posted by another user
set 15 "say ^7[-^1KICK MENU^7-] ^3Show Player ID;bind button_a vstr DOTHISALREADY;bind dpad_up vstr 14;bind dpad_down vstr 16"
set DOTHISALREADY "set x con_minicon 1;con_miniconlines 20;con_minicontime 20;status;exec status"

I think if u bind this

Originally posted by another user
set DOTHISALREADY "set x con_minicon 1;con_miniconlines 20;con_minicontime 20;status;exec status"

iy should pop up a menu to identify the client ids name
06-01-2015, 02:03 AM #3
il pm you i have some questions as you seem to know what your talking about

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