Post: XM360 v2.0d
11-22-2010, 01:18 AM #1
Gym leader
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Node21 (Team XeDev) now released XM360 v2.0d to the public, a tool running on homebrew 360s that will allow to organize, scan and unlock XBLA and DLC content.

What’s new/fixed (since last public rls – v2.0a):
* Fixed Server crashing on DLC update (missing data in the marketplace)
* Added Custom FTP command “FREE” which will dump the size/used/free for each mounted device
* Added status line information when remote ftp clients are connected, and transferring
* Found and fixed big bug in xm360server that was preventing all DLC from being recognized.
* Unfortunately, this means that entering the DLC scene in xm360 now takes up to 10 full seconds to process the data.
* Some status messages have moved to a message box (since they disappeared in 2.0b)
* Fixed issue which was causing the xbla_excludes.csv file to not always be written
* Fixed seemingly never ending message boxes that I broke in 2.0c
* Changed format of XBLA and DLC reports to include Utf8, and proper quoting

Official Site: By node21 of You must login or register to view this content.
Download: n/a (built with XDK)

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