Post: How to Decompile XeXs in IDA Pro
08-16-2011, 02:41 PM #1
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Xex Tool
IDA Pro 5.2
Xbox Plugins for IDA (PPC,XEX)

This only works on jtags. You cannot use modified XEX's on Retails.

1. Download the Game that you would like to try to find mods for.
2. Open it in WX360
3. Extact Cracks XEX pack to your Desktop.
4. Extract the Default.xex or any xex that you want to mod to xex tool folder in the Cracks XEX pack (ie MW2 has 2 xex's 1 for SP and one for MP)
5. Install IDA pro
6. extract the PPC Coding Pack to \IDA\plugins
7. Copy "xex.ldw" and "xex64.l64" into your "ida\loaders" dir.
8. Copy "x360_imports.idc" into your "ida\idc" dir.
9. Open "ida\cfg\idagui.cfg", search for
    // consoles

and below it add:
      EXE_X360,    "Xbox360 Executables",                        "*.xex"

Then search for

and add

to it just before

NOTE: IDA has a bug where there are too many file extensions for the string
size it uses to store the extensions in when searching. This causes files
with extensions later in the alphabet (such as xex and xbe) to not be included
in the normal search string. The only way to get around this is to comment out
other listed extensions in the above file that you don't use. For example I
commented out all the entries for "Mac" (such as "EXE_MACOSX"), as well as
all the entries for "various OS's" and "embedded".

10. Open CMD and type in
    cd C:\Users\{INSERTYOURNAMEHERE}\Desktop\Cracks XEX pack\Xex Tool

    xextool -l default.xex

    xextool -b decompiled.exe -i idascript.idc default.xex

you should have 3 files
**Leave the Command Prompt Open!!!
11.Open IDA pro and hit go.
12.Drag and drop your EXE file we made from XEX tool
13.Change the Processor Type to PPC not PPCl and select Binary File from the top of the window
14.Check Rom and make the Load Address the one from your Command Prompt it should look something like this
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Don't worry about the entry point, make the ROM start address and the Loading address your load address from the Command prompt in my case it would be
    Rom Start Address:0x82000000
Rom Size:0x00F00000
Loading Address:0x82000000
File Offset:0x0000000000000000
Loading Size:0x00F00000

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15. Navigate to File/IDC File...
Choose your IDC File we made in XEX tool
16. It will load for about 1-2 minutes, it may look like it has locked up but its loading 3+mbs
17. Done.

The following 3 users say thank you to CRACKbomber for this useful post:

matt944057, psychobe@n, xXPolojackXx

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