Post: jtag online
02-04-2013, 07:05 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); hi there is there any possible safe way to use jtag online and not get banned like how we do on our homebrew ps3s ive seen tons of people using their jtags online for over a year now so im most certain there is a way the reason y im asking is because i want to buy one please let me know thanks.
02-04-2013, 09:18 AM #2
Team Xbox
Originally posted by thebigbossxseb View Post
hi there is there any possible safe way to use jtag online and not get banned like how we do on our homebrew ps3s ive seen tons of people using their jtags online for over a year now so im most certain there is a way the reason y im asking is because i want to buy one please let me know thanks.

To get a Jtag / RGH online you need to be connected through a server which spoofs your console information.

The most known for selling server space are Xbox LIVE Stealth who sell them at the following prices:
[*]$75 - 1 Day
[*]$175 - 3 Days
[*]$275 - 7 Days
[*]$800 - 30 Days
On top of that you will need to purchase KV's as you will still get your console banned for hosting modded lobbies on games.

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