Post: playing online with mods, NON-JTAG???
05-06-2013, 04:20 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ok, do not destroy me if this is a dumb idea, or has been tried, as I mod ps3, but play a lot of xbox.

So on ps3 people data transfer from their CFW(modded) console to their retail, and from there they can play online with mods like patches and such. I know xbox has a transfer cable method, and from what I understand is that it transfers everything from one xbox to another. Would one be able to apply a patch on a JTAG, and then use the transfer cable method to get it on their retail xbox? Pretty much is there a similar method on xbox as there is data transferring on ps3 to mod online?

My very basic understanding from watching one video on youtube is that on a jtag, xex menu must be opened, and then the game must be launched, so that cannot be done on a retail no matter what, which would disprove my idea.

Anyhow that is all. Please refrain from destroying me if this is a dumb idea or insulting me for being on ps3 and offering ideas in the complicated JTAG world.
05-06-2013, 12:04 PM #2
Originally posted by SquatterCrab View Post
Anyhow that is all. Please refrain from destroying me if this is a dumb idea or insulting me for being on ps3 and offering ideas in the complicated JTAG world.

There used to be a way a few years ago but I havent touched MW2 or MW3 in years. People with JTAG or RGH used to system link with a retail xbox. Then during the system link lobby, the JTAG or RGH profile would inject mods into the retail profile. There was only so much mods you can be infected with. Like, you couldnt do "lobbies" with them, just wall hack, UAV hack and lasers.....other than that not much else.
05-15-2013, 01:22 PM #3
there was always alot of 'modded lobies' on cod4 that allowed you to have infections, look around you should find something

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