Post: Kinect can be deactivated... But not not removed...
05-28-2013, 09:56 AM #1
Former Staff
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Jeff Henshaw, the group program manager for Xbox Incubation, has told You must login or register to view this content. in a new interview that users will be able to switch the camera off.

"If you want privacy, we’ll give you modes that ensure your privacy," he said.

"We will have something similar for the Kinect with Xbox One. The system is designed to have Kinect be an integral part of the experience. It's not the case where you’ll be able to remove the camera altogether. But you’ll be able to put the system in modes where you can be completely secure about the fact that the camera is off and can’t see you."

This new comes after it was reported that Australian authorities revealed that they had privacy concerns surrounding the Xbox One.

"Microsoft's new Xbox meets the definition of a surveillance device under some Australian laws, so they need to be upfront and tell customers whether anyone else can intercept their information or remotely access their device," Civil Liberties Australia director Tim Vines told You must login or register to view this content..

"People should have the ability to turn off the camera or microphone, even if it limits the functionality of the machine. If Microsoft doesn’t allow that, then people should vote with their wallets and skip the next Xbox."

Sources, see links above.
05-28-2013, 10:57 AM #2
Like A.....
I'm sorry i can't let you do that Dave

The following 2 users say thank you to boss10000 for this useful post:

-Skyline, xSoulEdge
05-28-2013, 04:42 PM #3
The more I hear about Kinect, the more I think about HAL 9000 :ha!:
Last edited by -Skyline ; 05-28-2013 at 04:46 PM.

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