Badland: Game of the Year Edition
Badland is an atmospheric side-scrolling action adventure game that takes platforming to the next level with innovative use of physics in level design. The game immerses players in an audiovisual gaming experience through a lush forest full of various inhabitants, trees and flowers. Although the forest looks like it's from some beautiful fairytale, there seems to be something terribly wrong. You control one of the forest's inhabitants, on a journey to discover what's going on. Through the quest. you discover astonishing amount of imaginative traps and obstacles.
Badland: Game of the Year Edition is redesigned and builds on the hand-painted graphics of the original with enhanced Full-HD visuals. The controls have been expanded for the analog stick and triggers. The Game of Year Edition features over 4 times more content than the original did when it was launched. It has over 15 hours and 100 levels of single-player story content and 100 co-op and 27 multiplayer deathmatch stages in an up-to-four-person local multiplayer mode.