Death Stranding
In "Death Stranding," players control a courier named Sam Porter Bridges, portrayed by Norman Reedus, who is tasked with delivering cargo across a post-apocalyptic United States. The world has been ravaged by mysterious supernatural entities known as "Beached Things" (BTs), which are invisible to most humans but can sense them and are lethal upon touch.
As Sam, players travel across the country on foot, by vehicle, or with a specialized "exoskeleton" that allows them to carry heavier loads. Along the way, Sam encounters other survivors, hostile human factions, and various environmental hazards.
The game also includes a unique multiplayer feature that allows players to interact with each other indirectly, leaving behind helpful items or structures that other players can use in their own games.
The story of "Death Stranding" is centered around themes of human connection, life, death, and the importance of community in the face of isolation and disaster.