Hey All,
Well the time has come to release my latest update for Advanced Warfare, I'm glad to say as well me and Rawdog have now teamed up in making tools for everyone. So i will be offering this tool along side of his, Me and Rawdog both worked on this new tool for everyone to bring one of the best tools the community has seen yet. Any bugs shall be fixed as soon as we find them or as soon as we can. Some of you may not like this but we have decided to sell this tool as well, Normally I am against selling tools, but our tools are 1 of a kind and we offer you things no one has, So we think its worth what we are selling for. All future updates will be free of charge and we have many planned. If you would like to buy this tool, please contact us on Skype, I normally will reply instantly unless i am at work.
For now this tool only has Advanced Warfare, Ghosts, and Black ops 2, Modern Warfare 3, and BO1. Next update will include the rest of the cods.
The reason I decided to go paid only is because not many people realize how much time goes into making these tools, I normally spend hours and hours updating and coding and finding new things for everyone to enjoy, all use to be for free, very rarely did it actually pay off for me. So now going paid you all can expect updates on the tool like normal within 1-3 hours after an update has gone live, just like i have always done. Any bugs will be fixed right away, and if anyone wants something certain added we can talk about getting it in.
When you buy this tool OR rawdogs tool you will also receive the others(ex. Buy this tool, and you get rawdogs AW tool, buy his tool, get this tool as well)
(IF you get locked out or need download links again, please instead of complaining go to my site and hit contact us. You will be helped shortly. This way keeps it very clean and noob proof. - You must login or register to view this content. )
Tool opens normally within 20-30 seconds, Yes i know its a bit to wait, im currently trying to get startup time down to a few seconds, next update shall bring that
ToS -
Each Serial Code is for 1 Computer.
If we catch you sharing or breaking the rules you will be locked out and banned
IF you chargeback or open a dispute you will be banned
Pictures of tool:
Advanced Warfare Section -
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My browser blocked it as a virus or harmful
Don't worry about it, no virus's in tool, just protection
It doesnt open.
Make sure to download the version for what ccapi you are on, if still doesn't open after a minute, disable AV and try again.
Im still on 2.50 though how can i make it work?
Help i got banned.
Thats the risk you take modding, dont want to risk it, dont mod. Aw is banning for being on cfw so disable syscalls first.
Force Host froze me
We are aware, sometimes it does freeze, we are currently fixing this issue now
Why cant i use the XP lobby function or other HOST mods.
You NEED to be connected with TMAPI(DEX) and enable RPC for it to work. At this time it does not work on ccapi/cex. Maybe later down the road i will make it cex compatible as well.
How do you enable freeze fix or antiban
~How I do it~
Connect via CCAPI first(and attach) then enable antiban and freeze fix, then connect with TMAPI and enable antiban and freeze fix again(not needed but i still do it again) then you will not freeze while attaching with dex
Future Updates Planed...
More zombie mods and stats, ran out of time :/ another update coming very soon 
Adding the rest of CoD's within a week or so
Making tool load time almost instant
Adding Non-host and Host aimbot
Adding Class Editor for all classes(private and online) as of now its just the first class for both
Adding Modded Classes
Adding much much more host mods for all CoD's...Stay Tuned
New Buyers AW FULL PACK`: 25$ (If you have not bought any tools yet)
Ghost Buyers For AW FULL PACK : $20 ( If you have bought rawdogs Ghost tool)
AW Buyers All COD Extra By 1Austin112™ & RawDog : $6 ( If you have bought Rawdogs AW Tool)
New Buyers Full Ghost & AW Pack : $30 ( If you have not bought tools yet )
How to Connect / Enable Antiban
CCAPI 2.60 -
1.Load Game Offline.
2.Sign in by hitting PS button
3.Wait 10 seconds
4.Click Play Online
5.Connect and Attach Tool
6.Wait 5 Seconds
7.Hit Antiban
8. Enjoy Modding
1.Load Game Offline.
2.Sign in by hitting PS button
3.Wait 10 seconds
4.Click Play Online
5.Connect and Attach Tool BY USING CCAPI FIRST
6.Wait 5 Seconds
7.Hit Antiban and FREEZE FIX
8. Wait 5 seconds
9. Click Dex Bubble
10. Connect and Attach via dex(now you will not freeze)
11. Enjoy Modding
Credits(as if anyone still cares)
Anyone else that helped or that posted public offsets that i used for other cods.
I dont remember everyones names
(to anyone that gets upset that i didn't put anyones names...Get over yourself)
Main Features / Favorites
All Call of Duty RTM Tool(adding rest cods soon)
Dex / Cex Compatibility
Fully working Non Host Mods(alot new, not released ones)
Force Host
All Client Mods
XP Editor
Fully working unlock all(that does not mess stats up)
Multiplayer stat Editor
Combat Record Editor
Leaderboard Stats
Outfit Editor (With Grand Master Gear)
Medals Editor
Class Editor(currently for class 1 online and private, will add all classes soon)
Zombie Host Mods
Much Much More
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