Post: [RELEASE] Red-EyeX32 - Advanced Warfare Save Editor v1.1.0.0
11-12-2014, 04:53 AM #1
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Since I got a reset on Advanced Warfare and this is my 1,000 post, I would like to announce this save editor for Advanced Warfare for the Playstation 3 console that I had been working on since the release of the game!

It would give you the ability to add the DVARs to your liking, and you can customize the player settings. I changed the design a bit, since all of my old editors used the same design and made it look boring and small. It has many new features like a DVAR slider that lets you change the value of the DVAR with just sliding the slider.

This will parse the save file correctly and give you the full potential of modding the game.

I'll let the pictures do the talking:
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The player settings tab you can edit your player settings, such as jump height, walk & sprint speed, and a few basic other options, the settings tab you can edit a multiple of in game variables, you can edit dvars such as your FOV (Field of View; Pro-Mod), health, ammo, and pretty much every default variable, and last but not least, the advanced you can edit game segments, this is pretty advanced, and you don't really need to worry about it unless you know what you're doing.

How To Use Tool:
- Copy Advanced Warfare save data from the Playstation 3 to USB drive.
- Start up application and open the game save folder in the USB.
- Edit The game saves however you like.
- Press save to save every changes to have made to the save file.
- Copy back to the Playstation 3 and you should be good to go.

I would like to give a big shoutout to unknown v2 for being an awesome person and answering my questions. One of the smartest people I know!

Changes in v1.1.0.0 update:
- Added a new icon for the application.
- Localization bug fixed, should work for European users now!
- Fixed bug where the game map glitches out.

Make sure you make a backup. Please report any problems to me immediately!

Also when saving make sure that two message boxes appear before closing the app because it won't fix the hashes!

Download Link:
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Virus scan (false positives):
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Any donation would be appreciated!

Enjoy guys and girls!
Last edited by Red-EyeX32 ; 11-22-2014 at 06:03 AM.

The following 79 users say thank you to Red-EyeX32 for this useful post:

/SneakerStreet/, Hammy, One, anxify, Arrow_Modz, Bad Luck Brian, Dank, bhoot-iq, Boliberrys, YouAppreciateMe, Chris, Cien, CodJumper:, dara jihan, Dark Nacho, DarkPulseModz, dolby1, EliteHackzPS3, ErasedDev, eTGxAlbo, EVaSii0Nz, Fatpabs, Fizzy Joon, Frank Ryan, Funzaur, Geo, GermanSmokezZ, GFM, HackersForHire, Im Not Boobdidas, zL_j8hnb, Jakes625, jim16127, justeve, King, KingSavagee, lawless___, Marco_Legend, marcos_mala, MedioHazard, MODZ4FUN420, moekroeman, MymyMODDING, nadeem360, Darth Saul, P$ycho, PSNModz, RatchetBooty, real1983, RoxiiC, ScaRzModZ, Script Kiddie, seb5594, SHAkA, simon8952, Kronos, SnaY, Stunz, SubTheKy3s, Swaqq, Swiss, SyGnUs, Tha_NinJa!, The_Gazra, TheNewLegit, UpdatedPs3Hacks, vicious_results, Laser, worrorfight, xIce KiLLaH, xKrazy SicknesS, xMrJR, Xx-GIPPI-xX, YouViolateMe
11-12-2014, 04:55 AM #2
Can’t trickshot me!
noice work Awesome face
11-12-2014, 04:55 AM #3
nice <3
11-12-2014, 04:57 AM #4
Trippy Hippy
Implement a backup feature into the program.

(creates backup by default and works in memory, then applies changes only upon save button)

just to prevent corruption issues.
11-12-2014, 05:30 AM #5
Nice job
11-12-2014, 05:44 AM #6
Im Not Boobdidas
Do a barrel roll!
Looks great Happy
11-12-2014, 08:56 AM #7
That don`t work for me
Which Version of Advanced Warfare is needed ?
Here are two Screenshots of my Problem:
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11-12-2014, 12:08 PM #8
doesnt work
11-12-2014, 02:02 PM #9
Originally posted by RoxiiC View Post
That don`t work for me
Which Version of Advanced Warfare is needed ?
Here are two Screenshots of my Problem:
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It works perfectly fine for me, provide me your save files so I can see what is wrong! Winky Winky

Originally posted by phily4mary View Post
doesnt work

Instead of saying it doesn't work, tell me what is wrong and provide me your save file so I can fix the problem.

Originally posted by Scar81123486 View Post

Why am I a douche for releasing something for the community?
You're a douche for posting irrelevant posts!

The following 4 users say thank you to Red-EyeX32 for this useful post:

Boliberrys, dhall86, MW2Qu1cksc0pez, Kronos
11-12-2014, 03:23 PM #10
it says decryted 3 files then i ok then it brings up this You must login or register to view this content.

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