Post: Advanced Warfare C++ Script Thread
11-05-2014, 04:48 AM #1
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Welcome and feel free to post yours below Smile
Some Addresses

Client Functions:

Fair Aimbot
namespace Aimbot
int G_Client(int clientIndex) {return Offsets::G_Client + ( clientIndex * Offsets::G_Client_Size ); }
int G_Entity(int clientIndex) {return Offsets::G_Entity + ( clientIndex * Offsets::G_Entity_Size ); }

bool CheckTeam(int Client, int OtherClient)
int Attacker = *(int*)(G_Client(Client) + Offsets::Team);
int Victim = *(int*)(G_Client(OtherClient) + Offsets::Team);
if(Attacker == Victim)
return true;
return false;

float GetStance(int client)
if(*(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 262144 || *(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 393216)
return 24;//crouched
else if(*(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 655360 || *(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 52428Cool Man (aka Tustin)
return 42;//prone
else if(*(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 0 || *(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 131072)
return -3;//standing

bool CheckIfLiving(int client)
if(*(int*)(G_Entity(client) + Offsets::Health) != 0)
return true;
else return false;

bool ClientIsInGame(int clientIndex)
if(*(int*)G_Client(clientIndex) != 0)
return true;
else return false;

struct Vec3
float x, y, z;

Vec3 Difference;
Vec3 GetVec(Vec3 Attacker, Vec3 Target)
Difference.x = (Target.x - Attacker.x);
Difference.y = (Target.y - Attacker.y);
Difference.z = (Target.z - Attacker.z);
return Difference;

float dx, dy, dz;
float Get3dDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2 )
float dx = c2.x - c1.x;
float dy = c2.y - c1.y;
float dz = c2.z - c1.z;

return sqrt((float)((dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz)));

Vec3 vec;
Vec3 GetPlayerOrigin(int Client)
vec = *(Vec3*)(G_Client(Client) + Offsets::Origin);
return vec;

Vec3 VecV;
Vec3 GetPlayerOriginVictim(int Client)
VecV = *(Vec3*)(G_Client(Client) + Offsets::Origin);
VecV.z -= GetStance(Client);
return VecV;

int Nearest;
int GetNearestPlayer(int Client)
float MaxDistance = 99999999;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i ++)
Vec3 Attacker = GetPlayerOrigin(Client);
Vec3 Vic = GetPlayerOrigin(i);
float ActualDistance = Get3dDistance(Attacker, Vic);
if ((i != Client) && CheckIfLiving(i) && ClientIsInGame(i))
if(cstrcmp(Func:Happyvar_GetString("ui_gametype"), "dm") == 0)
if (ActualDistance < MaxDistance)
Nearest = i;
MaxDistance = ActualDistance;
if(!CheckTeam(Client, i))
if (ActualDistance < MaxDistance)
Nearest = i;
MaxDistance = ActualDistance;
return Nearest;

float angles[3];
float* vectoangles(Vec3 Angles)
float forward;
float yaw, pitch;
float PI = 3.1415926535897931;
if (Angles.x == 0 && Angles.y == 0)
yaw = 0;
if (Angles.z > 0) pitch = 90.00;
else pitch = 270.00;
if (Angles.x != -1) yaw = (float)(atan2((double)Angles.y, (double)Angles.x) * 180.00 / PI);
else if (Angles.y > 0) yaw = 90.00;
else yaw = 270;
if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360.00;

forward = (float)sqrt((double)(Angles.x * Angles.x + Angles.y * Angles.y));
pitch = (float)(atan2((double)Angles.z, (double)forward) * 180.00 / PI);
if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360.00;
angles[0] = -pitch;
angles[1] = yaw;
angles[2] = 0;

return angles;

opd_s Setangles_t = { Offsets::SetClientViewAngles, TOC };
void(*SetClientViewAnlges)(int Ent, float* Angles) = (void(*)(int , float*))&Setangles_t;

void SetViewAngles(int Client)
int Victim = GetNearestPlayer(Client);
float* Angles = vectoangles(GetVec(GetPlayerOrigin(Client), GetPlayerOriginVictim(Victim)));
SetClientViewAnlges(G_Entity(Client), Angles);

Health Bar
// add these to your spawn huds:
Vars::ClientHUD[i].HealthBar = HUDS::SetShader(i, 88, 202, 15, 210, 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Vars::ClientHUD[i].HealthBar1 = HUDS::SetShader(i, 88, 200, 11, 211, 402, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0);
void HealthBar(int client)
HUDS::FadeOverTime(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar, 100, 0, 0, 0, 160);
HUDS::FadeOverTime(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar1, 100, 255, 255, 255, 160);
Func::iPrintlnBold(client, "Health bar: [ ^2Enabled ^7]");
Vars::Client[client].HealthBar = true;
HUDS::FadeOverTime(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);
HUDS::FadeOverTime(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar1, 100, 255, 255, 255, 0);
Func::iPrintlnBold(client, "Health bar: [ ^1Disabled ^7]");
Vars::Client[client].HealthBar = false;

void DoHealthBar(int client)
int Health = *(int*)(G_Entity(client) + Offsets::Health);
if(Vars::Client[client].HealthSet != Health)
HUDS::ScaleWidth(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar1, (Health * 2));
Vars::Client[client].HealthSet = Health;

Third Person
void ThirdPerson(int client)
SetDvar(client, "4 1");
iPrintlnBold(client, "ThirdPerson: [ ^2Enabled ^7]");
Vars::Client[client].ThirdPerson = true;
SetDvar(client, "4 0");
iPrintlnBold(client, "ThirdPerson: [ ^1Disabled ^7]");
Vars::Client[client].ThirdPerson = false;

Button monitoring
namespace Buttons //Credits to Zim Zam Bim Bam
enum Buttons
L1 = 526336,
L2 = 32768,
L3 = 8194,
R1 = 1,
R2 = 16384,
R3 = 67108868,
Cross = 1024,
Square = 48,
Crouch = 512,
Prone = 256,
Start = 8388608,

bool DetectBtn(int client, int Buttons)
if (*(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x3DB4) == Buttons)
return true;
else return false;

opd_s Add_Ammo_t = { Offsets::Add_Ammo, TOC };
void(*Add_Ammo)(int* G_Entity, unsigned int WeaponIndex, char WeaponModel, int Count, int FillClip) = (void(*)(int*, unsigned int, char, int, int))&Add_Ammo_t;

opd_s G_GivePlayerWeapon_t = { Offsets::G_GivePlayerWeapon, TOC };
void(*G_GivePlayerWeapon)(int* G_Client, int WeaponIndex, char ModelIndex) = (void(*)(int*, int, char))&G_GivePlayerWeapon_t;

opd_s BG_FindWeaponIndexForName_t = { Offsets::BG_FindWeaponIndexForName, TOC };
void(*BG_FindWeaponIndexForName)(int buffer, const char* Weapon) = (void(*)(int, const char*))&BG_FindWeaponIndexForName_t;

int GetWeaponIndex(const char* Weapon)
BG_FindWeaponIndexForName(0x1100000, Weapon);
return *(int*)0x1100000;

void GiveWeapon(int Client, const char* Weapon, int Akimbo = 0)
int Index = GetWeaponIndex(Weapon);
G_GivePlayerWeapon((int*)G_Client(Client), Index, Akimbo);
Add_Ammo((int*)G_Entity(Client), Index, 0, 9999, 1);
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "a %i \"", Index, "\"");
SV_GSSC(Client, buf);

opd_s SV = { Offsets::Sv_GameSendServerCommand, TOC };
void(*svgssc)(int client, int type, char* cmd) = (void(*)(int, int, char*))&SV;
#pragma region SV_GameSendServerCommand
void SV_GSSC(int client, char* command)
svgssc(client, 0, command);

void iPrintlnBold(int client, char* text)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "c \"%s%s", text, "\"");
SV_GSSC(client, buf);

void iPrintln(int client, char* text)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "f \"%s%s", text, "\"");
SV_GSSC(client, buf);

void SetBlur(int client, int BlurAmount)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "i _ %i", BlurAmount);
SV_GSSC(client, buf);

void SetVision(int client, char* Vision)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "J \"%s%s", Vision, "\"");
SV_GSSC(client, buf);

void SetDvar(int client, char* Dvar)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "q \"%s%s", Dvar, "\"");
SV_GSSC(client, buf);
#pragma endregion

Game Functions:

opd_s Dvar_GetString_t = { Offsets:Happyvar_GetString, TOC };
const char*(*Dvar_GetString)(const char* Dvar) = (const char*(*)(const char*))&Awesome facevar_GetString_t;

opd_s Dvar_GetBool_t = { Offsets:Happyvar_GetBool, TOC };
bool(*Dvar_GetBool)(const char* Dvar) = (bool(*)(const char*))&Awesome facevar_GetBool_t;

opd_s Com_sprintf_t = { Offsets::Com_Sprintf, TOC };
int(*Com_sprintf)(char *dest, int size, const char *fmt, ...) = (int(*)(char* , int, char const *, ...))&Com_sprintf_t;

opd_s G_FindConfigstringIndex_t = { Offsets::G_FindConfigstringIndex, TOC };
int(*G_FindConfigstringIndex)(const char *name, int start, int max, int create, const char *errormsg) = (int(*)(const char*, int, int, int, const char*))&G_FindConfigstringIndex_t;

int G_MaterialIndex(const char *name)
return G_FindConfigstringIndex(name, 0xD95, 0x190, 1, "material");

int G_LocalizedStringIndex(const char *name)
return G_FindConfigstringIndex(name, 0x217, 0x28A, 1, "localized string");

Hud Elements
union hudelem_color_t
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
unsigned char a;
int rgba;

struct hudelem_s
int Active;
int font;
int alignOrg;
int alignScreen;
float x;
float y;
float z;
int type;
float FontScale;
int FromFontScale;
int FontScaleStartTime;
int FontScaleTime;
hudelem_color_t color;
hudelem_color_t fromColor;
int fadeStartTime;
int fadeTime;
int label;
int Width;
int Height;
int MaterialIndex;
int fromWidth;
int fromHeight;
int moveStartTime;
int moveTime;
float fromX;
float fromY;
int fromAlignOrg;
int fromAlignScreen;
int scaleStartTime;
int scaleTime;
int time;
int duration;
float value;
int text;
float sort;
hudelem_color_t glowColor;
int fxBirthTime;
int fxLetterTime;
int fxDecayStartTime;
int fxDecayDuration;
int soundID;
int unknown;
int flags;

struct game_hudelem_s
hudelem_s elem;
int ClientNum;
int team;
int archived;
int showInKillcam;

opd_s G_LocalizedStringIndex_t = { Offsets::G_LocalizedStringIndex, TOC };
int(*G_LocalizedStringIndex)(const char* Text) = (int(*)(const char*))&G_LocalizedStringIndex_t;

game_hudelem_s* HudElem_Alloc()
for (int i = 120; i < 1024; i++)
game_hudelem_s* elem = (game_hudelem_s*)(Offsets::G_HudElems + (i * 0xBC));
if (!elem->elem.type) return elem;
return (game_hudelem_s*)-1;

int GetLevelTime()
return *(int*)0x179D5C0;

game_hudelem_s* SetShader(int clientIndex, int Shader, int Width, int Height, float X, float Y, int Allign = 0, unsigned char R = 0, unsigned char G = 0, unsigned char B = 0, unsigned char A = 0)
game_hudelem_s* elem = HudElem_Alloc();
elem->ClientNum = clientIndex;
elem->elem.type = 4;
elem->elem.MaterialIndex = Shader;
elem->elem.Width = Width;
elem->elem.Height = Height;
elem->elem.x = X;
elem->elem.y = Y;
elem->elem.alignOrg = Allign;
elem->elem.color.r = R;
elem->elem.color.g = G;
elem->elem.color.b = B;
elem->elem.color.a = A;
elem->elem.Active = 1;
return elem;

game_hudelem_s* SetText(int clientIndex, const char* Text, int Font, float FontScale, float X, float Y, int Allign, float Sort, unsigned char R = 0, unsigned char G = 0, unsigned char B = 0, unsigned char A = 0, unsigned char glowR = 0, unsigned char glowG = 0, unsigned char glowB = 0, unsigned char glowA = 0)
game_hudelem_s* Elem = HudElem_Alloc();
Elem->ClientNum = clientIndex;
Elem->elem.type = 1;
Elem->elem.font = Font;
Elem->elem.FontScale = FontScale;
if (Allign != 0)
{ Elem->elem.alignOrg = 5; Elem->elem.alignScreen = Allign; Elem->elem.x = X; Elem->elem.y = Y; }
{ Elem->elem.x = X; Elem->elem.y = Y; }
Elem->elem.color.r = R;
Elem->elem.color.g = G;
Elem->elem.color.b = B;
Elem->elem.color.a = A;
Elem->elem.glowColor.r = glowR;
Elem->elem.glowColor.g = glowG;
Elem->elem.glowColor.b = glowB;
Elem->elem.glowColor.a = glowA;
Elem->elem.text = G_LocalizedStringIndex(Text);
Elem->elem.Active = 1;
return Elem;

void ChangeText(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, const char* Text)
elemIndex->elem.Text = G_LocalizedStringIndex(Text);

void MoveOverTime(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, int time, float X, float Y)
elemIndex->elem.FromX = elemIndex->elem.x;
elemIndex->elem.FromY = elemIndex->elem.y;
elemIndex->elem.MoveStartTime = GetLevelTime();
elemIndex->elem.MoveTime = time;
elemIndex->elem.x = X;
elemIndex->elem.y = Y;

void MoveShaderXY(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, float X, float Y)
elemIndex->elem.x = X;
elemIndex->elem.y = Y;

void ScaleOverTime(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, int time, int width, int height)
elemIndex->elem.FromHeight = elemIndex->elem.Height;
elemIndex->elem.FromWidth = elemIndex->elem.Width;
elemIndex->elem.ScaleStartTime = GetLevelTime();
elemIndex->elem.ScaleTime= time;
elemIndex->elem.Width = width;
elemIndex->elem.Height = height;

void FontScaleOverTime(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, float FontSize, int time)
elemIndex->elem.FromFontScale = elemIndex->elem.FontScale;
elemIndex->elem.FontScale = FontSize;
elemIndex->elem.FontScaleTime = time;
elemIndex->elem.FontScaleStartTime = GetLevelTime();

void SetGlow(game_hudelem_s* Text, int GlowR, int GlowG, int GlowB, int GlowA)
Text->elem.GlowColor.r = GlowR;
Text->elem.GlowColor.g = GlowG;
Text->elem.GlowColor.b = GlowB;
Text->elem.GlowColor.a = GlowA;

void FadeOverTime(game_hudelem_s* Elem, int Time, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, unsigned char A)
Elem->elem.FromColor = Elem->elem.Color;
Elem->elem.Color.r = R;
Elem->elem.Color.g = G;
Elem->elem.Color.b = B;
Elem->elem.Color.a = A;
Elem->elem.FadeTime = Time;
Elem->elem.FadeStartTime = GetLevelTime();


Last edited by OLDSCHOOLMODZHD ; 11-24-2014 at 09:43 PM. Reason: Updated for 1.04

The following 32 users say thank you to OLDSCHOOLMODZHD for this useful post:

Absolute Zero, Albus, BaSs_HaXoR, Boliberrys, Chinx Drugz, Defc0n_xD, Dynasty Modz, Eddie Mac, ErasedDev, Full-Evil, FusionIsDaName, iProgeny, Welsh, Jannik007, NickBeHaxing, NotALegitPlayer, ReqLobbies, SaberNGU, SC58, ScaRzModZ, smashedya, Smoky420, subkiller369, Swaqq, TheModedHacker, Tipton_Modz, top_top, TotalModzHD, xDebugKiller, xhevanlyx, zRayz-
01-18-2015, 11:40 PM #38
Little One
Originally posted by modz View Post
How do you find offsets?

Juts , esay , Simply having IDA and Analyze_Self.idc Smile

SC58 has a tutorial on this, go see it Smile

And TOC is Not offset ; but ADresse Smile
01-25-2015, 06:22 PM #39
^^ Sexy ^^
Originally posted by OLDSCHOOLMODZHD View Post
Welcome and feel free to post yours below Smile
Some Addresses

Client Functions:

Fair Aimbot
namespace Aimbot
int G_Client(int clientIndex) {return Offsets::G_Client + ( clientIndex * Offsets::G_Client_Size ); }
int G_Entity(int clientIndex) {return Offsets::G_Entity + ( clientIndex * Offsets::G_Entity_Size ); }

bool CheckTeam(int Client, int OtherClient)
int Attacker = *(int*)(G_Client(Client) + Offsets::Team);
int Victim = *(int*)(G_Client(OtherClient) + Offsets::Team);
if(Attacker == Victim)
return true;
return false;

float GetStance(int client)
if(*(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 262144 || *(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 393216)
return 24;//crouched
else if(*(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 655360 || *(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 52428Cool Man (aka Tustin)
return 42;//prone
else if(*(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 0 || *(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x5A) == 131072)
return -3;//standing

bool CheckIfLiving(int client)
if(*(int*)(G_Entity(client) + Offsets::Health) != 0)
return true;
else return false;

bool ClientIsInGame(int clientIndex)
if(*(int*)G_Client(clientIndex) != 0)
return true;
else return false;

struct Vec3
float x, y, z;

Vec3 Difference;
Vec3 GetVec(Vec3 Attacker, Vec3 Target)
Difference.x = (Target.x - Attacker.x);
Difference.y = (Target.y - Attacker.y);
Difference.z = (Target.z - Attacker.z);
return Difference;

float dx, dy, dz;
float Get3dDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2 )
float dx = c2.x - c1.x;
float dy = c2.y - c1.y;
float dz = c2.z - c1.z;

return sqrt((float)((dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz)));

Vec3 vec;
Vec3 GetPlayerOrigin(int Client)
vec = *(Vec3*)(G_Client(Client) + Offsets::Origin);
return vec;

Vec3 VecV;
Vec3 GetPlayerOriginVictim(int Client)
VecV = *(Vec3*)(G_Client(Client) + Offsets::Origin);
VecV.z -= GetStance(Client);
return VecV;

int Nearest;
int GetNearestPlayer(int Client)
float MaxDistance = 99999999;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i ++)
Vec3 Attacker = GetPlayerOrigin(Client);
Vec3 Vic = GetPlayerOrigin(i);
float ActualDistance = Get3dDistance(Attacker, Vic);
if ((i != Client) && CheckIfLiving(i) && ClientIsInGame(i))
if(cstrcmp(Func:Happyvar_GetString("ui_gametype"), "dm") == 0)
if (ActualDistance < MaxDistance)
Nearest = i;
MaxDistance = ActualDistance;
if(!CheckTeam(Client, i))
if (ActualDistance < MaxDistance)
Nearest = i;
MaxDistance = ActualDistance;
return Nearest;

float angles[3];
float* vectoangles(Vec3 Angles)
float forward;
float yaw, pitch;
float PI = 3.1415926535897931;
if (Angles.x == 0 && Angles.y == 0)
yaw = 0;
if (Angles.z > 0) pitch = 90.00;
else pitch = 270.00;
if (Angles.x != -1) yaw = (float)(atan2((double)Angles.y, (double)Angles.x) * 180.00 / PI);
else if (Angles.y > 0) yaw = 90.00;
else yaw = 270;
if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360.00;

forward = (float)sqrt((double)(Angles.x * Angles.x + Angles.y * Angles.y));
pitch = (float)(atan2((double)Angles.z, (double)forward) * 180.00 / PI);
if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360.00;
angles[0] = -pitch;
angles[1] = yaw;
angles[2] = 0;

return angles;

opd_s Setangles_t = { Offsets::SetClientViewAngles, TOC };
void(*SetClientViewAnlges)(int Ent, float* Angles) = (void(*)(int , float*))&Setangles_t;

void SetViewAngles(int Client)
int Victim = GetNearestPlayer(Client);
float* Angles = vectoangles(GetVec(GetPlayerOrigin(Client), GetPlayerOriginVictim(Victim)));
SetClientViewAnlges(G_Entity(Client), Angles);

Health Bar
// add these to your spawn huds:
Vars::ClientHUD[i].HealthBar = HUDS::SetShader(i, 88, 202, 15, 210, 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Vars::ClientHUD[i].HealthBar1 = HUDS::SetShader(i, 88, 200, 11, 211, 402, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0);
void HealthBar(int client)
HUDS::FadeOverTime(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar, 100, 0, 0, 0, 160);
HUDS::FadeOverTime(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar1, 100, 255, 255, 255, 160);
Func::iPrintlnBold(client, "Health bar: [ ^2Enabled ^7]");
Vars::Client[client].HealthBar = true;
HUDS::FadeOverTime(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);
HUDS::FadeOverTime(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar1, 100, 255, 255, 255, 0);
Func::iPrintlnBold(client, "Health bar: [ ^1Disabled ^7]");
Vars::Client[client].HealthBar = false;

void DoHealthBar(int client)
int Health = *(int*)(G_Entity(client) + Offsets::Health);
if(Vars::Client[client].HealthSet != Health)
HUDS::ScaleWidth(Vars::ClientHUD[client].HealthBar1, (Health * 2));
Vars::Client[client].HealthSet = Health;

Third Person
void ThirdPerson(int client)
SetDvar(client, "4 1");
iPrintlnBold(client, "ThirdPerson: [ ^2Enabled ^7]");
Vars::Client[client].ThirdPerson = true;
SetDvar(client, "4 0");
iPrintlnBold(client, "ThirdPerson: [ ^1Disabled ^7]");
Vars::Client[client].ThirdPerson = false;

Button monitoring
namespace Buttons //Credits to Zim Zam Bim Bam
enum Buttons
L1 = 526336,
L2 = 32768,
L3 = 8194,
R1 = 1,
R2 = 16384,
R3 = 67108868,
Cross = 1024,
Square = 48,
Crouch = 512,
Prone = 256,
Start = 8388608,

bool DetectBtn(int client, int Buttons)
if (*(int*)(G_Client(client) + 0x3DB4) == Buttons)
return true;
else return false;

opd_s Add_Ammo_t = { Offsets::Add_Ammo, TOC };
void(*Add_Ammo)(int* G_Entity, unsigned int WeaponIndex, char WeaponModel, int Count, int FillClip) = (void(*)(int*, unsigned int, char, int, int))&Add_Ammo_t;

opd_s G_GivePlayerWeapon_t = { Offsets::G_GivePlayerWeapon, TOC };
void(*G_GivePlayerWeapon)(int* G_Client, int WeaponIndex, char ModelIndex) = (void(*)(int*, int, char))&G_GivePlayerWeapon_t;

opd_s BG_FindWeaponIndexForName_t = { Offsets::BG_FindWeaponIndexForName, TOC };
void(*BG_FindWeaponIndexForName)(int buffer, const char* Weapon) = (void(*)(int, const char*))&BG_FindWeaponIndexForName_t;

int GetWeaponIndex(const char* Weapon)
BG_FindWeaponIndexForName(0x1100000, Weapon);
return *(int*)0x1100000;

void GiveWeapon(int Client, const char* Weapon, int Akimbo = 0)
int Index = GetWeaponIndex(Weapon);
G_GivePlayerWeapon((int*)G_Client(Client), Index, Akimbo);
Add_Ammo((int*)G_Entity(Client), Index, 0, 9999, 1);
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "a %i \"", Index, "\"");
SV_GSSC(Client, buf);

opd_s SV = { Offsets::Sv_GameSendServerCommand, TOC };
void(*svgssc)(int client, int type, char* cmd) = (void(*)(int, int, char*))&SV;
#pragma region SV_GameSendServerCommand
void SV_GSSC(int client, char* command)
svgssc(client, 0, command);

void iPrintlnBold(int client, char* text)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "c \"%s%s", text, "\"");
SV_GSSC(client, buf);

void iPrintln(int client, char* text)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "f \"%s%s", text, "\"");
SV_GSSC(client, buf);

void SetBlur(int client, int BlurAmount)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "i _ %i", BlurAmount);
SV_GSSC(client, buf);

void SetVision(int client, char* Vision)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "J \"%s%s", Vision, "\"");
SV_GSSC(client, buf);

void SetDvar(int client, char* Dvar)
char buf[100];
Com_sprintf(buf, 100, "q \"%s%s", Dvar, "\"");
SV_GSSC(client, buf);
#pragma endregion

Game Functions:

opd_s Dvar_GetString_t = { Offsets:Happyvar_GetString, TOC };
const char*(*Dvar_GetString)(const char* Dvar) = (const char*(*)(const char*))&Awesome facevar_GetString_t;

opd_s Dvar_GetBool_t = { Offsets:Happyvar_GetBool, TOC };
bool(*Dvar_GetBool)(const char* Dvar) = (bool(*)(const char*))&Awesome facevar_GetBool_t;

opd_s Com_sprintf_t = { Offsets::Com_Sprintf, TOC };
int(*Com_sprintf)(char *dest, int size, const char *fmt, ...) = (int(*)(char* , int, char const *, ...))&Com_sprintf_t;

opd_s G_FindConfigstringIndex_t = { Offsets::G_FindConfigstringIndex, TOC };
int(*G_FindConfigstringIndex)(const char *name, int start, int max, int create, const char *errormsg) = (int(*)(const char*, int, int, int, const char*))&G_FindConfigstringIndex_t;

int G_MaterialIndex(const char *name)
return G_FindConfigstringIndex(name, 0xD95, 0x190, 1, "material");

int G_LocalizedStringIndex(const char *name)
return G_FindConfigstringIndex(name, 0x217, 0x28A, 1, "localized string");

Hud Elements
union hudelem_color_t
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
unsigned char a;
int rgba;

struct hudelem_s
int Active;
int font;
int alignOrg;
int alignScreen;
float x;
float y;
float z;
int type;
float FontScale;
int FromFontScale;
int FontScaleStartTime;
int FontScaleTime;
hudelem_color_t color;
hudelem_color_t fromColor;
int fadeStartTime;
int fadeTime;
int label;
int Width;
int Height;
int MaterialIndex;
int fromWidth;
int fromHeight;
int moveStartTime;
int moveTime;
float fromX;
float fromY;
int fromAlignOrg;
int fromAlignScreen;
int scaleStartTime;
int scaleTime;
int time;
int duration;
float value;
int text;
float sort;
hudelem_color_t glowColor;
int fxBirthTime;
int fxLetterTime;
int fxDecayStartTime;
int fxDecayDuration;
int soundID;
int unknown;
int flags;

struct game_hudelem_s
hudelem_s elem;
int ClientNum;
int team;
int archived;
int showInKillcam;

opd_s G_LocalizedStringIndex_t = { Offsets::G_LocalizedStringIndex, TOC };
int(*G_LocalizedStringIndex)(const char* Text) = (int(*)(const char*))&G_LocalizedStringIndex_t;

game_hudelem_s* HudElem_Alloc()
for (int i = 120; i < 1024; i++)
game_hudelem_s* elem = (game_hudelem_s*)(Offsets::G_HudElems + (i * 0xBC));
if (!elem->elem.type) return elem;
return (game_hudelem_s*)-1;

int GetLevelTime()
return *(int*)0x179D5C0;

game_hudelem_s* SetShader(int clientIndex, int Shader, int Width, int Height, float X, float Y, int Allign = 0, unsigned char R = 0, unsigned char G = 0, unsigned char B = 0, unsigned char A = 0)
game_hudelem_s* elem = HudElem_Alloc();
elem->ClientNum = clientIndex;
elem->elem.type = 4;
elem->elem.MaterialIndex = Shader;
elem->elem.Width = Width;
elem->elem.Height = Height;
elem->elem.x = X;
elem->elem.y = Y;
elem->elem.alignOrg = Allign;
elem->elem.color.r = R;
elem->elem.color.g = G;
elem->elem.color.b = B;
elem->elem.color.a = A;
elem->elem.Active = 1;
return elem;

game_hudelem_s* SetText(int clientIndex, const char* Text, int Font, float FontScale, float X, float Y, int Allign, float Sort, unsigned char R = 0, unsigned char G = 0, unsigned char B = 0, unsigned char A = 0, unsigned char glowR = 0, unsigned char glowG = 0, unsigned char glowB = 0, unsigned char glowA = 0)
game_hudelem_s* Elem = HudElem_Alloc();
Elem->ClientNum = clientIndex;
Elem->elem.type = 1;
Elem->elem.font = Font;
Elem->elem.FontScale = FontScale;
if (Allign != 0)
{ Elem->elem.alignOrg = 5; Elem->elem.alignScreen = Allign; Elem->elem.x = X; Elem->elem.y = Y; }
{ Elem->elem.x = X; Elem->elem.y = Y; }
Elem->elem.color.r = R;
Elem->elem.color.g = G;
Elem->elem.color.b = B;
Elem->elem.color.a = A;
Elem->elem.glowColor.r = glowR;
Elem->elem.glowColor.g = glowG;
Elem->elem.glowColor.b = glowB;
Elem->elem.glowColor.a = glowA;
Elem->elem.text = G_LocalizedStringIndex(Text);
Elem->elem.Active = 1;
return Elem;

void ChangeText(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, const char* Text)
elemIndex->elem.Text = G_LocalizedStringIndex(Text);

void MoveOverTime(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, int time, float X, float Y)
elemIndex->elem.FromX = elemIndex->elem.x;
elemIndex->elem.FromY = elemIndex->elem.y;
elemIndex->elem.MoveStartTime = GetLevelTime();
elemIndex->elem.MoveTime = time;
elemIndex->elem.x = X;
elemIndex->elem.y = Y;

void MoveShaderXY(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, float X, float Y)
elemIndex->elem.x = X;
elemIndex->elem.y = Y;

void ScaleOverTime(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, int time, int width, int height)
elemIndex->elem.FromHeight = elemIndex->elem.Height;
elemIndex->elem.FromWidth = elemIndex->elem.Width;
elemIndex->elem.ScaleStartTime = GetLevelTime();
elemIndex->elem.ScaleTime= time;
elemIndex->elem.Width = width;
elemIndex->elem.Height = height;

void FontScaleOverTime(game_hudelem_s* elemIndex, float FontSize, int time)
elemIndex->elem.FromFontScale = elemIndex->elem.FontScale;
elemIndex->elem.FontScale = FontSize;
elemIndex->elem.FontScaleTime = time;
elemIndex->elem.FontScaleStartTime = GetLevelTime();

void SetGlow(game_hudelem_s* Text, int GlowR, int GlowG, int GlowB, int GlowA)
Text->elem.GlowColor.r = GlowR;
Text->elem.GlowColor.g = GlowG;
Text->elem.GlowColor.b = GlowB;
Text->elem.GlowColor.a = GlowA;

void FadeOverTime(game_hudelem_s* Elem, int Time, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, unsigned char A)
Elem->elem.FromColor = Elem->elem.Color;
Elem->elem.Color.r = R;
Elem->elem.Color.g = G;
Elem->elem.Color.b = B;
Elem->elem.Color.a = A;
Elem->elem.FadeTime = Time;
Elem->elem.FadeStartTime = GetLevelTime();


U never posted the Addresses :c

The following user thanked Boliberrys for this useful post:

01-25-2015, 07:41 PM #40
Little One
Originally posted by Boliberrys View Post
U never posted the Addresses :c

This is not useful, the other person's release ^^ On section AW , Or Sticky Thread
01-25-2015, 08:32 PM #41
^^ Sexy ^^
Originally posted by Lebigkilleur View Post
This is not useful, the other person's release ^^ On section AW , Or Sticky Thread

I know, but i want Addresses that OSM has, and havent been posted on the other thread :c
01-25-2015, 09:01 PM #42
Little One
Originally posted by Boliberrys View Post
I know, but i want Addresses that OSM has, and havent been posted on the other thread :c

What address do you need ? I can try to find them Happy
01-26-2015, 12:53 AM #43
^^ Sexy ^^
Originally posted by Lebigkilleur View Post
What address do you need ? I can try to find them Happy

The ones used here You must login or register to view this content.
01-26-2015, 06:26 AM #44
Space Ninja
the login say fail to login plz fix bro
01-26-2015, 06:39 AM #45
Space Ninja
login failed on aw bro and on ghost failed to login please fix bro plz thanks
Last edited by sambuck ; 01-26-2015 at 06:44 AM.
01-26-2015, 08:17 PM #46
^^ Sexy ^^
Originally posted by sambuck View Post
login failed on aw bro and on ghost failed to login please fix bro plz thanks

Wtf? This is a Script Thread... What login?

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