Post: [EASY] Make $45+ Per Hour Using Your iDevice. No referalls. No surveys. No Joke.
06-27-2011, 05:40 AM #1
Saint Jimmy
And don't wear it out.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This method no longer works in the way originally intended. I'm leaving the post here for experimentation, so that some clever young person may come along and find a new method based on this one, but in the mean time, the chances of actually being able to redeem your points have dropped immensely since shortly after this was publicly released. You can still use this to get yourself a lot of points, but there is a high change of you not being able to do anything with them, at least for a long time.
I'm calling this one patch. I apologize to everybody that did not successfully get anything for their points.

Also, I'm getting several messages about how to unban or uncompromise accounts. Well to put it this way, your account may not actually be banned right now (if you receive an email from AppRedeem saying so, then you're banned). Many users just have compromised accounts.

If our testing is to be believed, all AppRedeem users currently have compromised accounts. Basically just an added security measure by AppRedeem, so they can manually check everyone's account.

There are ways to bypass the ban, but there's no reason to as long as they're still marking all accounts as compromised. Once they no longer do that, I'll be glad to help out those who need help Smile


Let me start off by saying that this is, without a doubt, the easiest money making scheme in the world. You can, if you want to, make the process completely automated, earning around $45 per hour by leaving your iDevice and your PC on in the same house.

And the greatest part? It's legal. Completely legal.

Now, if I understand correctly, you're currently thinking:
Originally posted by another user
Yeah. !@#$ing. Right.

I hear you. But let me just say, I've spent about a week working on this, and I've perfected it to the point where today, two friends and I left our iPods on, left for a few hours, came back, and we had each made $50.

It's that simple.

All you need is a jailbroken iPod or iPhone (maybe even an iPad) and a PC.
And it works.

Interested? Read on. Not? Well, there's clearly something wrong with you Winky Winky
(And I know it's a long tutorial, but it really only takes 5 minutes to set up!)


Step 1: The Setup

First of all, let's make sure you have everything you need.

1) On your Jailbroken iPod or iPhone, go into Cydia, and make sure you have OpenSSH installed (if you've ever FTP'd into your iDevice before, then you've got it). OpenSSH is available for free from saurik's repo, which is included with Cydia. You will also want a multitasking enabled iDevice (probably; you may be able to get this to work without it, but it's recommended). Certain apps such as "MyOS" from Cydia will allow you to enable this feature on any device.

2) Do you have a PC on the same WiFi network as your iDevice?
If yes, then looks like you have everything you need. Moving on Smile

Step 2: Set Up AppRedeem

("Oh no, I've heard about this AppRedeem before, is this post the exact same thing?")
Nope. We're going to be exploiting AppRedeem for infinite money. Different post.

If you already have AppRedeem set up, have an account, etc., go ahead and skip to the next bold step.

1) Open up Safari, and go to:

2) First of all, follow the instructions to install the web app on your device, by tapping on the arrow at the bottom of Safari and hitting "Add to Home Screen". This will close Safari, and make a new icon on your SpringBoard. Tap the icon to open AppRedeem again.

3) Once it loads, go to Settings (at the bottom right) and select "Create Account". It will ask you to register your device. Do so.

4) Once AppRedeem registers your device and reopens, go to Settings and select "Create Account" again. Enter your actual email, along with a username and password that you can remember.

5) Go to the "Apps" section of AppRedeem, and download and install a free app. Open the app, wait for everything to load, and then go back to AppRedeem. You should have 15 points. If so, continue on. If not, try a different app, and make sure it loads all the way.

You need to have more than zero points in your account. I'll explain why later.

Step 3: Set Up Your PC

When I first discovered this exploit, it took a long time to get it working on the computer. Luckily, I'm a pretty decent programmer.

1) Download my program here:

(Virus Scan: [Being Uploaded])

2) Extract the .zip file that you downloaded, and you'll see many files, and one folder called "data". Open that folder.

3) Start "WinSCP.exe" from inside the data folder. You should see a screen with several empty textboxes if you've never used WinSCP before. (If you have used it before, just hit the "New" button on the right to get to this screen).

4) Fill out the boxes as follows:

Host name: [Your iDevice's IP Address, from Settings>Wifi>Blue Arrow Next to Network Name]
Port number: 22
User name: root
Password: alpine
Private key file: [leave blank]
File protocol: SFTP, and leave the "Allow SCP Feedback" box checked.

5) Now hit the "Login" button. It should connect after a few seconds, and once it's done, you should see some of your iDevice's contents (probably two folders named "Library" and "Media"). You can now close WinSCP, hitting the "X" at the top right, and then "OK".

Step 4: Running AppRedemption

(AppRedemption being the name given to my program)

1) Leave the "data" folder, going back to the main folder of the .zip that you downloaded.

2) Start AppRedemption.exe. This program wirelessly communicates with your device, so you might need to allow it access through certain security programs (namely McAfee).

3) Enter your iDevice's IP address at the top, but don't click start yet.

Step 5: Not sure what to call it but this is where the fun happens

1) Go back to your iPhone/iPod. Go to the SpringBoard (main screen) and close everything out of Multitasking. Yes, everything.

2) On your computer, hit the "Start" button on AppRedemption.

3) Wait a few seconds (I'd give it about 5) and then start up AppRedeem on your iDevice.

4) Once everything loads, you should have zero points. If so, congratulations, it's easy sailing from here Winky Winky (If not, make sure you're following my directions closely, double check your IP, and reconnect using WinSCP, and try it all again).

5) Go to "Enter Bonus Code". Enter in your real account's name, that you made earlier. Before hitting "Submit Code", select your username and hit "Copy". Trust me.

6) Submit the code. You just got $0.25 onto your real account.

7) Quit out of AppRedeem, open the Multitasking bar, and close AppRedeem there too. Make absolutely sure that it is closed in Multitasking.

Cool Man (aka Tustin) Start AppRedeem again. If all goes well, you will have zero points Happy
(Quick explanation of what's going on):
The program I made gives you a new account every time you restart AppRedeem. Why is this useful? Well, although the $0.25 doesn't stay on these temporary accounts when you restart AppRedeem, each time you do this, $0.25 is added to your real account. Once you log back in, you'll have earned a quarter for every time you do this Awesome face

9) Go to "Enter Bonus Code" and submit your username again (you can just paste it in now, told you so Smile). Submit your name, and $0.25 cents will be added to your real account!

Repeat steps 7, 8, and 9, and each time you do it, you'll get $0.25 cents on your real account. With a little practice (like 5 minutes worth), it will take you around 20 seconds to get $0.25. Do the math.

Step 6: Finishing Up

Once you're done reaping your massive rewards, quit completely out of AppRedeem (including from Multitasking!), and hit "Stop" on my program, on the PC. Wait a few seconds, and then open up AppRedeem on your iDevice, You should be back on your regular account, which now has a lot more money.

If you're not on your regular account, go to Settings (On your iDevice, not AppRedeem) > Safari > Clear Cache, and then start AppRedeem. You'll need to reregister your device, but once you do, you'll have your old account back.

Step 7: Cashing Out

Go to the "Redeem" section of AppRedeem, and you'll see a bunch of selections to use your points (Hint: 100 points = $1). Select one you like, and hit "Redeem".

If you're lucky, the payment will instantly go through, and you'll have more money in your PayPal, or a new gift code to a store.

If not, you'll receive a message saying that your account may have been "compromised".
As some of you may no, this is a common problem with AppRedeem, and unfortunately has been occurring often recently. Hitting the "Contact Now" button will bring up a pre-composed email. Just hit "Send" and hope for the best (sometimes you'll get a reply back saying your account has been uncompromised, within 0-2 days, and sometimes you won't. Just keep sending emails, and sorry for their lack of customer service).

(Note: Check out my new notes on the compromised accounts, in the other parts of this thread)

If I guess correctly, I think they're redoing their system right now, and thus most accounts will receive this message, whether you used this exploit or not. Just wait it out, and you'll be able to check your money out soon (I just got a reply back after about a week, and cashed out about $20 worth of points. Be patient Winky Winky)

And thus... infinite money.


Thanks to the team who made this possible, namely You must login or register to view this content., You must login or register to view this content., and You must login or register to view this content..

Without them, this probably would have never come together, and you wouldn't be able to make the ridiculous amount of money that you can using this method.

I would appreciate it (I'm sure they would too) if you could just give them a visitor message saying thanks if this worked for you, hopefully with enough encouragement we can make a better exploit than this, maybe involving a system that isn't currently undergoing maintenance =D

And also, this tutorial isn't quite finished. I'll be adding a few more things as soon as I get a chance, including:
-Very Basic Tutorial (if you've practically never touched an iPod before)
-Advanced Tutorial (to make money even faster)
-Complete Automation (how to do this while you're not even touching your iPod).
(For complete automation, you can do it without a tutorial by using a VNC viewer to open your iPod's screen on the computer, and then record a macro that takes care of everything for you. Actual tutorial coming soon, if it's requested enough Happy)
-Video Tutorial, if requested enough!

If you have any questions, I'll be glad to help you out as best as I can.

And finally, proof that this does get you an infinite amount of points on AppRedeem:
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Video Proof: You must login or register to view this content.


Thus concludes my 2,000th post on NextGenUpdate. I hope it was worth something to everybody =D[multipage=Why Your Account is "Compromised" ]So, I just had a nice, long, conversation with a somewhat helpful AppRedeem representative over the phone. Here's a basic summary of what's going on.

First of all, your account being compromised is a common problem, caused by a number of different reasons.

One, which may affect some of the people here, is having a very excessive number of referrals (having a certain amount automatically marks your account as compromised, for security reasons).

Of course, there are other reasons too, including just some small glitches in the system that automatically flag some accounts, which can be resolved by simply emailing them.

When the representative asked me how I had gotten so may referrals, I simply said that I had made a post on an online forum about AppRedeem, and got a lot of referrals from that.

Naturally, he said that I just need to send the link to them to clear everything, and then they'd uncompromise my account.

Of course, I don't have a post about this somewhere (other than this one, which I doubt they'd find acceptable :p) so to prevent yourself being in the situation I'm in, I'd recommend the following:

1) If you haven't started this exploit yet, find a small forum on the internet (we all have them, just something with maybe 1,000 registered users; there's plenty of them), make sure there's not already a post about AppRedeem, and then create one. In the event that they ask you for a link, you can send them that Awesome face

2) If you've already made a lot of referrals, first, wait a few days to see if they'll clear your account just from the standard email, and if not, say that you told some of your friends about AppRedeem, and they signed up to enter your name and help you out, and then one of your friends, being as eccentric as he is, managed to get a ton of people to do so as well. You're not really sure how many, of course, but he says it was a ton. </unverifiable story>

Of course, you can change your story around, but remember that the first thing you should do is use the default email and see if they respond back! This worked for me before, when I had made around $20.

If you go higher than that, remember that you get $0.25 for a referral, so the amount of money you made times 4 is how many referrals you've gotten.

Best of luck to everybody Awesome face[multipage=Fail's Guide to Making This Even Faster ]Fail has discovered a great way to make this exploit even faster, possibly saving you a few seconds every time, which adds up to a lot more money!

You can view his thread here:

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And be sure to give him a thanks Winky Winky[multipage=Some Good News! ]Alright, so we have just more-or-less received confirmation that there is no visible difference between referrals from the legitimate accounts and the ones from the fake accounts.

(Well, I can think of one, but I don't think AppRedeem can detect it- I'm releasing an update to AppRedemption soon, just in case. Should make it so that there's absolutely no difference).

So what's the only way that AppRedeem can tell if you've been using illegitimate accounts?
Purely the timing of the referrals.

Getting 200 referrals in one hour seems a lot more unlikely than getting 200 over the course of a day.

You're free to choose how many you want to make and how quickly, but keep in mind, the risk get's higher the faster you go.

So, you've got two options here:

1) Go as fast as you can. If you're a sweet talker and can convince them that they were all legitimate, you're good to go Cool Man (aka Tustin)

2) Go cautiously, get about as many referrals as you can while keeping it in reason (if you were to make a post on a popular forum, or tell the facebook or twitter world about it, how quickly would you be getting referrals?)

We are currently looking into a new exploit that, if everything goes well, won't have the ridiculous system that AppRedeem has, so you can go as fast as possible.
In the mean time, keep at it, keep in mind this part of the post, and best of luck Winky Winky

(By the way, if you've already made a ton of referrals really quickly, then you fall under option "1" above. It works, I successfully got money out of my account even with the rapid referrals, so no worries Smile)

Thanks to the almighty You must login or register to view this content. for the confirmation Winky Winky
Last edited by Saint Jimmy ; 06-29-2011 at 03:23 AM.

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12-12-2011, 04:55 PM #263
Default Avatar
i have banned.Is there a solution?Thanks...
12-26-2011, 09:12 AM #264
Nicely done, though it can work again after a couple tweaks.
01-24-2012, 11:07 AM #265
Originally posted by kessuh View Post
Nicely done, though it can work again after a couple tweaks.

What tweaks? Dont mind sharing?
02-18-2012, 09:36 PM #266
Kind of hard to say, AppRedeem is full of bugs, and there's like no customer support at all.
02-21-2012, 02:25 AM #267
You talkin to me?
Hey my appredeem doesnt have the "enter bonus code" button
02-21-2012, 09:03 PM #268
Hey guys i need help!!
I cannot find where to put in the bonus code?
Reply as fast as possible, thanks.

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