Post: [Map Edits] Sharks Zombieland
10-21-2014, 02:16 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey, many of you will have come to this thread because you love the zombieland and are psyched for the map edits that have been a work in progress for the past few weeks :p

In this thread I will briefly explain how to use the "ForgeFunctions" that are associated with the game mode, now if you are new to this then don't worry because I tried to make it as simple as possible but it is still recommended that you have at least some experience with GSC and 3D Vectors, anyway lets get started Needa

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How To Use The Functions

Most Functions & Arguments You Need To Know
//All Time Is In Seconds!

level thread removeSkyBarrier()
spawnEntity(entityClass, entityModel, entityOrigin, entityAngle)
spawnObjective(objectiveOrigin, objectiveIcon, objectiveOnEntity)
CreateWall(startOrigin, endOrigin, isInvisible)
CreateRamp(rampStart, rampEnd, isInvisible)
CreateGrid(gridStart, gridEnd, gridAngle, isInvisible)
CreateFlag(entryFlag, exitFlag, isFlagsHidden, isTwoWayFlags)
CreateElevator(elevatorStartOrigin, elevatorEndOrigin, timeToGetToOrigins, timeBeforeDepartingToNextOrigin)
CreateZipline(startOrigin, endOrigin, timeToGetToOtherSide, twoWayZipline)
CreateDoorSolid(doorOpenOrigin, doorCloseOrigin, doorOpenAndCloseTime, doorAngle, doorWidth, doorHeight, doorHealth, doorTriggerRadius)//Door With No Gaps
CreateDoor(doorOpenOrigin, doorCloseOrigin, doorOpenAndCloseTime, doorAngle, doorWidth, doorHeight, doorHealth, doorTriggerRadius)//Door With Small Gaps
CreateObject(modelName, origin, angle)
CreateTurret(turretOrigin, turretAngles, turretType)
CreateMysteryBox(boxOrigin, boxAngle, boxPrice)

Calling The Function
Using the functions are easy all you have to do is place them in the correct map name
with whatever you want them to do, look at the example if you are still confused.

CreateWall(exampleOrigin, exampleOrigin);
CreateTurret(exampleOrigin2, exampleOrigin2);

Where To Put The Maps

Once You have finished creating your map edit all you have to do is place it with the corresponding function/map name in mapedits.gsc, e.g. if the map you edited was Raid then you would put it in Raid() { code here };

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Map Edits - Look Through Thread Replies To Find More

Drone - By UpH | Jumper

level thread removeSkyBarrier()
CreateFlag((-329.68, 8431.06, 322.672), (-33.8727, -931.003, -39.875), false, false); // Dont remove
CreateFlag((-329.68, 8431.06, 322.672), (-33.8727, -931.003, -39.875), false, false); // bunker escape flag
CreateFlag((998.876, 3702.04, 298.21Cool Man (aka Tustin), (585.0149, 7178.51, 306.672), false, True); //enter bunker
CreateMysteryBox((434.989, -777.067, 240.125), (0, 180, 0), 150);
CreateWall((464.431, 6926.81, 360.676), (849.875, 7100.98, 320.511)); // 1st back wall
CreateWall((240.72, 7671.27, 306.672), (418.682, 7745.64, 397.672)); // 2nd back wall
CreateWall((-50.7627, 8402.28, 306.672), (68.1149, 8509.7, 420.672)); //front right wall
CreateWall((-158.503, 8321.72, 306.672), (-293.008, 8235.62, 420.672)); //front left wall
CreateWall((-448.359, -636.762, 239.702), (-24.413, -666.683, 280.125)); // 1st plat wall
CreateWall((202.322, -1162.11, 230.597), (202.66, -1084.42, 320.182)); // room wall
CreateWall((-12.6804, -1502.63, 50.3447), (-9.80337, -1565.91, 170.863)); // 2nd plat wall
CreateRamp((-254.393, 8267.81, 417.825), (57.0122, 8502.17, 417.825)); // 1st bunker ramp/floor
CreateRamp((-295.4, 8313.46, 417.825), (12.4179, 8562.77, 417.825)); // 2nd bunker ramp/floor
CreateRamp((-284.103, 8370.66, 428.526), (-481.152, 8588.01, 455.653)); // 1st bunker ramp
CreateRamp((-199.233, 8693.32, 320.504), (-71.9255, 8556.26, 419.866)); // 2nd bunker ramp
CreateRamp((-258.517, 8859.44, 451.811), (-547.972, 8584.76, 451.811)); // back ramp/floor
CreateDoor((-97.5456, 8358.69, 410.011), (-105.688, 8355.64, 312.672), 5, (90, 125, 0), 2, 2, 25, 80); //1st bunker door
CreateDoor((851.847, -1002.64, 240.125), (1005.49, -1001.51, 240.125), 5, (90, 90, 0), 4, 2, 25, 80); //1nd room door
CreateElevator((-498.157, -868.63, -15.1372), (-498.157, -868.63, 250.043), 3, 2); // plat elevator

Plaza - By UpH | Jumper

level thread removeSkyBarrier()
CreateWall((-17260.2, 654.034, -87.875), (-17409.8, 773.849, -5.875)); //bs don't remove
CreateWall((-17260.2, 654.034, -87.875), (-17409.8, 773.849, -5.875)); //right room wall
CreateWall((-16174.6, 1775, -87.875), (-16275.5, 1910.85, -5.875)); //left room wall
CreateZipline((-16536.8, 1373.69, -87.875), (-16226.4, 1042.5, 48.125), 3, true);
CreateFlag((-16633.9, 700.693, 48.125), (-16386.7, 888.134, -80.125), false, false); // 1st room 1st flag 1way
CreateFlag((-16179.3, 670.101, -81.6811), (-18597.4, -524.28, -191.875), false, false); // 1st room 2nd flag 1way
CreateFlag((-13881.2, 3285.49, 4.739), (-18876.3, 961.221, -63.875), false, false); // 1st bunker escape 2nd flag 1way
CreateFlag((-14978.5, 3091.35, -191.875), (-14729.4, 3087.29, -192.875), false, true); // 1st bunker 1st flag 2way
CreateFlag((-16519.3, 3346.88, -191.875), (-16396.1, 3380.66, 27.696Cool Man (aka Tustin), false, false); // 2nd room 1st escape flag 1way
CreateGrid((-14252, 2892.17, -11.136), (-13865.8, 3285.22, -11.136), 90); // bunker floor
CreateRamp((-14611, 3089.84, -192.875), (-14281.6, 3091.65, -15.136)); // bunker ramp
CreateWall((-14174.7, 2871.83, 10.739), (-14174.7, 3043.56, 11.739)); //bunker bottom right wall
CreateWall((-14174.7, 2871.83, 70.739), (-14174.7, 3043.56, 71.739)); //bunker top right wall
CreateWall((-14174.7, 3296.92, 10.739), (-14174.7, 3156.18, 11.739)); //bunker bottom left wall
CreateWall((-14174.7, 3296.92, 70.739), (-14174.7, 3156.18, 71.739)); //bunker top left wall
CreateWall((-16037.5, 3094.16, -191.875), (-16037.5, 3134.16, -115.875)); // 2md room right wall
CreateWall((-16624, 3378.15, -191.875), (-16624, 3418.15, -115.875)); // 2md room left wall
CreateDoor((-14174.7, 3239.38, 10.739), (-14174.7, 3089.64, 10.739), 5, (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 30, 80); //1nd bunker door
CreateDoor((-16779, 1272.03, -57.875), (-16999.9, 1498.43, -57.875), 5, (90, 135, 0), 3, 2, 30, 80); //1st room door
CreateDoor((-16351.8, 2867.44, -250.875), (-16351.7, 2867.43, -150.875), 5, (90, 70, 0), 3, 2, 30, 80); //2nd room door
CreateMysteryBox((-16227, 3277.36, -185.875), (0, 90, 0), 100);

Cargo - By UpH | Jumper

level thread removeSkyBarrier()
CreateFlag((11.2146, 4256.77, -75.875), (462.826, 4645.28, -75.875), false, true);
CreateFlag((11.2146, 4256.77, -75.875), (462.826, 4645.28, -75.875), false, true);
CreateFlag((1553.69, 4380.67, 187.864), (1291.71, 2275.07, -67.875), false, false);
CreateFlag((789.215, 3555.41, 97.625), (1558.5, 5019.96, 187.864), false, false);
CreateZipline((670.21, 1506.36, 62.125), (-418.645, 452.137, 66.125), 5, true);
CreateWall((1598.13, 5084.76, 215.125), (1226.71, 5086.19, 220.125));
CreateRamp((594.359, 3618.75, -67.875), (577.495, 3821.93, 58.6Cool Man (aka Tustin)); //1st bunker ramp
CreateWall((472.751, 3911.52, -67.875), (650.754, 3906.24, 45.203)); //1st bunker wall
CreateWall((889.255, 3815.36, 97.3315), (880.401, 3469.48, 140.7593)); //2nd bunker wall
CreateWall((629.021, 3481.49, 97.4293), (880.401, 3469.48, 140.7593)); //3rd bunker wall
CreateGrid((614.359, 3902.58, 42.805), (335.685, 3791.14, 42.805), 90); //1st bunker floor
CreateMysteryBox((369.609, 3596.7, -67.875), (0, 100, 0), 50); //box
CreateGrid((1611.36, 5058.36, 171.989), (1497.9, 4380.64, 171.989), 90); // Backfloor
CreateDoor((521.695, 3910.95, -67.875), (382.246, 3910.95, -67.875), 5, (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 40, 80); //1st bunker door
CreateDoor((936.056, 1391.64, 62.125), (936.056, 1504.88, 62.125), 5, (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 25, 80); //1st room door
CreateWall((819.359, 982.111, 98.125), (767.037, 981.285, 117.346)); //1st room wall

Hijacked - By maxiking913

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateMysteryBox((-2742.84, 7.67094, 159.294), (0, 180, 0), 50);
CreateRamp((-1252.82, 183.799, -39.7719), (-1136.78, 183.799, -39.7719)); //Door zu unten
CreateRamp((872.747, 283.156, 22.6344), (764.17, 283.156, 22.6344)); //Door zu unten
CreateRamp((347.368, -59.621, 20.125), (347.368, -59.621, 100.125)); //Door oben Kabine
CreateWall((930.08, 372.636, 20.125), (900.08, 372.636, 100.125)); //Door oben Kabine
CreateRamp((1181.44, 1.37563, 20.125), (1181.44, 1.37563, 100.125)); //Door oben Kabine
CreateWall((1039.66, 234.45, 156.125), (920.394, 234.45, 266.125)); //Door oben Kabine Leiter
CreateFlag((-81.3954, 390.286, 54.375), (-276.589, 94.8909, -171.875), false, false); //Flagge nach unten Brunnen
CreateFlag((251.694, 14.4321, -105.875), (826.082, -69.909, 156.125), false, false); //Flagge nach oben
CreateTurret( (379.615, -129.972, 164.125), (0, 180, 0), "auto_gun_turret_mp" ); //turrent Test
CreateGrid((-2742.67, -398.804, 143.419), (-2898.95, 27.7107, 143.419)); //2 etage heck
CreateDoor((-889.721, 185.118, 20.125), (-1056.59, 185.118, 20.125), 3, (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 40, 80); //Door
CreateZipline((-1565.27, 44.0073, 92.125), (-2753.54, -336.392, 159.294), 4, true); //zipline heck zu haus
CreateGrid((-1500.48, 346.431, 92.125), (-1630.03, 346.431, 92.125)); //Mauer treppe


Plaza - By UpH | Jumper / Edited By iifire

level thread removeSkyBarrier()
CreateWall((-17260.2, 654.034, -87.875), (-17409.8, 773.849, -5.875)); //bs don't remove
CreateFlag((-13881.2, 3285.49, 4.739), (-16365,2749,-63.875), false, false); // 1st bunker escape 2nd flag 1way
CreateFlag((-14978.5, 3091.35, -191.875), (-14729.4, 3087.29, -192.875), false, true); // 1st bunker 1st flag 2way
CreateFlag((-19014,845,-47.875), (-16365,2749,-63.875), false, false);//escape to 2nd roof
CreateGrid((-14252, 2892.17, -11.136), (-13865.8, 3285.22, -11.136), 90); // bunker floor
CreateRamp((-14611, 3089.84, -192.875), (-14281.6, 3091.65, -15.136)); // bunker ramp
CreateRamp((-17929.9,1201,-191.875), (-18225.7,934.665,-31.875));//ramp to roof
CreateWall((-14174.7, 2871.83, 10.739), (-14174.7, 3043.56, 11.739)); //bunker bottom right wall
CreateWall((-14174.7, 2871.83, 70.739), (-14174.7, 3043.56, 71.739)); //bunker top right wall
CreateWall((-14174.7, 3296.92, 10.739), (-14174.7, 3156.18, 11.739)); //bunker bottom left wall
CreateWall((-14174.7, 3296.92, 70.739), (-14174.7, 3156.18, 71.739)); //bunker top left wall
CreateWall((-18555,950,0), (-18557,1088,-63));//?
CreateWall((-18822.8,674,-53.875), (-18896,674,0.359Cool Man (aka Tustin));//ladder 1st
CreateWall((-19040,1127,-15.875), (-18941,1126,0.792Cool Man (aka Tustin));//3jump 1st
CreateDoor((-18552,899.877,-63.875), (-18570,810,-63.875), 5, (90, 180, 0), 5, 2, 30, 80);//air vent 1st
CreateDoor((-14174.7, 3239.38, 10.739), (-14174.7, 3089.64, 10.739), 5, (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 30, 80); //1nd bunker door
CreateMysteryBox((-16227, 3277.36, -185.875), (0, 90, 0), 100);

Nuketown - By iifire

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateWall((-611.9672,-1197.882,-30.91674), (1236.619,-1202.963,-30.08543));//long death
CreateWall((1236.619,-1202.963,-30.08543), (1242.345,-913.1017,-30.08054));//spawn
CreateWall((1242.345,-913.1017,-30.08054), (342.2169,-908.8411,-30.20414));//side spawn
CreateWall((-393.5878,-800.1978,-30.43816), (-660.8975,-369.7951,-30.12709));
CreateWall((-660.8975,-369.7951,-30.12709), (-1670.36,-63.1468,-30.3854Cool Man (aka Tustin));//side base hedge
CreateWall((-1665.36,-491.791,-30.12709), (-1657.85,-41,-30.3854Cool Man (aka Tustin));//back wall
CreateWall((-1271.594,-869.7337,-30.69753), (-611.624,-1203.602,-30.90213));
CreateWall((-276.396,-851.596,-35), (-276.396,-608.882,-35));
CreateWall((-1285.24,-717.673,-60), (-1269.44,-566.84,30));
CreateWall((-368.227,1916.06,-30), (-609.834,1956.13,-30));
CreateWall((-609.834,1956.13,-30), (-594.881,1497.43,-30));
CreateMysteryBox((-1386,-689,-45), (0, 90, 0), 200);//door
CreateDoor((-1269.44,-566.84,-60), (-1277.57, -340.334, -60), 3, (90, 90, 90), 15, 2, 25, 160); //1st bunker door
CreateFlag((-697.123,-188.705,-58.128Cool Man (aka Tustin), (1119.9,-1052.2,-63.2372), false, false);//orange
CreateFlag((673.976,-175.06,-60.738Cool Man (aka Tustin), (1119.9,-1052.2,-63.2372), false, false);//blue
CreateFlag((-1612,-156,-63), (-1133.26,491.506,77.125), false, false);//corner base
//CreateRamp((-1418.32,-400.305,-62.817Cool Man (aka Tustin), (-1975.92, -353.336, 130.6187));//door
//CreateGrid((-1975.92,-280.336,130.6187), (-2280.5,-465.029,130.6187), (0,0,0));//door
//CreateZipline((-2304.93,-274.583,130.6187), (-1133.26,491.506,77.125), 3, false);//2nd story house deck
//CreateWall((-1690.36,-63.1468,-4.39707), (-1392,-171.155,80.322));//barrier

Encore - By LiamBruh

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateZipline((-466.3182, 394.3003, 75.125), (491.8677, 249.4816, 87.125), 5, true);
CreateRamp((300.0552, -1056.247, 106.1114), (303.5404, -645.6409, -60.5598Cool Man (aka Tustin), false);
CreateRamp((300.0552, -1056.247, 106.1114), (-257.071, -1075.52, 68.97985), false);
CreateRamp((-241.0603, -641.0327, -112.7301), (-257.071, -1075.52, 68.97985), false);
CreateRamp((-248.6194, -1083.583, 39.6884), (-236.985, -1582.243, 13.9094), false);
CreateRamp((-236.985, -1582.243, 13.9094), (312.451, -1568.047, -2.017611), false);
CreateRamp((312.451, -1568.047, -2.017611), (300.5868, -1072.267, 60.6603), false);
CreateRamp((298.6425, -1072.438, 199.1657), (316.5589, -1572.019, 189.2379), false);
CreateRamp((316.5589, -1572.019, 189.2379), (-233.2897, -1574.568, 201.8863), false);
CreateRamp((-233.2897, -1574.568, 201.8863), (-255.035, -1075.436, 182.0397), false);
CreateRamp((298.6425, -1072.438, 199.1657), (-255.035, -1075.436, 182.0397), false);
CreateTurret((293, -1073, 214), (0, 90, 0), "auto_gun_turret_mp");
CreateTurret((-250.3173, -1075.754, 198.0684), (0, 90, 0), "auto_gun_turret_mp");

Hydro - By LiamBruh

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateFlag((-450.109, 46.557, 216.851), (-295.32, -1956.01, 616.125), false, true);
CreateFlag((-295.32, -1956.01, 616.125),(-450.109, 46.557, 216.851), false, true);
CreateMysteryBox((-400.158, -1965.03, 616.125), (0, 90, 0), 250);
CreateMysteryBox((-403.26, -2012.38, 616.125), (0, 90, 0), 250);
CreateZipline((-186.759, -2071.94, 583.125), (-1278.66, -1070.62, 344.125), 3, true);
CreateZipline((-1269.37, -1267.69, 344.125), (-1007.66, -140.658, 348.125), 3, true);
CreateElevator((-1075.88, -571.391, 348.125), (-1069.34, -583.722, 416.792), 3, 2);
CreateMysteryBox((-719.407, -222.366, 384.125), (0, 90, 0), 250);
CreateFlag((-465.159, -677.233, 384.125), (-2614.35, -321.168, 220.125), false, false);
CreateFlag((392.51, 41.2645, 216.005), (235.544, -1997.3, 616.125), false, true);
CreateDoor((-514.413, -206.508, 216.125), (-674.277, -224.41, 216.225), 5, (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 40, 80);

Studio - By UpH | Jumper //Avoid Using For Now, Causes Freezing Issues With To Many Players :(

Studio() //v2 Made by CodJumper // make sure you have Sharks newest update!
level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateFlag((880.269, -128.696, -21.875), (731.784, -252.809, -63.875), false, true); // 1st bunker enter flag
CreateFlag((633.707, -1560.75, 96.125), (2066.35, 2231.37, -39.875), true, false); // 1st bunker escape flag
CreateFlag((2641.75, 1521.29, 76), (2564.91, 1601.8, -43.875), false, true); // 2nd bunker 1st flag
CreateFlag((2354.02, 1364.27, -43.875), (285.885, 755.791, 36.124), false, false); // 2nd bunker escape flag
CreateFlag((-133.674, 975.225, 96.125), (-650.456, -427.257, -127.875), false, true); // random flag 1
CreateZipline((518.547, -1195.03, 100.125), (401.057, 957.14, 194.125), 4, false); //1st room zip 1way
Createwall((1205.34, -541.486, -30.3254), (1394.89, -1142.58, 10.3254), true); // Blocking wall 1
Createwall((540.756, -875.477, -50.9594), (508.76, -1752.64, 75.7044), true ); // Blocking wall 2
Createwall((691.247, -1603.46, 94.6437), (490.345, -1603.46, 135.6437), true); // Blocking wall 3
Createwall((503.674, -840.285, -40.958Cool Man (aka Tustin), (717.267, -840.285, -41.958Cool Man (aka Tustin)); // 1st bunker 1st bottom wall
Createwall((503.674, -840.285, 20.958Cool Man (aka Tustin), (717.267, -840.285, 21.958Cool Man (aka Tustin)); // 1st bunker 1st top wall
Createwall((832.238, -541.245, -40.958Cool Man (aka Tustin), (832.238, -850.285, -41.958Cool Man (aka Tustin)); // 1st bunker 2nd bottom wall
Createwall((832.238, -541.245, 20.958Cool Man (aka Tustin), (832.238, -850.285, 21.958Cool Man (aka Tustin)); // 1st bunker 2nd top walll
Createwall((914.393, 1233.4, 118.246), (761.707, 981.197, 191.152), true); // 1st room ladder blocking wall
Createwall((1384.25, 1547.21, 115.125), (1162.49, 1675.12, 116.125), true); // 1st room 5th side wall
Createwall((2229.77, 1747.64, -43.875), (2229.77, 1264.36, 66), true); // 2nd bunker bottom wall
Createwall((2201.71, 1264.36, 85), (2201.71, 1441.31, 86)); // 2nd bunker right bottom wall
Createwall((2201.71, 1747.64, 85), (2201.71, 1553.82, 86)); // 2nd bunker left bottom wall
Createwall((2201.71, 1264.36, 155), (2201.71, 1441.31, 156)); // 2nd bunker right top wall
Createwall((2201.71, 1747.64, 155), (2201.71, 1553.82, 156)); // 2nd bunker left top wall
CreateRamp((1666.41, 1375.59, 73.696Cool Man (aka Tustin), (1996.69, 1464.23, 56)); // 2nd bunker 1st ramp
CreateRamp((2528.6, 1669.57, 76), (2350.66, 1669.57, 190.433)); // 2nd bunker 2nd ramp
CreateRamp((1272.45, 1402.86, 94.125), (1409.94, 1317.8, 75.6937)); // 1st room 2nd ramp
CreateGrid((2007.64, 1264.36, 60.125), (2704.56, 1725.21, 60.125), 90, true); // 2nd bunker 1st invis floor
CreateGrid((2201.71, 1747.64, 200), (2320.71, 1264.36, 201), 90); // 2nd bunker 2nd top floor
CreateGrid((2150.71, 1747.64, 65), (2280.71, 1264.36, 65), 90); // 2nd bunker 3rd bottom floor
CreateDoor((610.297, -840.285, -35.958Cool Man (aka Tustin), (761.854, -840.285, -35.285), 3, (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 35, 80); // 1st bunker door
CreateDoor((2201.71, 1497.88, 16), (2201.71, 1497.88, 92), 3, (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 25, 80); // 2nd bunker door
CreateDoor((1124.31, 1558.99, 98.125), (1076.81, 1472.99, 98.125), 3, (90, 150, 0), 2, 2, 10, 80); // 1st room door
CreateElevator((955.048, -1200.14, -42.6955), (955.048, -1200.14, 96.6955), 3, 1); //1st bunker ele
CreateMysteryBox((536.139, -1536.88, 96.125), (0, 120, 0), 150); // 1st bunker box

Standoff - By OrbitModding

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateZipline((-915.487, 494.567, 112.125), (-149.797, 286.336, 416.125), 2, true);
CreateFlag((-29.4653, 324.668, 406.869), (-1004.61, -1211.63, 144.125), false, false);
CreateWall((-831.719, -1509.41, 130.51), (-835.455, -1523.15, 206.446), true);
CreateWall((-1028.11, -1057.7, 202.643), (-994.003, -1046.86, 110.976), true);
CreateWall((-1169.95, -1213.25, 182.213), (-1173.61, -1228.18, 106.766), true);
CreateDoor((-1329.37, -1336.49, 7.69385), (-1180.27, -1348.45, 4.36679), 3, (90, 90, 0), 1, 2, 40, 80);
CreateDoor((-811.922, -1629.51, 0.00953701), (-815.906, -1508.66, 8.125), 3, (90, 90, 90), 1, 2, 40, 80);
CreateMysteryBox((-27.2538, 156.061, 443.871), (0, 180, 0), 150);
CreateMysteryBox((-967.632, -1382.68, 8.125), (0, 180, 0), 150);
CreateGrid((743.189, 2523.27, 289.29Cool Man (aka Tustin), (882.167, 2177.48, 326.079), (0, 90, 0), true);
CreateRamp((1085.21, 2519.93, 295.332), (949.979, 1794.94, -43.8637), false);
CreateRamp((738.284, 2503.53, 270.064), (522.259, 2044, -54.2939), false);
CreateFlag((737.389, 1429.19, 7.6334Cool Man (aka Tustin), (953.528, 1753.16, 8.20063), false, true);
CreateFlag((618.747, 1441.06, 8.125), (506.189, 1922.5, 8.125), false, true);
CreateDoor((934.783, 2541.61, 305.173), (1060.34, 2384.56, 254.385), 3, (90, 90, 0), 1, 2, 15, 80);
CreateDoor((846.043, 2537.97, 305.173), (673.618, 2370.18, 201.95), 3, (90, 90, 0), 1, 2, 15, 80);
CreateMysteryBox((892.985, 2674.25, 305.173), (0, 90, 0), 150);

Express - By DarkTempestHost

Express()// v0.5 by DarkTemptestHost
CreateZipline((798.8, 1547.63, 162.125), (324.139, 2355.59, -15.875), 2.5, true);
CreateFlag((712.12, 1240.29, 162.125), (2045.47, 0.20648, 6.875), false, false);//up top flag
CreateZipline((-987.567, -55.0876, -41.875), (-1587.32, -75.6739, 65.875), 4.5, true);
CreateMysteryBox((2317.1, -1.25925, -120.875), (0, 180, 0), 50);
CreateWall((1446.27, 2305.124, 196.913), (1650.2, 2070.87, 128.131));//up top wall
CreateGrid((-2027.26, -269.362, 59.1), (-1549.04, 165.066, 59.1));
CreateFlag((-1996.77, -247.034, 74.975),(1627.69, -2161.35, -55.9872) , false, false);//grid exit
CreateWall((-711.708, -361.583, -22.2955), (-707.062, -446.826, -39.875));
CreateWall((-764.157, 446.9, -18.536), (-755, 334.915, -40.95));
CreateDoor((-818.284, 83.5785, 80.661), (-818.242, -1.416, 80.661), 5, (90, 180, 0), 4, 2, 25, 80);

Raid - By Boughhhh

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateZipline((577.084, 2736.79, 148.125), (999.676, 2976.02, 272.125), 1, true);
CreateZipline((1947.91, 2872.71, 56.125), (1374.02, 3156.56, 288.125), 1, true);
CreateElevator((1672.86, 2839.19, 303.623), (1672.86, 2839.19, 433.727), 1, 1);
CreateElevator((1749.45, 2567.67, 256.125), (1749.45, 2567.67, 434.125), 1, 1);
CreateMysteryBox((1320.74, 2731.36, 424.125), (0,80,0), 150);
CreateFlag((1294.83, 3252.07, 288.125), (2004, 3770.73, 284.125), false, true);
CreateZipline((2464.17, 3405.66, 284.125), (1987.98, 3407.57, 284.125), 1, true);

Express - By UpH | Jumper

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateFlag((-17.597, 2230.89, 170.196), (1481.78, -0.308352, 0.875), false, false); // escape flag
CreateFlag((787.859, -104.359, 25.125), (363.983, 390.438, 162.125), true, false); // secret flag remove if wanted
CreateFlag((-1107.83, -5.59842, -41.875), (613.687, -1782.57, 49.0877), false, false); // room escape flag
CreateFlag((777.926, -676.346, 56.125), (781.538, 685.486, 56.125), false, false); // 2nd room escape flag
CreateZipline((1001.23, 2650.3, -50.125), (1421.53, 2176.75, 160.125), 2, true);
CreateWall((1251.68, 1661.75, -14.875), (999.483, 1883.53, 35.875), true); // 1st bunker inv blocking wall 1
CreateWall((1897.61, 2355.11, 162.277), (1128.47, 3196.68, 230.057), true); // 1st bunker inv blocking wall 2
CreateWall((1133.93, 3168.25, 132.644), (987.035, 3010.08, 230.644), true); // 1st bunker inv blocking wall 3
CreateWall((979.477, 3029.81, 175.125), (508.302, 3422.42, 230.644), true); // 1st bunker inv blocking wall 4
CreateWall((-301.534, 209.925, 99.125), (-230.881, 512.21, 170.125), true); // 1st room right inv wall
CreateWall((-299.359, -198.307, 99.125), (-219.531, -538.381, 170.125), true); // 1st room left inv wall
CreateWall((178.03, -1505.74, 154.505), (344.288, -1395.31, 200.505), true); // 2nd room wall 1
CreateWall((529.69, 2302.15, -40.875), (762.936, 2094.02, -41.875)); // 1st bunker left bottom wall
CreateWall((529.69, 2302.15, 25.875), (762.936, 2094.02, 26.875)); // 1st bunker left top wall
CreateWall((982.31, 1903.96, -40.875), (867.263, 2004.69, -41.875)); // 1st bunker right bottom wall
CreateWall((982.31, 1903.96, 25.875), (867.263, 2004.69, 26.875)); // 1st bunker right top wall
CreateWall((1084.17, 2964.54, 132.277), (1000.88, 3032.53, 133.277)); // 1st bunker help wall lol 1
CreateWall((-542.994, 245.297, 53.125), (-383.68, 246.591, 95.125)); // 1st room right wall
CreateWall((-553.104, -242.64, 53.125), (-380.472, -239.865, 95.125)); // 1st room left wall
CreateWall((1001.76, -627.799, 70.8684), (832.896, -637.215, 72.8684)); // 2nd room wall 1
CreateDoor((941.411, 1938.44, -35.875), (806.839, 2057.36, -35.875), 3, (90, 50, 0), 5, 2, 30, 80); //1st bunker door
CreateDoor((-946.371, 401.726, -30.875), (-711.84, 401.727, -30.875), 3, (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 25, 80); //1st room right door
CreateDoor((-936.853, -400.006, -30.875), (-708.397, -400.007, -30.875), 3, (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 25, 80); //1st room left door
CreateDoor((-769.359, 67.9162, 78.125), (-769.360, -1.00131, 78.125), 2, (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 25, 80); //1st room 3rd door
CreateDoor((-206.549, -1672.13, 48.125), (-9.83823, -1536.12, 125.125), 3, (90, 35, 0), 2, 2, 20, 80); //2nd room 1st door
CreateMysteryBox((803.863, 2714.15, 185.125), (0, 140, 0), 100);

Slums - By Scifen

Slums() // Created by CKG -CraZy KiD GaMeR- aka Scifen
level thread removeSkyBarrier(); // Removes Death Barrier In Sky
CreateWall((530.549,-2892.26,523.125), (211.644,-2890.48,624.512)); // double high wall
CreateWall((900.355,-2892.51,536.125), (759.482,-2891.56,597.83Cool Man (aka Tustin)); // tripple high wall
CreateWall((-285.402,-790.178,565.371), (-254.362,-906.78,685.99)); // Blue House Side Door Block
CreateWall((-600.021,-643.865,552.125), (-857.829,-723.525,650.035)); // Blue House Window Block
CreateWall((-359.616,-1034.4,561.614), (-503.029,-1071.92,650.645)); // Blue House Main Door Block
CreateFlag((-658.199,-1088.05,552.125), (-315.879,-2197.65,525.844), false, true); // Blue House Spawn Out Flag
CreateDoor((841.549,-2892.18,456.125), (654.806,-2892.29,455.932), 2, (90, 90, 0), 8, 2, 20, 80); // 1ST D00R
CreateDoor((310.007,-2891.36,455.087), (57.8309,-2886.27,456.125), 2, (90, 90, 0), 8, 2, 20, 65); // 2ND DOOR
CreateDoor((593.567,-3323.44,690.651), (593.567,-3170.49,690.651), 3, (90, 180, 0), 11, 2, 15, 80); // Roof Door
CreateGrid((869.377,-3301.92,674.776), (270.309,-3025.79,743.17Cool Man (aka Tustin), 90); // ROOF BASE
CreateMysteryBox((722.781,-3453.56,511.014), (0, 90, 0), 150); // MYSTERYBOX
CreateElevator((921.784, -3020.36, 456.125), (921.784, -3015.36, 680.464), 1, 1); // ELEVATOR
CreateTurret((490.295, -3013.23, 690.651), (0,90,0), "auto_gun_turret_mp"); // Turrent

Express - By Relaz123

level thread deathBarrier();
CreateFlag((2122.27, -158.776, -119.875), (2609.34, -160.02, -279.875), false, false);
CreateRamp((3450.58, -1203.79, -239), (3450.58, 1222.13, -239), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((2328.66, 948.564, -75), (2328.66, 948.564, -75), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((2598.21, 947.639, -75), (2633.21, 947.639, -75), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((3019.64, 961.925, -75), (3269.83, 958.87, -75), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((3269.83, 958.87, -86), (3269.83, 563.971, -86), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((3269.83, 958.87, -50), (3269.83, 563.971, -50), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((2327.18, -949.084, -86), (2703.33, -949.084, -86), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((3086.64, -957.448, -86), (3272.55, -957.448, -86), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((3272.55, -957.448, -86), (3272.55, -578.252, -86), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((3272.55, -957.448, -50), (3272.55, -578.252, -50), true);//barrier
CreateFlag((1838, 39.4843, -439.875), (5090, -310.174, 784.875), false, true);//to platform
CreateDoor((1928.71, 268.778, -439.805), (2080.33, 268.778, -439.805), 2, (90, 90, 90), 2, 2, 30, 100);//bunker door
CreateDoor((1928.71, -268.778, -439.805), (2069.56, -268.778, -439.805), 2, (90, 90, 90), 2, 2, 30, 100);//bunker door
CreateGrid((5038.58, 107.351, 769), (5143.66, -341.867, 769), false);//platform
CreateFlag((2448, 2.09058, -279.875), (2364.46, -7.38095, -279.875), false, true);//to box
CreateFlag((5146, 123.069, 784.875), (2098.93, -1048.07, -119.875), false, false);//platform escape
CreateMysteryBox((2249.23, 0.299723, -279.825), (90, 90, 90), 70);
CreateRamp((2230.95, -76.4556, -242.062), (2230.95, 87.6591, -242.062), true);

Turbine - By Relaz123

CreateFlag((-386.575, -2263.15, 156.84Cool Man (aka Tustin), (-473, -2476, 164), false, false);
CreateFlag((-1352.49, -4001.75, 609.834), (-1938.15, -4275.27, 750.011), false, false);// to platform
CreateGrid((-1861.66, -4246.43, 734.136), (-2012.95, -4416.41, 734.136), 90, false);
CreateRamp((-2236.18, -4311.71, 677.744), (-2236.18, -4311.71, 677.744), false);
CreateRamp((-2243.08, -4451.6, 659.177), (-2243.08, -4451.6, 659.177), false);

CreateZipline((-2434.09, -4579.86, 556.435), (-2851.76, -4288.05, 531.5Cool Man (aka Tustin), 1, false);//to bunker
CreateZipline((-2439.19, -4259.27, 597.587), (-2763.02, -4227.9, 531.5Cool Man (aka Tustin), 1, false);

CreateGrid((-2748.19, -3755.66, 515.705), (-2935.19, -4292.38, 515.705), 90, false);//bunker
CreateRamp((-2748.19, -4092.71, 600), (-2854.94, -4091.9, 600), false);
CreateRamp((-2748.19, -4092.71, 580), (-2854.94, -4091.9, 580), false);
CreateRamp((-2748.19, -4092.71, 555), (-2854.94, -4091.9, 555), false);
CreateDoor((-2912.01, -3965.02, 531.5Cool Man (aka Tustin), (-2912.01, -4091.27, 531.5Cool Man (aka Tustin), 3, (90, 0, 90), 2, 2, 30, 60);
CreateFlag((-2911.24, -3768.26, 531.5Cool Man (aka Tustin), (1658.4, 2425.54, 210.125), false, false);

Yemen - By Relaz123

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateFlag((819.673, 193.533, 26.125), (1006.52, 1096.91, 571.343), false, false); // flag to zipline
CreateZipline((992.624, 1336.36, 571.243), (1243.58, 2480.77, 1165.13), 2, true);//to bunker
CreateZipline((847.641, 1336.36, 571.243), (994.163, 2494.75, 1165.13), 2, true);//to bunker
CreateRamp((1317.82, 2408.45, 1220.89), (934.218, 2411.45, 1220.89), false);
CreateRamp((934.218, 2411.45, 1205.01), (947.4, 2656.33, 1205.01), false);
CreateRamp((934.218, 2411.45, 1220.89), (947.4, 2656.33, 1220.89), false);
CreateRamp((692.729, 2652.43, 1220.89), (947.4, 2656.33, 1220.89), false);
CreateRamp((700.19, 3000.85, 1220.89), (692.729, 2652.43, 1220.89), false);
CreateRamp((700.19, 3000.85, 1220.89), (1324.14, 2994.51, 1220.89), false);
CreateRamp((1317.82, 2408.45, 1220.89), (1324.14, 2994.51, 1220.89), false);
CreateDoor((1114.84, 2779.93, 1165.13), (1114.84, 2640.74, 1165.13), 2, (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 25, 80);
CreateRamp((1196.48, 2640.02, 1189.13), (1318.48, 2635.71, 1189.13), false);
CreateRamp((1196.48, 2640.02, 1205.01), (1318.48, 2635.71, 1205.01), false);
CreateRamp((1196.48, 2640.02, 1220.89), (1318.48, 2635.71, 1220.89), false);
CreateRamp((1033.2, 2640.19, 1189.13), (973.524, 2643.2, 1189.13), false);
CreateRamp((1033.2, 2640.19, 1205.01), (973.524, 2643.2, 1205.01), false);
CreateRamp((1033.2, 2640.19, 1220.89), (973.524, 2643.2, 1220.89), false);
CreateFlag((754.601, 2944.23, 1165.13), (180.159, -1353.21, 264.125), false, false);
CreateRamp((-309.033, 938.988, 345.125), (-309.033, 938.988, 345.125), false); //house bunker
CreateDoor((-544.082, 1074.76, 213.14Cool Man (aka Tustin), (-664.043, 1069.76, 213.14Cool Man (aka Tustin), 5, (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 30, 80);
CreateMysteryBox((-327.641, 1036.59, 313.125), (0, 0, 0), 100);

Meltdown - By Relaz123

CreateFlag((-209.881, -371.531, -63.875), (-276.944, -616.667, -127.875), false, false);//bunker 1
CreateRamp((14.3591, -555.641, -95), (-417.743, -555.641, -95), false);
CreateRamp((-417.743, -555.641, -95), (-417.743, -1320.36, -95), false);
CreateDoor((42.077, -1340.3, -127.875), (42.077, -1146.68, -127.875), 2, (90, 90, 90), 10, 2, 30, 100);
CreateRamp((246.359, -1304.97, -110.33), (212.358, -1304.97, -110.33), false);
CreateFlag((195.873, -1295.89, -94.455), (293.462, 556.769, 72.125), false, false);

CreateFlag((471.889, 206.526, 72.125), (475.769, 292.586, 72.125), false, true);//mystery box
CreateRamp((832.688, 388.627, 110.125), (832.688, 388.627, 110.125), false);
CreateRamp((832.688, 388.627, 124.25), (832.688, 388.627, 124.25), false);
CreateRamp((832.688, 388.627, 138.25), (832.688, 388.627, 138.25), false);
CreateMysteryBox((600.386, 32.4155, 91.2485), (90, 90, 0), 150);

CreateFlag((689.16, 4586.8, -135.875), (689.861, 4764.62, -135.875), false, true);//bunker 2
CreateRamp((748.098, 5662.96, -72), (748.098, 5402.81, -72), false);
CreateRamp((599.753, 5842.36, -143.875), (1020.16, 5842.36, -37), false);
CreateDoor((1055.21, 5949.4, -23.8461), (870.77, 5843.33, -56.7367), 2, (90, 90, 90), 2, 2, 20, 100);
CreateGrid((1057.48, 5792.78, -39.7211), (1223.52, 6042.56, -39.7211), false);
CreateFlag((1207.79, 6050.42, -23.8461), (871.135, 4140.26, -139.875), false, false);
CreateRamp((231.745, 6200.41, -9Cool Man (aka Tustin), (760.977, 6200.41, -9Cool Man (aka Tustin), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((1001.14, 5911.94, 33.5217), (730.359, 5916.96, -135.875), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((1001.14, 5911.94, 103.5217), (730.359, 5916.96, -65.875), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((1001.14, 5911.94, 33.5217), (1022.47, 6208.13, 33.5217), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((1013.16, 6109.42, 33.5217), (1262.55, 6113.35, 33.5217), true);//barrier
CreateRamp((752.432, 6148.77, -72.2324), (752.432, 5968.21, -72.2324), true);//barrier

Detour - By iifire

Createwall((1692,-65,152), (1692,-149,260),false);//front wall
Createwall((1692,72,152), (1692,166,260),false);//front wall
Createwall((820,163,150), (820,0,250),false);//spawm wall
Createwall((1119,-152,15Cool Man (aka Tustin), (1119,-50,230),false);//spawm wall 2
CreateRamp((1500.5,-110,327.375), (1500.5,105,322),false);//infront of bunker 2
CreateRamp((1701,-111,275.875), (1520,-111,310),false);//infront of bunker 1
CreateRamp((2050,110,152.125), (2050,-104.673,270),false);//ramp to grid
CreateGrid((1980,-108,260), (1690,148,260), 90,false);//grid roof of bunker
CreateFlag((781,15,8.125), (700,98,152.125),false,false);//entry
CreateFlag((2060,-109,152), (1863.73,552.918,19),false,false);//exit
CreateDoor((1695,-86,152.125), (1695,2,152.125), 2, (90, 90, 90), 2, 2, 30, 80);//bunker
CreateMysteryBox((1884,150,285), (180, 180, 0), 200);//on grid

Nuketown - By iifire

CreateWall((-611.9672,-1197.882,-30.91674), (1236.619,-1202.963,-30.08543), true);//long death
CreateWall((-1437,-709,-62), (-1638.2,-465.4,-40), true);
CreateWall((1236.619,-1202.963,-30.08543), (1242.345,-913.1017,-30.08054), true);//spawn
CreateWall((1242.345,-913.1017,-30.08054), (342.2169,-908.8411,-30.20414), true);//side spawn
CreateWall((-393.5878,-800.1978,-30.43816), (-660.8975,-369.7951,-30.12709), true);
CreateWall((-660.8975,-369.7951,-30.12709), (-1670.36,-63.1468,-30.3854Cool Man (aka Tustin),true);//side base hedge
CreateWall((-1665.36,-491.791,-30.12709), (-1657.85,-41,-30.3854Cool Man (aka Tustin), true);//back wall
CreateWall((-1271.594,-869.7337,-30.69753), (-611.624,-1203.602,-30.90213), true);
CreateWall((-276.396,-851.596,-35), (-276.396,-608.882,-35), true);
CreateWall((-1285.24,-717.673,-60), (-1269.44,-566.84,30), false);//left bunker wall
CreateWall((-368.227,1916.06,-30), (-609.834,1956.13,-30), true);//block generator
CreateWall((-609.834,1956.13,-30), (-594.881,1497.43,-30), true);
CreateWall((-1269,-104.527,-61.9942), (-1269,-340,25.875), false);//right bunker wall
CreateWall((-756.403,-674.287,-60.4704), (-769.293,-595.973,15), false);//safe barrier
CreateMysteryBox((-1386,-689,-45), (0, 90, 0), 200);//door
CreateDoor((-1269.44,-560,-60), (-1286.42,-454.144, -60), 2, (90, 90, 90), 8, 2, 35, 80); //1st bunker door
CreateFlag((-697.123,-188.705,-58.128Cool Man (aka Tustin), (1119.9,-1052.2,-63.2372), false, false);//orange
CreateFlag((673.976,-175.06,-60.738Cool Man (aka Tustin), (1119.9,-1052.2,-63.2372), false, false);//blue
CreateFlag((-1630,-458,-63), (-1133.26,491.506,77.125), false, false);//corner base

Mirage - By speselized5

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateWall((868.641, 1159.70, 157.74), (870.149, 1510.13, 154.1));
CreateWall((868.088, 1159.70, 131.865), (870.412, 1512.21, 250.945));
CreateDoor((-3.43415, 1932.96, 24.125), (-4.36561, 1832.2, 24.125), 2, (90, 90, 0), 4, 2, 15, 80);
CreateWall((-847.348, 1385.49, 145.199), (-846.551, 1128.68, 150.2245));
CreateWall((-847.348, 1385.49, 165.199), (-846.551, 1128.68, 75.2245));
CreateWall((-741.408, 1157.64, 6.44371), (-591.747, 1155.67, -1.78725));
CreateWall((-741.408, 1157.64, 45.44371), (-591.747, 1155.67, -1.78725));
CreateWall((367.167, 1340.03, 266.125), (466.125, 1259.79, 264.032));
CreateFlag((-472.499, 1819.5, 266.125), (-665.399, 1241.97, -11.631, false, true);
CreateWall((-142.582, 955.454, 265.631), (132.361, 950.306, 267.255));

Turbine - By Spootra

level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateFlag((-203.906, -2088.18, 151.124), (-498.008, -2482.12, 160.885), false, true); //Entry to hillside
CreateDoor((-960.478, -2817.01, 341.416), (-886.664, -2859.88, 320.90, 1.5, (90, 0, 125), 6, 2, 20, 70);
CreateWall((-783.302, -2932.95, 301.006), (-705.757, -2937.11, 281.671), true); // Making wall to prevent zombies from sneaking around first door on hillside higher
CreateWall((-774.055, -2930.9, 309.77), (-678.113, -2933.38, 286.709), true); // same as wall above
CreateWall((-761.299, -2931.19, 326.891), (-688.131, -2932.45, 310.465), true); // same as wall above
CreateWall((-782.509, -2930.53, 343.91), (-734.882, -2828.1, 328.834), true); //same as wall above
CreateDoor((-1421.45, -3216.52, 462.176), (-1305.97, -3243.38, 459.592), 1.5, (90, 0, 125), 6, 2, 20, 70); // second door on hillside
CreateWall((-1222.49, -3351.63, 476.596), (-1166.07, -3271.07, 452.731), true); // Wall to prevent zombies from sneaking around second hillside door
CreateWall((-1426.06, -3202.36, 457.56, (-1381.81, -3132.9, 448.35, true); // Same as door above
CreateWall((-1376.93, -3126.55, 471.445), (-1435.51, -3234.77, 476.601), true); // same as wall above
CreateMysteryBox((-1211.03, -4305.35, 639.125), (90, 0, 100), 75); // Mystery box top of Hillside
CreateZipline((-1298.65, -3816.83, 589.911), (-1565.24, -4650.71, 3305.47), 3.5, true); // zipline to turbine
CreateGrid((-1307.7, -4777.31, 3258.66), (-1557.4, -4779.71, 3248.74), 90, false); // turbine floor
CreateGrid((-1564, -4716.61, 3255.13), (-1314.07, -4717.22, 3257.91), 90, false); // same as above
CreateGrid((-1325.92, -4651.65, 3289.59), (-1575.82, -4646.71, 3284.74), false); // same as above
CreateZipline((-1351.95, -4766.9, 3274.53), (-2057.89, -2749.63, 821.761), 5.0, true); // turbine to grid over looking hillside.
CreateGrid((-2081.1, -2826.72, 805.886), (-1771.63, -2741.74, 754.86), 90, false); //Grid over looking hillside
CreateRamp((-1748.5, -2794.05, 821.22), (-1431.05, -2922.13, 569.329), false); //ramp from hillside grid to ALMOST hillside

On this thread people are allowed to share their custom maps, since I do not have official maps for the actual game mode I will pick maps that users have made and use them in the game mode, so please post your custom maps here :p

Enjoy Tiphat
Last edited by Shark ; 12-22-2015 at 01:44 PM.

The following 59 users say thank you to Shark for this useful post:

/SneakerStreet/, One, 0zersub, alex-_-123, Boughhhh, Bxrdyy-, Claww1337_, CodJumper:, dandeekiller, dofof99, Full-Evil, FusionIsDaName, hugo14613, ightbulb, iifire, iRnZ, Jakeboii, JLM, John Leepe, koedkilla, KUSHxHERO, Deleted-User0000000012210, LBP1906, Loz, ModsCasual, MrToxlcBooty, My Ninja Defuse, Mantus, network10, NintendoMw, Nothingbutbread, oTitY, ReFleX MoDzZ, Relaz123, ReqLobbies, Adrian, sagitarioxp, ScaRzModZ, CraZy KiD GaMeR, Script Kiddie, Sick_aSS_FoO, Skonafid, smashedya, Sunnis, Synergy, t427269, tantan27, TG1DER, TheNewLegit, theShocker97, V--JR7, Versed, VeX_RayZz, vogsmurf, xSlinkeyy, Zambie
01-24-2016, 11:25 AM #470
{ level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateGrid((556.773,-1358.75,517.16Cool Man (aka Tustin), (115.264,-1053.16,487.254), (0,0,0));//platform
CreateZipline((1582.71,1401.91,214.294), (-372.325,1636.21,457.125), 3, true);
CreateDoor((1751.93,2396.04,215.19Cool Man (aka Tustin), (1702.46,2461.79,210.125), 2, (90, 45, 0), 3, 2, 25, 80);
CreateWall((769.359,-1349.36,390.475), (575.592,-1351.62,499.773));
CreateDoor((751.746,-1210.08,388.625), (917.072,-1122.81,388.18Cool Man (aka Tustin), 2, (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 25, 80);
CreateWall((539.359,-1123.99,375.582), (619.164,-1034.32,464.654));
CreateZipline((130.729,-1044.5,533.043), (347.496,873.833,511.93), 3, false);
CreateFlag((533.368,5088.77,-272.727), (1446.5,353.983,269.293), false, true);
CreateFlag((579.594,-1348.01,401.217), (534.193,-1170.62,533.043), false, true);
CreateZipline((223.078,1417.32,456.125), (778.839,4023.92,-199.087), 3, true);
CreateMysteryBox((244.228,3342.43,-57.8086), (0, 0, 0), 100);
CreateWall((2084.41,2605.32,28.125), (2272.7,2436.54,168.136));//platform
CreateDoor((1773.01,2293.91,28.125), (1806.06,2213.11,28.789Cool Man (aka Tustin), 2, (90, 45, 0), 2, 2, 25, 80);
CreateFlag((2061.69,2552.74,28.125), (-1141.79,3290.61,268.66Cool Man (aka Tustin), false, false);

01-24-2016, 11:26 AM #471
{ level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateWall((-17577.3,1730.63,-82.3154), (-17963,2195.67,66.0977));//big wall
CreateWall((-17232.8,2074.16,-87.5057), (-17697.4,2481.04,48.392));//big wall
CreateWall((-16977.2,892.711,-79.875), (-16820.2,735.431,28.2047));//door block
CreateDoor((-17762.9,2365.96,-87.875), (-17904.4,2405.7,-87.875), 3, (90, -45, 0), 4, 2, 25, 80);
CreateMysteryBox((-17623.3,2003.29,-87.875), (0, 90, 0), 200);
CreateFlag((-16183.5,665.854,-81.6807), (-15394.4,3726.53,-191.875), false, true);
CreateTurret((-16866.7,1359.49,-87.875), (0,90,0), "auto_gun_turret_mp");
CreateWall((-16396.1,1473.7,-79.875), (-16234.4,1329.09,51.5502));//door block
CreateFlag((-16250.7,1467.03,48.125), (-17264.4,2413.53,-111.127), false, true);
CreateFlag((-17938.1,1757.2,-120.439), (-17077.4,789.222,48.125), false, true);
CreateDoor((-17260.4,1757.63,-87.875), (-17337.7,1844.59,-87.875), 3, (90, -45, 0), 4, 2, 25, 80);
03-25-2016, 04:43 PM #472
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by Zambie View Post
current origin when you press square

Originally posted by iAmCrystal View Post
bro i can help

I know its a long time ago but any chance one of you could help me :P? I see that Shark retired, got banned or whatever people say, so cant really ask him :P

I just want to make a small map for me and my friends to play on, but it takes so long time if i have to go in and out to check if whatever i create is in the right spots.
- If you want to, then please tell me how to get the origin on the screen ingame Smile
I tried the stuff earlier in the thread but it doesnt seem to work for me Smile

Or how do i toggle that forge mode on :P
Last edited by xK ELITE GaminG ; 03-25-2016 at 05:23 PM.
03-25-2016, 11:48 PM #473
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by xK
I know its a long time ago but any chance one of you could help me :P? I see that Shark retired, got banned or whatever people say, so cant really ask him :P

I just want to make a small map for me and my friends to play on, but it takes so long time if i have to go in and out to check if whatever i create is in the right spots.
- If you want to, then please tell me how to get the origin on the screen ingame Smile
I tried the stuff earlier in the thread but it doesnt seem to work for me Smile

Or how do i toggle that forge mode on :P

use debug zombieland it has no clip toggled to the d-pad and origin on square
03-26-2016, 09:54 AM #474
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by iAmCrystal View Post
use debug zombieland it has no clip toggled to the d-pad and origin on square

Nvm found it Smile
Last edited by xK ELITE GaminG ; 03-26-2016 at 03:33 PM.
04-08-2016, 02:59 AM #475
Carrier() // Created by Nothingbutbread
level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateRamp((-3512.2,-1775.13,-76), (-3517.11,-1858.71,-35.4062)); //Start of Main Platform Ramp
CreateRamp((-3468.64,-2909.46,243.972), (-3463.09,-3104.42,277.31Cool Man (aka Tustin)); //End of Main Platform Ramp
CreateGrid((-3336,-3336,277), (-3981.51,-3104.42,277)); //Main Platform base
CreateZipline((-3517.11,-1858.71,-35.4062), (-3468.64,-2909.46,243.972), 3, true); //Main Platform Zipline
CreateWall((-3319.79,-3365.84,292.8750), (-4010,-3365.84,400)); //Combat axe bounce wall
CreateMysteryBox((-3738.82,-3089.78,292.8750), (0, 90, 0), 200); // Main Platform Box
CreateZipline((-3889.53,-3113.02,292.875), (-3826.98,-1837.04,447.331), 3, true); //Control Tower Zipline to Platform
CreateDoor((-3466.96,-3241.42,292.875), (-3463.32,-3055.44,292.875), 3, (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 20, 80); //Platform Defense
CreateDoor((-6002.35,-937.641,44.125), (-6099,-937.641,44.125), 3, (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 20, 80); //Back door defense
CreateWall((-6183.33,-1036.07,60), (-6083.29,-1135.2,10Cool Man (aka Tustin)); //Back Door Barricade
CreateZipline((-5965.43,-1042.16,44.125), (-4797.6,-1300.05,447.331), 3, true); //Control Tower Zipline to Back door
CreateFlag((-5212.85,1065.52,44.125), (-3284.23,383.228,157.52), false, false); //Random Flag, idk why I placed it there.
04-15-2016, 07:52 AM #476
Originally posted by ohXilenT View Post
I noticed that when you buy health as a zombie when you die you get it rest back to 100. is their anyway of changing that so if you buy health as a zombie and die you keep the health you brought?

Originally posted by banj0chicken View Post
As in you spawn with 100 health but then you buy more health up to 200, you get killed and its back to 100, when it should still be 200. Maybe it was intentional so if shark doesn't want to change it then maybe he could let us know how to change it in the code our selves.

It was done intentionally due to the way the money/health system work together.
If a zombie was to continuously kill themselves and generate so much health to a point where it takes a ridiculous amount of time to kill one zombie which can impact greatly on the balance of the game.
This is why the intent is that all the zombies work together as we all know if theres more zombies over humans then obviously the human isn't going to stand a chance.

However if anyone isn't fond of this I'll post a way to change it below.

1. Go to functions.gsc, and find AddHealth(amount, status)
2. Change From
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AddHealth(amount, status)
if ( >= level.itemPrice[status]["General"]["Health"])
if (self.status == "human")
self.addingHealth = true;
wait 0.01; += amount;
self.maxhealth =;
self.addingHealth = false;
if (!self.healthMonitor)
self thread MonitorHealth();
{ += amount;
self.maxhealth =;
} -= level.itemPrice[status]["General"]["Health"];
self iPrintln("^1+50 Health ^7Purchased Successfully");
self SendError("MoreMoney");

The following 2 users say thank you to Shark for this useful post:

DoraTheKiller97, Nothingbutbread
04-19-2016, 04:15 PM #477
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12-16-2016, 02:33 PM #478
Why Does It Say Sometime On GSC Studio "Use A Project Created With This Software???"

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