Post: [Source] Project Iconic SENTINEL (Zombies Menu) (8 Player Survival!)
05-09-2016, 11:34 AM #1
Space Ninja
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); *New update soon* - Only available on my channel here: [PLAIN] You must login or register to view this content. [/PLAIN]
So i released the original project Iconic some time ago... It wasnt good enough. There were several stability problems and i wanted a bigger menu. Sharks base wouldn't cut it. So i hand coded a new menu structure to be more efficient and stable, and recoded the entire menu to be more stable and better overall. Here is the result.
Features Video:

Sorry for such a long video, this menu is really hard to cover in a short period of time - Its a pretty big menu.

Thanks to Loz for some of his menu functions and help with the overflow.
Thanks to Hunter926 for a couple bug reports with fixes.
Thanks to Extinct and my subscribers for supporting me in the newest build
Hopefully you enjoy this menu, as it is loaded with brand new features and is the most stable menu i could make (its stable...).

New Menu Update Video:

Download: You must login or register to view this content.
Virus Scan for PS3 Injector:You must login or register to view this content.

1: If you have any bugs let me know! I want to fix anything you can find.
2: Your feedback is appreciated! Comment on what you like so i can keep doing it, and tell me the things that could be better!
3: Enjoy.


Changelog (Current version
[Update 2.0]
1: Fixed Various Bugs and implemented several new features
2: Transitioned to New Menu Base (SENTINEL 1.5)
3: Removed Gamemodes Menu for more space in the menu for other functions.
4: Removed Option specific messages to free strings (ie: Godmode On will now just say Enabled)
5: Performed several operations on the menu structure to free strings. (Around 750 in total)

[Update 2.5]
1: <redacted>
2: Fixed Several Function Specific Bugs
3: Fixed Players and All players toggles to operate correctly
4: Added 8 Player zombies capabilities to PS3 Injector
5: Added Many new Functions (Mainly fun menu functions and random things to do for fun in the game.)
6: Addressed several issues in backend efficiency for various functions to improve overall menu stability.

[Update 2.7]
1: Fixed 'Server Disconnect' error AND overflow Fix. <finally!>

1: Released Source code for the current version of the menu

You can download the source for the menu here: You must login or register to view this content.

New update soon.
If you use any of these functions or parts, you must include adequate credits.

Bugs Reported:
1: Requested a TakeCurrentWeapon option
Last edited by anthonything ; 09-02-2020 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Changes requested

The following 38 users say thank you to anthonything for this useful post:

/SneakerStreet/, BlueeHasSwag, BulletProof3160, BullyWiiPlaza, ChromeVisionz, dah, DH63, ebrahim007, Fixed Username, Frosty, gοd, goebbels, HiddenHour, Hunter926, iTzDavid39, keyser69, ksa_7ooo7, LaughTracks, LegitBruh, Loz, migjack, Mr.4Skin, ODLeslie, OfficialCoolJay, Out2getmyfix, Patrick, PawnModz, Pink Guy, Restrodude, Skonafid, Specter, Tronkuz, xexDELL, xiYQHEMoDz, xPurpBoyyx, xSynthmodz, xTiibo Modz

The following 2 users groaned at anthonything for this awful post:

DF_AUS, ProfoundModz
05-28-2016, 12:47 AM #155
Last edited by Level3tjg ; 06-04-2024 at 11:51 PM.
05-28-2016, 01:41 AM #156
Space Ninja
Originally posted by Level3tjg View Post
I was freezing on origins, so I went ahead and downloaded the 2.6 update, but it still freezes. Just something with origins or something?

Yes im working on it right now - Wait an hr or so and come back, i should have a fix
05-28-2016, 02:29 AM #157
Love the new update, but it still has some flaws that should be looked into.
1: Random Freezing when exiting or Opening Menu
2: Freeze on Origins Loading Screen! Map can't be loaded with out Freeze.
3: Freeze when using the "All Perma Perks" command on other players.

Improvement suggestions:
RTM Tool/Injector ... Make it updateable to 2.70 CCAPI or make a version that works with it.
Make the EBOOT you use to develop the mod menu downloadable, could reduce or eliminate problems others have due to using a different EBOOT.

Tested on a PS3 running DEX 4.78 Spoofed to 4.80 running a DEX EBOOT with only Anit-ban.
05-28-2016, 03:24 AM #158
Space Ninja
Originally posted by Nothingbutbread View Post
Love the new update, but it still has some flaws that should be looked into.
1: Random Freezing when exiting or Opening Menu
2: Freeze on Origins Loading Screen! Map can't be loaded with out Freeze.
3: Freeze when using the "All Perma Perks" command on other players.

Improvement suggestions:
RTM Tool/Injector ... Make it updateable to 2.70 CCAPI or make a version that works with it.
Make the EBOOT you use to develop the mod menu downloadable, could reduce or eliminate problems others have due to using a different EBOOT.

Tested on a PS3 running DEX 4.78 Spoofed to 4.80 running a DEX EBOOT with only Anit-ban.

The origins freeze is being worked on right now, so is the close / open freeze. Perma perks i still havent been able to get to freeze me. (Perma perks only work on Buried, Transit, and Die Rise FYI).
05-28-2016, 03:44 AM #159
Can you fix the server disconnect?
05-28-2016, 04:19 AM #160
Space Ninja
Originally posted by swizzling View Post
Can you fix the server disconnect?

Still working on it. Once i fix the string table issue it will be fixed.
05-28-2016, 04:19 AM #161
Space Ninja
Originally posted by swizzling View Post
Can you fix the server disconnect?

Still working on it. Once i fix the string table issue it will be fixed.
05-28-2016, 09:17 AM #162
Do a barrel roll!
Oh god, zombies is done yet again once you release your source lmao, haha i have similer options in my zombies menu as your's but damn you're menu is the most dope one out as of now. If i ever release my menu people are going to say i leached off you with some of my options but oh well i know what i made, love your stuff man kinda wish you wouldn't release your source tho Crying

The following user thanked ODLeslie for this useful post:

05-28-2016, 09:45 AM #163
Anthony, if you release any source of your menu, release the source of the old version of your menu, the version before moved all menu in the current base, and without your new functions for avoid leech !
It's the first version and it's best, no freeze, no overflow error, Playing with menu All Day without any error or freeze
But this is just my opinion.
Last edited by Tronkuz ; 05-28-2016 at 09:54 AM.

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