Post: [Release]1.12 Hud elem Designer [with hud elems offsets]
07-19-2013, 06:25 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey everyone, many people asked for BO II hud elems so there it is BUT i dont have RPC so i made a ghetto function that will call SetText for now. YOU MUST HAVE PS3TMAPI_NET.DLL in the SAME folder as this application with the devcomponents DLL !!!

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DOWNLOASad Awesome
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VIRUS SCAN[might have false positives due to the packing]:
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Hud elems offsets[C#][Thanks to xSonoro]: You must login or register to view this content.
        public class PS3        {
public static uint ProcessID;
public static uint[] ProcessIDs;

public static void SetMemory(uint Address, byte[] Bytes)
PS3TMAPI.ProcessSetMemory(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID, 0, Address, Bytes);
public static void GetMemory(uint Address, ref byte[] Bytes)
PS3TMAPI.ProcessGetMemory(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID, 0, Address, ref Bytes);
public static void Connect()
PS3TMAPI.Connect(0, null);

public static void Attach()
PS3TMAPI.GetProcessList(0, out ProcessIDs);
ulong uProcess = ProcessIDs[0];
ProcessID = Convert.ToUInt32(uProcess);
PS3TMAPI.ProcessAttach(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID); PS3TMAPI.ProcessContinue(0, ProcessID);

public class HElems
public static uint //CREDITS: xSonoro <3 <--Da Bes♥
type = 0x6D,
xOffset = 0x00,
yOffset = 0x04,
textOffset = 0x62,
sort = 32,
fontSizeOffset = 0x71,
clientOffset = 0x7C,
colorOffset = 0x18,
widthOffset = 0x58,
heightOffset = 0x5A,
shaderOffset = 0x74,
Material = 0x71;

public class HUDS

public static byte[] SetTextGhetto(string Text)
byte[] clean = new byte[250];
PS3.SetMemory(0x2000000, clean);
PS3.SetMemory(0x2000000, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Text + "\0"));
byte[] BLP = new byte[] { 0x48, 0x44, 0x8D, 0xE5, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x00, 0xD9, 0x80, 0x63, 0xB5, 0xF8, 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x82, 0x00, 0x7C, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x02, 0x00, 0x30, 0x63, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4B, 0xED, 0xE9, 0x15, 0x3C, 0x80, 0x02, 0x00, 0x90, 0x64, 0x50, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0x4B, 0xFD, 0x80, 0x09 };
byte[] ORG = new byte[] { 0x48, 0x44, 0x8D, 0xE5, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x00, 0xD9, 0x80, 0x63, 0xB5, 0xF8, 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x41, 0x82, 0x00, 0x7C, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x00, 0x39, 0x38, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3B, 0xE3, 0x5E, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x43, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x08, 0xFC, 0x20, 0xF8, 0x90, 0x4B, 0xFD, 0x80, 0x09, };
LIB.PS3.SetMemory(0x396484, BLP);
LIB.PS3.SetMemory(0x396484, ORG);
byte[] GetX = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory(0x2005000, ref GetX);

return GetX;
public static byte[] uintBytes(uint input) { byte[] data = BitConverter.GetBytes(input); Array.Reverse(data); return data; }

class MenuItems
public static uint
Shader = 0,
ScrollBarBackGround = 1;

public static byte[] ReverseBytes(byte[] inArray) { Array.Reverse(inArray); return inArray; }
public static byte[] ToHexFloat(float Axis) { byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Axis); Array.Reverse(bytes); return bytes; }
public static byte[] RGBA(decimal R, decimal G, decimal B, decimal A) { byte[] RGBA = new byte[4]; byte[] RVal = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(R)); byte[] GVal = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(G)); byte[] BVal = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(B)); byte[] AVal = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(A)); RGBA[0] = RVal[0]; RGBA[1] = GVal[0]; RGBA[2] = BVal[0]; RGBA[3] = AVal[0]; return RGBA; }

public static void StoreIcon(int elemIndex, uint client, int shader, int width, int height, int x, int y, uint align, float sort, int r, int g, int b, int a)

byte[] Material_ = BitConverter.GetBytes(shader);
byte[] Height_ = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(height));
Array.Resize(ref Height_, 2);
byte[] width_ = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(width));
Array.Resize(ref width_, 2);

uint elem = 0x15df280 + ((Convert.ToUInt32(elemIndex)) * 0x8Cool Man (aka Tustin);
byte[] ClientID = ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(client));
PS3.SetMemory(elem, new byte[0x88]);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.type, ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(Cool Man (aka Tustin)));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x79, new byte[] { 0xFF });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0xC, new byte[] { 0x3f, 0xc0 });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x104, new byte[] { 0x03, 0xff });

PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.Material, Material_);

PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.heightOffset, Height_);

PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.widthOffset, width_);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.textOffset + 4, ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(sort)));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.xOffset, ToHexFloat(x));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.yOffset, ToHexFloat(y));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.colorOffset, RGBA(r, g, b, a));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.clientOffset, ClientID);


public static void StoreTextElem(int elemIndex, int client, string text, int font, int fontScale, int x, int y, uint align, int sort, int r, int g, int b, int a)

string setText = text + "\0";
byte[] TextIndex = SetTextGhetto(setText);
uint elem = 0x15df280 + ((Convert.ToUInt32(elemIndex)) * 0x8Cool Man (aka Tustin);
byte[] ClientID = ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(client)));
PS3.SetMemory(elem, new byte[0x88]);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.type, ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(1)));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x79, new byte[] { 0xFF });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0xC, new byte[] { 0x3f, 0xc0 });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x104, new byte[] { 0x03, 0xff });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.textOffset, TextIndex);
byte[] font_ = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(font));
Array.Resize(ref font_, 1);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.fontSizeOffset, font_);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.xOffset, ToHexFloat(x));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.yOffset, ToHexFloat(y));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.colorOffset, RGBA(r, g, b, a));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.clientOffset, ClientID);

public static void DestroyElem(int index)
uint elem = 0x15df280 + ((Convert.ToUInt32(index)) * 0x8Cool Man (aka Tustin);

PS3.SetMemory(elem, new byte[0x88]);


Last edited by Bad Luck Brian ; 01-31-2016 at 12:59 AM.

The following 21 users say thank you to Bad Luck Brian for this useful post:

{H} | Exception, Ansity., BadChoicesZ, Chxii, CodJumper:, DiiMoON_YouTube, ErasedDev, Mango_Knife, MGMoDzHD, network10, NGU-xNiicKzHD, O-H, SC58, Shark, SnaY, therifboy, Wesley_Pipes540, King, Zwiik
07-19-2013, 12:40 PM #11
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by therifboy View Post
Can you make a video on how to find offsets please. Will be much appreciated. :wub:

you cant teach someone how to find offsets, finding offsets is based off skill and ppc knowledge, ppc is the hardest to learn i dont even know it very well
07-19-2013, 12:42 PM #12
Originally posted by BLiNDzZ View Post
you cant teach someone how to find offsets, finding offsets is based off skill and ppc knowledge, ppc is the hardest to learn i dont even know it very well

That's why I ask him. He's teaching PPC. I think it'll be easier for us to understand with examples instead of just explaining.
07-19-2013, 01:01 PM #13
Add this to your thread. You must login or register to view this content.
Last edited by therifboy ; 07-19-2013 at 01:27 PM.
07-19-2013, 01:53 PM #14
Originally posted by therifboy View Post
Can you make a video on how to find offsets please. Will be much appreciated. :wub:

I will make a vi on how i found hud elem for bo ii

The following user thanked Bad Luck Brian for this useful post:

07-19-2013, 04:07 PM #15
Dude this thread will make my home bois go crazy
07-19-2013, 05:01 PM #16
Can u Release Button Monitoring for 1.12 Happy
07-19-2013, 05:01 PM #17
Originally posted by FrenchMoobTeam View Post
Dude this thread will make my home bois go crazy

We still need RPC and Sv_GameSendServerCommand
07-19-2013, 06:31 PM #18
Climbing up the ladder
Originally posted by therifboy View Post
We still need RPC and Sv_GameSendServerCommand

SC58 just released Sv_GameSendServerCommand Dancing
07-19-2013, 06:57 PM #19
In my man cave
Originally posted by Bad
Hey everyone, many people asked for BO II hud elems so there it is BUT i dont have RPC so i made a ghetto function that will call SetText for now. YOU MUST HAVE PS3TMAPI_NET.DLL in the SAME folder as this application with the devcomponents DLL !!!

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DOWNLOASad Awesome
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VIRUS SCAN[might have false positives due to the packing]:
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Hud elems offsets[C#][Thanks to xSonoro]: You must login or register to view this content.
        public class PS3        {
public static uint ProcessID;
public static uint[] ProcessIDs;

public static void SetMemory(uint Address, byte[] Bytes)
PS3TMAPI.ProcessSetMemory(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID, 0, Address, Bytes);
public static void GetMemory(uint Address, ref byte[] Bytes)
PS3TMAPI.ProcessGetMemory(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID, 0, Address, ref Bytes);
public static void Connect()
PS3TMAPI.Connect(0, null);

public static void Attach()
PS3TMAPI.GetProcessList(0, out ProcessIDs);
ulong uProcess = ProcessIDs[0];
ProcessID = Convert.ToUInt32(uProcess);
PS3TMAPI.ProcessAttach(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID); PS3TMAPI.ProcessContinue(0, ProcessID);

public class HElems
public static uint //CREDITS: xSonoro <3 <--Da Bes♥
type = 0x6D,
xOffset = 0x00,
yOffset = 0x04,
textOffset = 0x62,
sort = 32,
fontSizeOffset = 0x71,
clientOffset = 0x7C,
colorOffset = 0x18,
widthOffset = 0x58,
heightOffset = 0x5A,
shaderOffset = 0x74,
Material = 0x71;

public class HUDS

public static byte[] SetTextGhetto(string Text)
byte[] clean = new byte[250];
PS3.SetMemory(0x2000000, clean);
PS3.SetMemory(0x2000000, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Text + "\0"));
byte[] BLP = new byte[] { 0x48, 0x44, 0x8D, 0xE5, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x00, 0xD9, 0x80, 0x63, 0xB5, 0xF8, 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x82, 0x00, 0x7C, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x02, 0x00, 0x30, 0x63, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4B, 0xED, 0xE9, 0x15, 0x3C, 0x80, 0x02, 0x00, 0x90, 0x64, 0x50, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0x4B, 0xFD, 0x80, 0x09 };
byte[] ORG = new byte[] { 0x48, 0x44, 0x8D, 0xE5, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x00, 0xD9, 0x80, 0x63, 0xB5, 0xF8, 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x41, 0x82, 0x00, 0x7C, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x00, 0x39, 0x38, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3B, 0xE3, 0x5E, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x43, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x08, 0xFC, 0x20, 0xF8, 0x90, 0x4B, 0xFD, 0x80, 0x09, };
LIB.PS3.SetMemory(0x396484, BLP);
LIB.PS3.SetMemory(0x396484, ORG);
byte[] GetX = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory(0x2005000, ref GetX);

return GetX;
public static byte[] uintBytes(uint input) { byte[] data = BitConverter.GetBytes(input); Array.Reverse(data); return data; }

class MenuItems
public static uint
Shader = 0,
ScrollBarBackGround = 1;

public static byte[] ReverseBytes(byte[] inArray) { Array.Reverse(inArray); return inArray; }
public static byte[] ToHexFloat(float Axis) { byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Axis); Array.Reverse(bytes); return bytes; }
public static byte[] RGBA(decimal R, decimal G, decimal B, decimal A) { byte[] RGBA = new byte[4]; byte[] RVal = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(R)); byte[] GVal = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(G)); byte[] BVal = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(B)); byte[] AVal = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(A)); RGBA[0] = RVal[0]; RGBA[1] = GVal[0]; RGBA[2] = BVal[0]; RGBA[3] = AVal[0]; return RGBA; }

public static void StoreIcon(int elemIndex, uint client, int shader, int width, int height, int x, int y, uint align, float sort, int r, int g, int b, int a)

byte[] Material_ = BitConverter.GetBytes(shader);
byte[] Height_ = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(height));
Array.Resize(ref Height_, 2);
byte[] width_ = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(width));
Array.Resize(ref width_, 2);

uint elem = 0x15df280 + ((Convert.ToUInt32(elemIndex)) * 0x8Cool Man (aka Tustin);
byte[] ClientID = ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(client));
PS3.SetMemory(elem, new byte[0x88]);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.type, ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(Cool Man (aka Tustin)));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x79, new byte[] { 0xFF });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0xC, new byte[] { 0x3f, 0xc0 });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x104, new byte[] { 0x03, 0xff });

PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.Material, Material_);

PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.heightOffset, Height_);

PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.widthOffset, width_);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.textOffset + 4, ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(sort)));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.xOffset, ToHexFloat(x));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.yOffset, ToHexFloat(y));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.colorOffset, RGBA(r, g, b, a));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.clientOffset, ClientID);


public static void StoreTextElem(int elemIndex, int client, string text, int font, int fontScale, int x, int y, uint align, int sort, int r, int g, int b, int a)

string setText = text + "\0";
byte[] TextIndex = SetTextGhetto(setText);
uint elem = 0x15df280 + ((Convert.ToUInt32(elemIndex)) * 0x8Cool Man (aka Tustin);
byte[] ClientID = ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(client)));
PS3.SetMemory(elem, new byte[0x88]);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.type, ReverseBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(1)));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x79, new byte[] { 0xFF });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0xC, new byte[] { 0x3f, 0xc0 });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + 0x104, new byte[] { 0x03, 0xff });
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.textOffset, TextIndex);
byte[] font_ = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(font));
Array.Resize(ref font_, 1);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.fontSizeOffset, font_);
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.xOffset, ToHexFloat(x));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.yOffset, ToHexFloat(y));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.colorOffset, RGBA(r, g, b, a));
PS3.SetMemory(elem + HElems.clientOffset, ClientID);

public static void DestroyElem(int index)
uint elem = 0x15df280 + ((Convert.ToUInt32(index)) * 0x8Cool Man (aka Tustin);

PS3.SetMemory(elem, new byte[0x88]);



Nice shit Kelvin
Me Like it

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