Post: [Release] Black Ops II v104 Patches All 7 Regions Fixed For CFW 341-355
12-08-2012, 10:10 PM #1
Vault dweller
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===========(* BLACK OPS II Patch v104 FIXES CFW 341+ *)===============

Remember if you want to enjoy all them little glitches for Solo/Offline
Then Patch v102 is for you or v101 only available for x3 BLUS versions.
I have them x3 v101 for 421+ CFW if anyone would like that patch.



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Don't get yourself banned.
I would not chance playing on psn to get banned.
To get what you had paid for, is worth it if you bought DLC.

Sony banning CFW users. That's just as bad as stealing from paid customers

We want are DLC
No alternative to get it, but we try & do. "They call it piracy.

I do not see Sony's alternative or any other way,to get what we paid for.
Mass acc bans with previous paid content & no way to get it.

While they cowards behind a "TOS" like RAT'S.
Regardless we should be able to get DLC from a PC app.
If that is how sony feels. Activate/Deactivate from PC like we do are PS3s !
They do not offer players a service now do they.?
This is how a BULLY corp does things, DRM forced.
They want your Freedom/Restrict you/Control you.

I like to think of PS3 scene like"Braveheart"
WILLIAM WALLACE (AKA - Mel Gibson): "I am William Wallace!
And I see a whole army of my countrymen here, in defiance of tyranny.
You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are.
What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight? Fight and you may die.
Run and you'll live, at least a while.
And dying in your beds many years from now-
-would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance.
Just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but-
-they'll never take our freedom!". ” - Jaimie Kanwar


If you want mods to work with my patch fix ?
Just PM me & i will send you a LINK to ( 5 Comb0 pack of Mods)
To use with my Patch for 341/355 that should cover mostly what you would want.
All regions already made =
Campaign/ ModZ
Zombies / ModZ
Single player/ ModZ
Multiplayer/ ModZ

They are from my priminum account so PM link only for now.
I do not want any strikes on my account.
Last edited by ZMK-iNFiNiTY ; 12-25-2012 at 08:56 PM. Reason: Back up links

The following 31 users say thank you to ZMK-iNFiNiTY for this useful post:

^TPP^, -Nathan-, Eddie Mac,, Ace Hood, andresdt, Arman M., Benoxity, ErasedDev, emcrew2, FallofReach, SubwayMonkey, hello00417, hkownz, iLennyBhoyx, iMrDannyModz, M QTR, MegaMister, MiNDTH3G4P, nohcho_95, redbullmasta, SavageRising, say-say123, Sirprizer, Slice, sumpunk, SWAT CLAN, Xcutioner, xthumperx, zackandjon
12-22-2012, 04:24 AM #47
Vault dweller
Originally posted by hello00417 View Post
CAn you jus do the God Mode and Infinite Ammo

Because wit super jump, it keeps on restarting and going back to the selection menu.


---------- Post added at 04:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 AM ----------

If you can make that happen... Pm me your paypal, so i can donate for your time and effort....

Believe me, it's Worth MINE.... (Oh how many days and weeks have i tried)... But wit you, only SEconds... WOW, Amazing....

I was going to warn you super jump will get you killed .There is death barriers everywhere & on Black ops II .It is not true GodMode it is more no damage & like demi god & solo revive helps you from getting killed ,you can blow up frags in your hand in Zombies .

So you want Super jump out ? I dont like speed or super jump i want it to be challenging even with god i still like but for me i change to unlimited ammo then install my patch for god mode .I have made many modded packages where i just install before i play like a game shark type system i have but pkgs Smile

Ok i will help you out give me few min ..

The following user thanked ZMK-iNFiNiTY for this useful post:

12-22-2012, 04:40 AM #48
Bounty hunter
Thank you so much
12-22-2012, 04:44 AM #49
Vault dweller
Originally posted by hello00417 View Post
CAn you jus do the God Mode and Infinite Ammo

Because wit super jump, it keeps on restarting and going back to the selection menu.


---------- Post added at 04:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 AM ----------

If you can make that happen... Pm me your paypal, so i can donate for your time and effort....

Believe me, it's Worth MINE.... (Oh how many days and weeks have i tried)... But wit you, only SEconds... WOW, Amazing....

I could have added physics gravity floating enemy's & pro mod,for you but i did not know if you wanted so i left it the way you want..

LINK - EDIT[/url]

Enjoy i will post my personal packages so you can install & switch to a different mod on the fly for 355 since i made them for myself .
I will get them together & share them along with a few other sites ,i been asked for them . My friends who fix PSN games over at are my buddies Winky Winky I hope i get him to fix Black ops II DLC for us .I will make a offer he cant refuse to make it 1# Priority if we can get the new edats fixed would be great . I don't wanna see Black ops II end up like where we got stuck in the middle of DLC & could not play first strike :( I pray this does not happens i will try my best to get them fixed & talk wit my boys + hopefully DUPLEX helps ..
Last edited by ZMK-iNFiNiTY ; 12-22-2012 at 05:20 AM.

The following user thanked ZMK-iNFiNiTY for this useful post:

12-22-2012, 04:49 AM #50
Good job! Happy
Last edited by FallofReach ; 12-22-2012 at 04:56 AM.
12-22-2012, 04:56 AM #51
Vault dweller
Originally posted by MightyShenron View Post
Could you resign this please? Game ISad Awesome BLUS31011
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That will not work for 355 if that is what your trying to do . First i will say the param sys checks are not changed & are still in tact both of them . Even if i change them the game will freeze & have other problems . So if your using for 420 patch on v104 official it will work but not for 355 . So what you want to do & what mods are you trying to get working ? You using my patch ?
12-22-2012, 04:59 AM #52
Bounty hunter
Sorry, but you accidentally sent me this one...
BLACK.OPS.II.{DemiGod}Patch.v104.Spoof.v1337{340}BLUS31011{ZombieKillah}.ra ...

Can i get the God mode and infinite Ammo

12-22-2012, 04:59 AM #53
Originally posted by ZOMBIEKILLAH View Post
That will not work for 355 if that is what your trying to do . First i will say the param sys checks are not changed & are still in tact both of them . Even if i change them the game will freeze & have other problems . So if your using for 420 patch on v104 official it will work but not for 355 . So what you want to do & what mods are you trying to get working ? You using my patch ?
I just need a .self that contains super speed, super jump, godmode, and infinite ammo for BLUS31011
12-22-2012, 05:01 AM #54
Vault dweller
Originally posted by hello00417 View Post

If you can make that happen... Pm me your paypal, so i can donate for your time and effort....
Believe me, it's Worth MINE.... (Oh how many days and weeks have i tried)... But wit you, only SEconds... WOW, Amazing....

Thanks for the paypal offer & i appreciate it buy i never took money from anyone or sold mods like many .I am a person with morals i taught myself to not be good not bad in my life . I am probably x2 your age so you can see i am only in this for fun & to help others. Please no offence about me not accepting ,but i turned many down for even fixing games & help with numerous things . I have plenty in the bank but thanks buddy i just want you all to be happy like i am when i fire up my CFW .That is what gaming is about not rep & selling mods or any of that nonsense .Winky Winky
Last edited by ZMK-iNFiNiTY ; 12-22-2012 at 05:59 AM.

The following user thanked ZMK-iNFiNiTY for this useful post:

12-22-2012, 05:05 AM #55
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by ZOMBIEKILLAH View Post
Thanks for the paypal offer & i appreciate it buy i never took money from anyone or sold mods like may .I am a person with morals i taught myself to not be good not bad in my life . I am probably x2 your age so you can see i am only in this for fun & to help others. Please no offence about me not accepting ,but i turned many down for even fixing games & help with numerous things . I have plenty in the bank but thanks buddy i just want you all to be happy like i am when i fire up my CFW .That is what gaming is about not rep & selling mods or any of that nonsense .Winky Winky

That's cool bro.... Are you still going to send me that BLES01717 God & Ammo?
Sorry for Asking so much.

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