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hey guys,
here i have a awesome release
black ops 2 eboot without freezing (switch to multiplayer zombies or campain)
you start bo2 up you will not freeze anymore
when you go to zombies/multiplayer you don't freeze anymore
i have made the EBOOTS for:
BLES01717, BLUS31011, NPUB31054 And DEBUG
[URL="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a0nv23c3k717zev/AAA9MmYb4Tqh92nFy1ONpN-8a?dl=0"]Download The Eboots Here[/URL]
[URL="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vdda0dy32zs3xo9/AADab-UhB8WeRKkqzKM3oBBga?dl=0"]Download The SPRX eboot here[/URL]
Requested EBOOTS
[URL="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8j1u7r5x7a9h09t/AABbh_aYA0pBlU2doQPCvI7Wa?dl=0"]Debug, Freeze Fix, Sprx, Anti Ban, Wall Hack, No Recoil, VSAT, Small crosshairs And Red Boxes your not be able to (load zombies anymore)[/URL]
If you want a use a sprx menu for black ops 2 you can use it with this eboot (still can load up zaaambies

rename the sprx to
''Blackops2.sprx'' or it will not work! (only for Dex, if you don't want to use a sprx i recommend to use the normal eboot here above)
The Mods in the eboot:
ANTI-BAN -Multiplayer/Zombies
Probation Bypass -Multiplayer
Disable Perk (check) - Multiplayer
Cheat Protection - Multiplayer
Disable Portected Character -Multiplayer
no non-host mods (add them from a RTM tool)
all these eboots are tested
if you have any problems Say it down in the comments
and don't forget to leave a like
DEBUG tested only but the others should work
Mutliplayer you can attach (for cex it just works fine)
zombies for some strage way it won't attach (for cex it just works fine)
if someone can help me with this PM me
1. i need to make a debug self but than it will keep freezing when i load zombies (still working on it)
2. maked a new t6mp_ps3f.self but i someone can test it on dex if this works that should be great

I got placed out of home and I'm only on weekends at home than I have access to me ps3 : P
So if someone can test this by looking eboot or not zombies crashes and zombies attached
3. t6mp_ps3f.self doesn't work still try an other solution
4. t6mp_ps3f.self is done now not at home test please
5. debug will freeze your game for zombies
[QUOTE=IRealyLikeFood;6440548Thanks to you I was able to test a bunch of things. I converted sprx into the eboot, frostwire, non host mods, and ton more in one eboot. I don't freeze. And I go so hard. Took me all day to figure it out. But now it's too sweet[/QUOTE]