Post: HELP MEEEEEEE I'm desperate D:
01-15-2013, 01:32 AM #1
Purple God
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Last edited by Hash847 ; 12-26-2013 at 11:08 PM.
01-16-2013, 03:19 AM #2
Gym leader
how did you get banned? if you were playing fair they shouldnt have banned you.
01-16-2013, 05:21 PM #3
Same thing happened to me unfortunately when banned by Sony if it is an account there is nothing you can do unless you call them I called them 19 times on my case although there is always an excuse with them they told me that I had the right as a psn user to under go an account investigation to prove if I was falsely banned but I had to get permission from activision first for they are the ones that send the request to Sony to ban me and my console. I immediately snapped back saying that if it was from activision as you read from there legal agreement they cannot request for an account ban if your are caught cheating in that one game that as a third party it is there responsibility to take action and only ban you from there servers on that specific game. How ever Sony and activision are partners and have a major legal system I would not suggest going at them with the information I shared unless you know you are 100% innocent and it was a false ban they do hold the right to take further action by possibly suspending your console or console ID from online if they investigate and prove that your are guilty but might also take the punishment to the further extent of making sure you can never use that system online again.
01-17-2013, 10:42 PM #4
U get a new acount and visit this page:

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