Post: Xbox360 players wanting to play Zombies?
12-04-2012, 06:56 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Well i've been here before, but this is a new account. Forget about that tho. Most people i know don't want to play zombies, but that's different for me. All i wanna do is play zombies. So the thing is i want to find people to play with who wont have heart attacks cause he might die, or cant take a joke serious level, but are at that certain level where you can kid around an still be getting high rounds an just have fun but also not go down 16 times before round 8. I mainly like to play Tranzit, grief or survival on town Happy if wanting to play add

Gamertag: ExoTixPhoenix

An be free to use this to gather more people to add. Not just me Winky Winky i can only take but so much.. if you know what i mean xD

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12-05-2012, 01:24 AM #2
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Everyone add me, GT: LamarSwag
I played zombies starting on world at war, and I played a ton on black ops. Now I want to play even more on black ops 2 because it's even better! Also getting the season pass soon (just for the zombie maps, obviously). I usually only play on weekends though, I get too much work during the week.

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