Post: Play Zombies With Other NGU Members
02-20-2013, 03:57 AM #1
Vault dweller
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Since the other thread that someone made completely failed and he didn't update it once, I've decided to make a list of people who want to play with other NGU members. This is mainly for Black Ops 2 by the way.

Post your:
Prefered Map/Gamemode (highest round optional)
Rank (bone, crossbones, skull, knife, shotguns)
Have a mic?

►►► Add the people in this list if you're looking for zombie partners! ◄◄◄

NGU Name | PSN/GT | Prefered Map/GM | Rank | Mic? (Y/N)
1. JustinDT | PSN: JustinDT | Die Rise/Grief | Shotguns | Yes
2. Portoise | PSN: Porter007 | Town | Skull | Yes
3. RayJ_chugs | PSN: RayJ__chugs | TranZit/Town/Nuketown | Shotguns | Yes
4. de_maffia | PSN: F-Wiekson | Town Survival/TranZit | Skull | Yes
5. Wark-Ferrari | PSN: X6FERRARI6X | Any Map/Gamemode | Knife | Yes
6. bossburrow | PSN: i_hateNot Happy or Sadbo2 | TranZit | Knife | Yes
7. NCAABB | PSN: ITZPROTOTYPEv1 | Any Map/Gamemode | Skull | Yes
8. Bucket | PSN: xXBucketXx_ | Any Map/Gamemode | Shotguns | Yes
9. Damaga | PSN: Tyler-the-damaga | Die Rise | Shotguns | Yes
10. Crazysteve50 | PSN: Crazysteve | Town/Survival | Skull | Yes
11. XZ King MercyOG | GT: XZ King MercyOG | Town/Grief | Shotguns | Yes
Last edited by JustinDT ; 04-01-2013 at 05:45 AM.
03-07-2013, 04:23 AM #20
Tyler-the-damaga shotguns blue eyes die rise hell yea!
03-09-2013, 01:52 AM #21
Crazysteve50 | Crazysteve | Town/Survival | Skull - Blue Eyes | Mic? Yes
03-14-2013, 02:37 PM #22
Gt: XZ King MercyOG
Rank: Shotguns
Map/Mode: Town(Greif)
Mic: Yes

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