Post: Tranzit 'EE' | Maxis side | need 3 players?
08-15-2013, 03:52 PM #1
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); if you would like to do the tower of babble Easter egg, maxis side you must have:

-A Mic
- Know what you are doing!

Post your psn and i will add you.
08-15-2013, 05:15 PM #2
I'll help

PSN: DijZty_RiMs
08-15-2013, 05:22 PM #3
Climbing up the ladder
Originally posted by Dan94 View Post
if you would like to do the tower of babble Easter egg, maxis side you must have:

-A Mic
- Know what you are doing!

Post your psn and i will add you.

I know both Easteregg: Richtofen, Maxis
I have a mic
but my english is not so good, + Im now at round 80 on Buried
I heared you need the Easteregg on Tranzit or on Die Rise to complete it on Buried Im not sure
What I know is this: I tried to do the easteregg on Buried we was not done on a the step with the Giyotine we couldn't continue, thats why you need a part from Tranzit or from Die Rise
But I'm interested to do it
so add mui_g777 or Muiplayer88
08-17-2013, 08:11 PM #4
Originally posted by Dan94 View Post
if you would like to do the tower of babble Easter egg, maxis side you must have:

-A Mic
- Know what you are doing!

Post your psn and i will add you.

PSN: xTaLiTyz
08-18-2013, 09:47 PM #5
well.. i dont have a mic but ik how to do it

08-24-2013, 04:29 PM #6
Default Avatar
i need it aswell i got a mic and know what to do psn=slither_14

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