Post: [1.03] BO3 Updated Addresses
12-05-2015, 03:48 PM #1
Pro Memer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); These addresses are for MP (multiplayer) ONLY, if I find the time I will add zombie addresses as well.

I wanted to get these out in somewhat of a timely fashion, but anyways, here are the updated addresses for Black Ops 3 [1.03]. Thanks a lot to John who helped me along the way, also credit to Sabotage, John, Shark, SC58, SyGnUs, and anyone else I may have missed for the original 1.01 addresses which I used to find these.

Now I looked through these each one by one, so they should be right. However, if they are not correct, or you have some more addresses I may have missed, please don't hesitate to post it and I'll fix/add it to the thread =D

Addresses are sorted alphabetically.

TOC: 0xDE1C88

    cgArray - 0xF26400
ClientActive - 0xDF4910
G_HudElems - 0x173FD78
gclient_s - 0x18F8F90
gentity_s - 0x17CECA0

    AddBaseDrawTextCmd - 0x0040F6B8
AimTarget_GetTagPos_0 - 0x000363C0
AimTarget_isTargetVisible - 0x00036668
AngleNormalize360 - 0x006169A8
AnglesToAxis - 0x006195B0

BG_AnimScriptEvent - 0x00709E38
BG_GetPlayerWeaponModel - 0x00062624
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex - 0x0075CC7C
BG_GetWeaponDef - 0x00780F2C
BG_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier - 0x0078C344
BG_GetWeaponName - 0x00764810

CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos - 0x0008B8D0
CG_EntityInfrared - 0x000899B0
CG_GetPredictedPlayerState - 0x00107550
CG_IsEntityFriendlyNotEnemy - 0x00089900
CG_IsInfrared - 0x0016DAD0
CG_SetWeaponHeatConstants - 0x00177540
CL_DrawStretchPicPhysicalInternal - 0x001CD050
CL_DrawText - 0x001DBC48
CL_DrawTextPhysical - 0x001DBB48
CL_DrawTextPhysicalWithEffects - 0x001DBB98
CL_WritePacket - 0x001D35B4
CM_UnlinkEntity - 0x005A2ED0

CachedTag_GetCachedTagPos - 0x001093F0
CachedTag_GetTagPos - 0x001094F0
CachedTag_NoCache_GetTagPos - 0x00109180
CachedTag_UpdateTagInternal - 0x0010928C
Com_Error - 0x005AEC74
Com_GetClientDObj - 0x005B6D2C
Com_HashKey - 0x0061B678
Com_SessionMode_IsOnlineGame - 0x005AC7B4
Com_sprintf - 0x0062EE94

DeathGrenadeDrop - 0x002BA088
DrawOffscreenViewableWaypoint - 0x000F7410
Dvar_FindMalleableVar - 0x0062445C
Dvar_GetBool - 0x00624874
Dvar_GetFloat - 0x00624AF8
Dvar_GetInt - 0x006248F0
Dvar_RegisterNew - 0x006269E0

FX_ClientVisibilityTest - 0x0028B2A0

GScr_AddFieldsForActor - 0x006B96D0
GScr_AddFieldsForClient - 0x006DAEB0
GScr_AddFieldsForSentient - 0x006B9760
GScr_AddFieldsForVehicle - 0x002EF9D8
GScr_AllocString - 0x0034BF68
GScr_LoadConsts - 0x003B4378
GScr_SpawnCollision - 0x00353864
G_CallSpawnEntity - 0x0037C918
G_FindConfigStringIndex - 0x0038BC40
G_GetRandomSeed - 0x00391398
G_GetWeaponForEntity - 0x00313AE4
G_GetWeaponForName - 0x003AEBC8
G_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier - 0x00313A00
G_InitGentity - 0x0038EEA8
G_LocalizedStringIndex - 0x0038BDF4
G_MaterialIndex - 0x38BED8
G_ModelIndex - 0x0004893C
G_SetModel - 0x0038D4EC
G_Spawn - 0x00390034
G_SpawnItem - 0x00320AC8
G_crandom - 0x000601E4
GetHudElemInfo - 0x000F6AE0
GetScaleForDistance - 0x000F5F70

HudElemColorToVec4 - 0x000F5B80

IncInParam - 0x0058DFD8
iprintln - 0x003428B0
iprintlnbold - 0x00342954

MSG_SetDefaultUserCmd - 0x005BC7E8
MSG_WriteBits - 0x005BA914
MSG_WriteByte - 0x005BAD1C
MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey - 0x005BEC94
MSG_WriteLong - 0x005BADC8
MSG_WriteString - 0x005BB598
MatchRecordDeath - 0x0026445C
Material_LoadPerMap - 0x00407D98
Material_RegisterHandle - 0x00407D34
Material_Register_FastFile - 0x002497D4

R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal - 0x0040F4B8
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal - 0x0040F510
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal - 0x0040F908
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal - 0x0040F968
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal - 0x0040FA80
R_AllocShaderConstantSet - 0x0041FF4C
R_ConvertColorToBytes - 0x0043BD00
R_GetCommandBuffer - 0x0040EF4C
R_RegisterFont - 0x003FED6C

SL_ConvertToString - 0x001B03C4
SL_FindString - 0x001B0828
SL_GetStringOfSize - 0x001B0964
SV_AddServerCommand - 0x005E3D84
SV_GameSendServerCommand - 0x005DEC94
SV_GetConfigStringConst - 0x005E1584
SV_LinkEntity - 0x005EF800
SV_LocateGameData - 0x005DFC68
SV_SendServerCommand - 0x005E412C
SV_SetConfigString - 0x005E10B8
SV_UnlinkEntity - 0x005EF674
ScrPlace_ApplyRect - 0x001EA6B8
ScrPlace_GetView - 0x001E9B68
Scr_AddClassField - 0x001BD958
Scr_AddEntity - 0x0037D52C
Scr_AddFields - 0x001BDFD0
Scr_AddFieldsForEntity - 0x0037CBB4
Scr_AllocString - 0x001B1490
Scr_ConstructMessageString - 0x0034EFE0
Scr_Error - 0x001BE744
Scr_GetConstString - 0x001BE7F0
Scr_GetEntity - 0x0037DB00
Scr_GetInt - 0x001C1A88
Scr_GetNumParam - 0x001C3D58
Scr_GetString - 0x001C2020
Scr_GetVector - 0x001C2D98
Scr_Notify - 0x0037DDE4
Scr_NotifyNum - 0x001BFBA0
Scr_PlayerKilled - 0x003129B0
Scr_SetString - 0x001B1354

VEH_UnlinkPlayer - 0x00396264
V_SvEntityForGentity - 0x005DEC10

WaypointTargetFade - 0x000F5CC0
Last edited by Specter ; 12-06-2015 at 02:41 AM.

The following 12 users say thank you to Specter for this useful post:

Blair., COD_MoDz21, DF_AUS, Frosty, Geo, Jimmy, Joren, NickBeHaxing, John, Ali, thahitcrew
12-05-2015, 05:12 PM #2
Can’t trickshot me!
12-05-2015, 06:46 PM #3
Stoner Zone
Originally posted by Spec
I wanted to get these out in somewhat of a timely fashion, but anyways, here are the updated addresses for Black Ops 3 [1.03]. Thanks a lot to John who helped me along the way, also credit to Sabotage, John, Shark, SC58, SyGnUs, and anyone else I may have missed for the original 1.01 addresses which I used to find these.

Now I looked through these each one by one, so they should be right. However, if they are not correct, or you have some more addresses I may have missed, please don't hesitate to post it and I'll fix/add it to the thread =D

Addresses are sorted alphabetically.

TOC: 0xDE1C88

    cgArray - 0xF26400
ClientActive - 0xDF4910
G_HudElems - 0x173FD78
gclient_s - 0x18F8F90
gentity_s - 0x17CECA0

    AddBaseDrawTextCmd - 0x0040F6B8
AimTarget_GetTagPos_0 - 0x000363C0
AimTarget_isTargetVisible - 0x00036668
AngleNormalize360 - 0x006169A8
AnglesToAxis - 0x006195B0

BG_AnimScriptEvent - 0x00709E38
BG_GetPlayerWeaponModel - 0x00062624
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex - 0x0075CC7C
BG_GetWeaponDef - 0x00780F2C
BG_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier - 0x0078C344
BG_GetWeaponName - 0x00764810

CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos - 0x0008B8D0
CG_EntityInfrared - 0x000899B0
CG_GetPredictedPlayerState - 0x00107550
CG_IsEntityFriendlyNotEnemy - 0x00089900
CG_IsInfrared - 0x0016DAD0
CG_SetWeaponHeatConstants - 0x00177540
CL_DrawStretchPicPhysicalInternal - 0x001CD050
CL_DrawText - 0x001DBC48
CL_DrawTextPhysical - 0x001DBB48
CL_DrawTextPhysicalWithEffects - 0x001DBB98
CL_WritePacket - 0x001D35B4
CM_UnlinkEntity - 0x005A2ED0

CachedTag_GetCachedTagPos - 0x001093F0
CachedTag_GetTagPos - 0x001094F0
CachedTag_NoCache_GetTagPos - 0x00109180
CachedTag_UpdateTagInternal - 0x0010928C
Com_Error - 0x005AEC74
Com_GetClientDObj - 0x005B6D2C
Com_HashKey - 0x0061B678
Com_SessionMode_IsOnlineGame - 0x005AC7B4
Com_sprintf - 0x0062EE94

DeathGrenadeDrop - 0x002BA088
DrawOffscreenViewableWaypoint - 0x000F7410
Dvar_FindMalleableVar - 0x0062445C
Dvar_GetBool - 0x00624874
Dvar_GetFloat - 0x00624AF8
Dvar_GetInt - 0x006248F0
Dvar_RegisterNew - 0x006269E0

FX_ClientVisibilityTest - 0x0028B2A0

GScr_AddFieldsForActor - 0x006B96D0
GScr_AddFieldsForClient - 0x006DAEB0
GScr_AddFieldsForSentient - 0x006B9760
GScr_AddFieldsForVehicle - 0x002EF9D8
GScr_AllocString - 0x0034BF68
GScr_LoadConsts - 0x003B4378
GScr_SpawnCollision - 0x00353864
G_CallSpawnEntity - 0x0037C918
G_FindConfigStringIndex - 0x0038BC40
G_GetRandomSeed - 0x00391398
G_GetWeaponForEntity - 0x00313AE4
G_GetWeaponForName - 0x003AEBC8
G_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier - 0x00313A00
G_InitGentity - 0x0038EEA8
G_LocalizedStringIndex - 0x0038BDF4
G_ModelIndex - 0x0004893C
G_SetModel - 0x0038D4EC
G_Spawn - 0x00390034
G_SpawnItem - 0x00320AC8
G_crandom - 0x000601E4
GetHudElemInfo - 0x000F6AE0
GetScaleForDistance - 0x000F5F70

HudElemColorToVec4 - 0x000F5B80

IncInParam - 0x0058DFD8
iprintln - 0x003428B0
iprintlnbold - 0x00342954

MSG_SetDefaultUserCmd - 0x005BC7E8
MSG_WriteBits - 0x005BA914
MSG_WriteByte - 0x005BAD1C
MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey - 0x005BEC94
MSG_WriteLong - 0x005BADC8
MSG_WriteString - 0x005BB598
MatchRecordDeath - 0x0026445C
Material_LoadPerMap - 0x00407D98
Material_RegisterHandle - 0x00407D34
Material_Register_FastFile - 0x002497D4

R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal - 0x0040F4B8
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal - 0x0040F510
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal - 0x0040F908
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal - 0x0040F968
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal - 0x0040FA80
R_AllocShaderConstantSet - 0x0041FF4C
R_ConvertColorToBytes - 0x0043BD00
R_GetCommandBuffer - 0x0040EF4C
R_RegisterFont - 0x003FED6C

SL_ConvertToString - 0x001B03C4
SL_FindString - 0x001B0828
SL_GetStringOfSize - 0x001B0964
SV_AddServerCommand - 0x005E3D84
SV_GameSendServerCommand - 0x005DEC94
SV_GetConfigStringConst - 0x005E1584
SV_LinkEntity - 0x005EF800
SV_LocateGameData - 0x005DFC68
SV_SendServerCommand - 0x005E412C
SV_SetConfigString - 0x005E10B8
SV_UnlinkEntity - 0x005EF674
ScrPlace_ApplyRect - 0x001EA6B8
ScrPlace_GetView - 0x001E9B68
Scr_AddClassField - 0x001BD958
Scr_AddEntity - 0x0037D52C
Scr_AddFields - 0x001BDFD0
Scr_AddFieldsForEntity - 0x0037CBB4
Scr_AllocString - 0x001B1490
Scr_ConstructMessageString - 0x0034EFE0
Scr_Error - 0x001BE744
Scr_GetConstString - 0x001BE7F0
Scr_GetEntity - 0x0037DB00
Scr_GetInt - 0x001C1A88
Scr_GetNumParam - 0x001C3D58
Scr_GetString - 0x001C2020
Scr_GetVector - 0x001C2D98
Scr_Notify - 0x0037DDE4
Scr_NotifyNum - 0x001BFBA0
Scr_PlayerKilled - 0x003129B0
Scr_SetString - 0x001B1354

VEH_UnlinkPlayer - 0x00396264
V_SvEntityForGentity - 0x005DEC10

WaypointTargetFade - 0x000F5CC0

You should note these are for mp

The following user thanked NickBeHaxing for this useful post:

12-06-2015, 01:18 AM #4
Pro Memer
Originally posted by NickBeHaxing View Post
You should note these are for mp

Edited the thread to include that, thanks :p
12-06-2015, 11:15 AM #5
Anyone got CL_SetViewAngles_t ?
12-08-2015, 09:50 AM #6
Give a F*** About Your Lifestyle
Originally posted by One View Post
Anyone got CL_SetViewAngles_t ?

CL_SetViewAngles - 0x1CD564

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