Post: [1.07] Jericho Engine Unofficial Update | Multiplayer Mod Menù
05-03-2016, 01:24 PM #1
Indie Developer
Reverse Engineer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello NextGenUpdate ! Great news and release today for Black Ops 3 Modders , i have finally updated the Jericho Engine mod menù since i have saw a lot of people ask an update Smile Exile did not update then I update it Winky Winky

Credits :

Exile -> Jericho Engine Owner and Original Developer
Indie Developer -> Update Mod Menù for 1.07 | AntiBan fully working

Download Link : You must login or register to view this content.

Enjoy and happy modding

The following 16 users say thank you to Indie Developer for this useful post:

adel-naly, blaze3, dah, Dro, goebbels, johnmaycon25, jonaaa20, KinGzCFW_YT, mbradley672, POOPIPE, real1983, Rogue_Wolf, theloco, TosS-ModZ, Trojan@Dev, TwiztedDiablo96

The following 5 users groaned at Indie Developer for this awful post:

FFM | iMoDzRGFR, lilproman9, runningman420, VenoxCoding, vicious_results
05-10-2016, 07:24 PM #83
Save Point
Fucking Frezz what is this shit remedy thx is not fucking WORKING
05-11-2016, 07:04 PM #84
Indie Developer
Reverse Engineer
i'm noob and retard ? tears ok very good , never update the fix version

The following user thanked Indie Developer for this useful post:

05-11-2016, 07:13 PM #85
Originally posted by Indie
i'm noob and retard ? tears ok very good , never update the fix version

Dev stop letting ppl get to you. I don't see them doing anything. You have done some good work so don't let ppl make you stop. There is more who appreciate your work than those who don't. And if you can't update the source so what because nobody else even tried. Thank you for the work you have done and for your antiban that kept me and others online for so long.

The following user thanked vicious_results for this useful post:

Sereno Miguel
05-11-2016, 07:15 PM #86
Indie Developer
Reverse Engineer
Originally posted by results View Post
Dev stop letting ppl get to you. I don't see them doing anything. You have done some good work so don't let ppl make you stop. There is more who appreciate your work than those who don't. And if you can't update the source so what because nobody else even tried. Thank you for the work you have done and for your antiban that kept me and others online for so long.

i never use source and update nothing my lady Smile i remake the menù
already i have a fix version , but people piss me off .. why i need to release another good stuff if people dislike .. Sal
05-11-2016, 07:20 PM #87
Indie Developer
Reverse Engineer
looool i'm also leaker in POOPIPE opinion . But strange , i see you are registeredon NGU since today hahaha Ahh yes , you are a multi-account of iMoDz ( harry potter ) .
Why moderator make nothing ? tears

The following user thanked Indie Developer for this useful post:

05-11-2016, 07:21 PM #88
Originally posted by Indie
i never use source and update nothing my lady Smile i remake the menù
already i have a fix version , but people piss me off .. why i need to release another good stuff if people dislike .. Sal

The guy made two fake accounts to come on here and talk mess to you. Don't let him make you mad and if you don't want to release then don't but don't let it be because of a few bad people. Like I said tho I will buy it and I will not leak but if you don't want it's ok too. You have done a lot already and I am thankful for that.
05-11-2016, 07:24 PM #89
Indie Developer
Reverse Engineer
Originally posted by POOPIPE View Post
IF YOU HAVE ALREADY A working version why haven't you released it to the public people dislike because you give them something that doesn't work

i not release , for a simple reason : iMoDz and his fake account tears

The following user thanked Indie Developer for this useful post:

05-11-2016, 07:35 PM #90
05-11-2016, 07:38 PM #91
Originally posted by indie
i not release , for a simple reason : Imodz and his fake account tears

ya i am imod it is blatent xD
Last edited by repbooster ; 05-11-2016 at 07:40 PM.

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