Post: Call of duty Hardcore tips
06-17-2008, 07:48 PM #1
Ronye West
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Here are a few tips when playing in hardcore Search and destroy

Okay here is a few good classes when playing Hardcore search and destroy

1.Try to pick a weapon which has a silencer on it eg. m4 carbine, ak-47, mp5 etc.

2.If you are like me and you always go on hardcore search then make two classes i will tell you why later

3.Okay when you are making your two classes make one which has overkill and one which has uav jammer name them hardcore I and hardcore II

4.In hardcore I, have a silenced weapon with uav jammer and bomb squad, bomb squad is a great perk for search and destroy because half the time you will be killed by a campers claymore, also bomb squad is good because it gives away the emenys position

5.In Hardcore II, have a sniper as your primary weapon for guiliy suit and lets say something like a g3 (one shot kill most times) also with bomb squad

6.If you are a really big hardcore player and you always go on it, i would advise making a third class maybe with a sniper as the first class(gilly) and on the second class have a G36C with a noob tube or another Assult weapon with noob tube

Alright then lets move onto game play

1.ALERT STAY AWAY FROM NOOB TUBES... expecially on games such as bog and ambush

2.When you get Showdown then my advice is to wait on the boxes because there are quite a few people going through the middle know, or if you are on the attacking side then just lie down and snipe picking them of whilst they come through the middle lol

3.When you are attacking try sprinting as fast as you can throwing a smoke at the bomb this will catch the emeny of guard when you plant the bomb and win the round

4.After the round when you quickly planted the bomb go to te other bomb, because the emeny will be expecting the same again

5.If you are one on one with another player throw a smoke next to the bomb then go to the other bomb the emeny will see the smoke and rush over whilst your planting the bomb.

6.Okay most of the hidding places are gone so when you have planted the bomb try go to the other end of the map where you can see the bomb.

7.Ramdom Grenades can work try throwing a grenade were you think the emeny could be there is a 7 in 10 chance of killing someone or injuring someone

8. Some of you might not know this but when you play hardcore you dont regenerate so if you have had a bad fall dont try again because you will die, DON'T be fooled by the screen being clear after being hit because when you are hit this is the amount of health you have left untill the end of the round

9. Okay when you use noob tubes fire one maybe and save the other, when you see an emeny fire and you will proberly kill them because nearly everything can kill people easy

(edited for more tips)


If you have any questions just post in

Last edited by Ronye West ; 06-19-2008 at 11:32 AM. Reason: Two more tips

The following 16 users say thank you to Ronye West for this useful post:

+tA.element, Batman™, drunkenrepublicn, Favo, Flamezero29, GLITCHER3000, iamtheman, MonkeyButt4Life, NanuGama, NGUWhitey, Oneinfamous, OneManKlan, random., Rushied, Shockk, xSOADx
08-16-2008, 03:55 AM #29
thnx for sharin that bro
08-16-2008, 04:10 AM #30
Pokemon Trainer
u shud change the title to hardcore s and d
08-16-2008, 02:44 PM #31
good tips, i started playing hardcore this week ,and its alot of fun
08-30-2008, 06:58 PM #32
I’m too L33T
what happens if you havent got overkill ?
08-30-2008, 07:12 PM #33
I never play S&Awesome face, but I'll delve into Hardcore sometimes, and you kinda forgot perk 3 there. Good post but make it for TDM.
08-31-2008, 01:48 AM #34
Do a barrel roll!
how does bomb squad really give away there position
08-31-2008, 01:51 AM #35
Ronye West
You no someone might be in the room if they planted a claymore there :P
08-31-2008, 02:34 AM #36
I’m too L33T
Yeah thats right
08-31-2008, 06:55 AM #37
< ^ > < ^ >
nice tips .

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