Post: Walking AC130 - [SCRIPT]
07-31-2011, 12:53 AM #1
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
self CloseMenu();
self endon("death");
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1AC130 By Newelly!");
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawGun", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawCrosshair", "0" );
self setClientDvar("g_gravity", "0");
wait 0.1;
self air(2);
self thread ac130105mm();
self thread ShootNukeBullets();
self thread ac130_death();
self thread ac130timer();
self thread doAc130105mmHUD();
wait 60;
self thread doDefault();
self suicide();
self setOrigin(self.origin+(0,0,jump));

ac130timer( duration )
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] = newClientHudElem( self );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].x = -100;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].y = 20;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alignX = "right";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alignY = "bottom";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].horzAlign = "right";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].vertAlign = "bottom";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].font = "objective";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].fontScale = 2.5;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] setTimer( 60.0 );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alpha = 1.0;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] setTimer( duration );
self waittill( "death" );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] destroy();
VisionSetNaked( "default", 0.2 );
self endon("death");
for(;Winky Winky
self waittill ( "weapon_fired" );
vec = anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles());
end = (vec[0] * 200000, vec[1] * 200000, vec[2] * 200000);
SPLOSIONlocation = BulletTrace( self gettagorigin("tag_eye"), self gettagorigin("tag_eye")+end, 0, self)[ "position" ];
explode = loadfx( "explosions/aerial_explosion" );
playfx(explode, SPLOSIONlocation);
RadiusDamage( SPLOSIONlocation, 200, 500, 60, self );
earthquake (0.3, 1, SPLOSIONlocation, 100);
self waittill("death");
self notify("DESTROY");
self notify("DELETE");
self notify("NULL");
self setClientDvar("g_gravity", "800");
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawGun", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawCrosshair", "1" );
self thread ac130boxleftvert();
self thread ac130boxrightvert();
self thread ac130boxtophorz();
self thread ac130boxbottomhorz();
self thread ac130topline();
self thread ac130bottomline();
self thread ac130leftline();
self thread ac130rightline();
self thread ac130topleftleft();
self thread ac130toplefttop();
self thread ac130toprightright();
self thread ac130toprighttop();
self thread ac130bottomleftleft();
self thread ac130bottomleftbottom();
self thread ac130bottomrightright();
self thread ac130bottomrightbottom();
ac130boxleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxleftvert.x = -30;
ac130boxleftvert.y = 0;
ac130boxleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac130boxleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxleftvert.foreground = true;
ac130boxleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 65);
ac130boxleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxleftvert destroy();

ac130boxrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxrightvert.x = 30;
ac130boxrightvert.y = 0;
ac130boxrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac130boxrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxrightvert.foreground = true;
ac130boxrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 65);
ac130boxrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxrightvert destroy();

ac130boxtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxtophorz.x = 0;
ac130boxtophorz.y = -25;
ac130boxtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac130boxtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxtophorz.foreground = true;
ac130boxtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 65, 5);
ac130boxtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxtophorz destroy();

ac130boxbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac130boxbottomhorz.y = 25;
ac130boxbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac130boxbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac130boxbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 65, 5);
ac130boxbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxbottomhorz destroy();

ac130topline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topline.x = 0;
ac130topline.y = -50;
ac130topline.alignX = "center";
ac130topline.alignY = "middle";
ac130topline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topline.foreground = true;
ac130topline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 60);
ac130topline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130topline destroy();

ac130bottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomline.x = 0;
ac130bottomline.y = 50;
ac130bottomline.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomline.foreground = true;
ac130bottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 60);
ac130bottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomline destroy();

ac130leftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130leftline.x = -64.5;
ac130leftline.y = 0;
ac130leftline.alignX = "center";
ac130leftline.alignY = "middle";
ac130leftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130leftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130leftline.foreground = true;
ac130leftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 60, 5);
ac130leftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130leftline destroy();

ac130rightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130rightline.x = 64;
ac130rightline.y = 0;
ac130rightline.alignX = "center";
ac130rightline.alignY = "middle";
ac130rightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130rightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130rightline.foreground = true;
ac130rightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 60, 5);
ac130rightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130rightline destroy();

ac130topll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topll.x = -125;
ac130topll.y = -87;
ac130topll.alignX = "center";
ac130topll.alignY = "middle";
ac130topll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topll.foreground = true;
ac130topll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130topll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130topll destroy();

ac130toplt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toplt.x = -110;
ac130toplt.y = -100;
ac130toplt.alignX = "center";
ac130toplt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toplt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toplt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toplt.foreground = true;
ac130toplt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toplt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toplt destroy();

ac130toprr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprr.x = 125;
ac130toprr.y = -87;
ac130toprr.alignX = "center";
ac130toprr.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprr.foreground = true;
ac130toprr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130toprr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toprr destroy();

ac130toprt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprt.x = 110;
ac130toprt.y = -100;
ac130toprt.alignX = "center";
ac130toprt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprt.foreground = true;
ac130toprt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toprt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toprt destroy();

ac130bottomll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomll.x = -125;
ac130bottomll.y = 87;
ac130bottomll.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomll.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomll.foreground = true;
ac130bottomll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomll destroy();

ac130bottomlb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomlb.x = -110;
ac130bottomlb.y = 100;
ac130bottomlb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomlb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomlb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomlb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomlb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomlb destroy();

ac130bottomrr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrr.x = 125;
ac130bottomrr.y = 87;
ac130bottomrr.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrr.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomrr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomrr destroy();

ac130bottomrb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrb.x = 110;
ac130bottomrb.y = 100;
ac130bottomrb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomrb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomrb destroy();
self endon ("death");
self.ac130weapon = "1";
self iPrintln("^5105mm Cannon Ready For Action!");
self takeallweapons();
self GiveWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self switchToWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
for(;Winky Winky
self waittill( "begin_firing" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "1")
self iPrintln("^1Arming 105mm Cannon!");
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
wait 2;
self iPrintln("^2Gun Ready!");
//End AC130

Credit where its due...
//DaftVader Cool Man (aka Tustin)

The following 4 users say thank you to Newelly for this useful post:

FourzerotwoFAILS, iReset Nigga, Mr.Hannu, x_DaftVader_x

The following 2 users groaned at Newelly for this awful post:

247Yamato, User23434
08-03-2011, 01:26 AM #20
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Originally posted by Blackstorm View Post
Then they move it to Mw2 hax. lol

omg, i just relised how stupid can these mods get..

mw exploits and hacks > then > E+H modified patches > then > mw2 E+H

08-03-2011, 04:44 AM #21
This is a great compliment to the original script.
08-03-2011, 05:02 AM #22
I'm a neat monster...
wow i drop'ed my penis when i saw this but it was 1.12 :FU:
08-03-2011, 05:08 PM #23
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Originally posted by Macdaddy4sure View Post
This is a great compliment to the original script.

Originally posted by 69r View Post
wow i drop'ed my penis when i saw this but it was 1.12 :FU:

see guys the forum is getting worse:

mw E+H > to Mw2 modified patches > mw2 exploits and hacks > mw2 modified patches..

the mods are moving threads for the point of it.
08-03-2011, 05:21 PM #24
Mods please close. This is already posted in this section .. hahahaha...
08-03-2011, 09:07 PM #25
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Originally posted by x. View Post
Mods please close. This is already posted in this section .. hahahaha...

ahahaaa you been newb :carling:

naaa. hmmm put my name in that patch of yours for tonight please.. Awesome face
08-04-2011, 06:02 AM #26
I'm a neat monster...
Originally posted by Newelly View Post
see guys the forum is getting worse:

mw E+H > to Mw2 modified patches > mw2 exploits and hacks > mw2 modified patches..

the mods are moving threads for the point of it.

Wow i dident understand that :herpderp:

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