Post: COD5 Coming Soon...
05-26-2008, 09:21 PM #1
Blood of Innocence
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ive heard that COD5 will be held In WWII times. Do you thing this will effect the Call of Duty Products?, Do you think the sales wont be as high as COD4?
06-19-2008, 06:18 PM #29
ive heard it will go back to WWII and arent we all tired of the same guns and missions in WWII games. i just hope that if COD5 isnt good BF:bad company will be a hit
06-20-2008, 12:03 AM #30
wuts the WWII
06-20-2008, 06:43 AM #31
when it comes out everyone will be hyped up, but then the next day, everyone will have beaten it and go back to cod4
06-21-2008, 07:26 AM #32
go to ign really good website go to ps3 then go to release dates and i think its call call of duty world at war or something like that
06-21-2008, 03:01 PM #33
Climbing up the ladder
yea me 2 late 2008 early 2009

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