Post: Are you a tryhard? Do you rage?
12-11-2012, 12:48 PM #1
Are you high?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Honestly ... I am I watch videos, play for hours, Always running the most OP SMG in the game and literally raging if I dont get my streaks.

You like me?

Or do you have a life?

Edit: for the record I do have a life I mean just yesterday I played cod then I raged then I watched some cod videos oh shit...
Last edited by sonofpops ; 12-11-2012 at 12:50 PM. Reason: Trying to justify having a life
12-11-2012, 01:14 PM #2
Im Your Upgrade
Vault dweller
wouldn't call myself a "tryhard" or "rager" but you're not alone, 80% of people that play cod rage quit or yell and get angry and scream, you don't need to be a no life to rage over a game, i find it quite funny when people rage because all my friends start screaming and then i always die on my killstreaks by laughing so hard :fa: i don't watch any cod vids either unless they're going to be funny, i think cod gameplay vids are pointless.
edit - i start to rage if i keep getting 1 shot killed by the bullshit remington, needs to be taken out of the game.
12-11-2012, 01:41 PM #3
[move]Smilies bk plz[/move]
I rage for different reasons, like yesterday for example, I was playing domination on Nuketown 2025 and 3 of my five man team (not in a party:( ) were lay on the floor in the garage with sniper rifles, they spent more time fighting among themselves to even see
12-11-2012, 02:54 PM #4
I defeated!
Sometimes I get frustrated now and then but I don't rage quit every time I'm not having a good game. People use the word tryhard because your using a SMG and there using something like a sniper going for their montage clips. Often they will talk trash to you calling you a noob because you use a SMG and you dropshot all the time.
12-11-2012, 03:38 PM #5
This is why I play with parties now so I don't have constant BS in the game to make me rage. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a try-hard (although I am very good at the game,) but I will "try-hard" if the game entails me to do so. I've been playing mainly domination with at least a party of 5, so we pretty much all play the objective and win (in fact I think all my loses on my account (I think 5 or so) have been done by an enemy timing out and the game giving us a loss even though we were winning.) It's natural to rage, but it just depends on what. I mean I won't rage if I'm winning no matter how negative I am, but if I lose a gunfight due to the average BS (like lag comp) than I get pretty angry. But all in all I've found I haven't been raging as much.

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12-11-2012, 04:07 PM #6
Are you high?
I don't openly rage but my clan know i'm raging when I don't speak they ask me if i'm 'silently raging' lol.

I never rage at getting beaten but like you know that classic 'i shot first etc' I rage at that.

In our clan we have one guy that has rage quit 70% of games since MW2! thing is now he does it after the end of each game we get the 'reconnecting to party' message for like 2 mins its so frustrating.

I was joking before too I do really have a life got a wife and kid puppy etc ME JUST LOVES ME SOME 24/7 COD =]

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|ManiaC|, Matiomo1906
12-11-2012, 06:38 PM #7
I'm not a 'tryhard' but ofcourse I want to do good in the game and ofcourse that leads into raging when I don't. Natural gamer instincts xD Tryhards for me are the kids that sit and sweat it all day, everyday.

The sort of people that say shit like 'scrub, randie, goml' and all that bollocks.
12-11-2012, 07:43 PM #8
Bounty hunter
I rage way to much, i swear this game has given me anger issues.. I get racist as fuck.. and im not a racist kind of guy i love black people!
but like just something evil comes out of me when im playing and going tryhard or tryn to do an achievement and don't get it because of a camper or something i get pissed off!!

and then when i get pissed off and start raging i tend to play even worse and get even more mad.. so i have been trying to stay calm and chillax cuz when im calm and chillaxed i rape analy

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12-11-2012, 08:09 PM #9
Cake is a lie
I wouldn't say I am a tryhard simply because I think that word is fucking stupid and one of many excuses COD players make for people doing better than them or them doing worse. It's basically like how you'll call the smartest kid in class a "nerd" but in reality being smart gives you a better chance in the real world than being a slacker. Also because if you're playing against bad players you don't really have to try anyway. People usually only associate words like "tryhard" or "killwhore" with people who get a lot of kills and/or wins. I am definitely competitive. Isnt' that part of online gaming though?

I do play to win, get a a lot of kills, laugh and joke with people I play with and have fun. There is nothing wrong with that though. The people that are annoying are those that do terrible, go negative and they always have some excuse after the game. Even if they don't try to use camper as their reason they'll find another. If you rush them relentlessly then you're "a tryhard, racial slur, faggot, overpowered gun user or no life". This as opposed to you just having a good game, better connection, better teammates, lucky spawns or JUST BEING A GOOD PLAYER.

Call of Duty games on this gen have been going on for 5 years and sure there are differences but the series is the same. Some people are going to be good, use the best guns, get 50-100+ kill games. Some people are going to go 5-20, try to quick scope, go for Gold Assault Shields and try to use pistols only. Nothing wrong with either if they're having fun although I question how people with say a w/l and kdr lower than .90 have "fun".

The only time you have an issue is if you lose sleep over the game, brag to women about your kdr, rage quit every other game, or sit at home all day playing. Otherwise it's ok to want to do well. People love saying when others aren't good but how often do they acknowledge when they are bad? Oh and even when they do, it's just a Straw Man argument like, "Well I may not be that good but that's only because I have a life and make a lot of money and my penis is huge"...
Last edited by Porter_Justice ; 12-11-2012 at 08:11 PM.
12-11-2012, 08:46 PM #10
I defeated!
YES! I rage like fuck! Put it this way, it's cost me well over £1500 to play COD because I have smashed up or otherwise damaged beyond repair;
1 PS3
8 Controllers
1 copy of MW2 disk
1 copy of Black Ops 1 disk
1 copy of MW3 disk

But hey, I have a short fuse, and what?

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