Post: People just cant help themselves.....
03-05-2013, 01:22 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why do ppl always have to troll. Talk a bunch of crap for no reason causing needless arguements??? Or how about this we actual play the game for what it is...... Like hmmm maybe an objective. O wait that would make too much sense. Let me think..... Lets get on bo2 just to argue with people, camp for killstreaks while the team loses game after game or lets get on hydro and dolphin dive with three friends the whole game in the water because thats fun all three of us will go like 4-20+ and ruin everyone elses games. This game has been ruined by childish playstation gangster noobs. SO MUCH FUN!!! How about treyarch enforces the 17+mature audience. Which would eliminate most of this?? I mean seriously its getting rediculous.

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03-05-2013, 01:33 AM #2
Bounty hunter
First time on the inter webs ?

FYI most people are douches everywhere not just in blackops.
Blackops is a horrible shitty excuse for a FPS made exclusively for retarded and mentaly handicapped people.
There is no reason to play except to make tards cry and talk shit.
Over time you will learn to love it.
And if your not playing with a party of friends that would explain why it isnt fun.
03-05-2013, 04:02 AM #3
Cake is a lie
Adults talk just as much shit as kids do on PSN so it's definitely not an age thing. You should play in parties to avoid the trash randoms. Also most don't get streaks higher than maybe a care package from camping and ignoring objectives.
03-05-2013, 01:39 PM #4
Originally posted by hotmail. View Post
Why do ppl always have to troll. Talk a bunch of crap for no reason causing needless arguements??? Or how about this we actual play the game for what it is...... Like hmmm maybe an objective. O wait that would make too much sense. Let me think..... Lets get on bo2 just to argue with people, camp for killstreaks while the team loses game after game or lets get on hydro and dolphin dive with three friends the whole game in the water because thats fun all three of us will go like 4-20+ and ruin everyone elses games. This game has been ruined by childish playstation gangster noobs. SO MUCH FUN!!! How about treyarch enforces the 17+mature audience. Which would eliminate most of this?? I mean seriously its getting rediculous.

Their objective might not be the same as yours Winky Winky

When I'm nearing gold on a gun going for double kills and bloodthirsty I'm a camping little bitch. You can't really complain, if you don't like getting newbs on your team then you should play FFA or play in a party. I only play FFA... no clan, and random people on your team might as well be FFA you just can't shoot half the ppl on the map. Put people that aren't in your party on mute and quit whining like a bitch, you have to be 17+ to purchase the game not to play it.

Have fun, worry about your own score... not everyone elses. That's why there is different game modes
03-05-2013, 01:45 PM #5
Former Staff
Do what I do, play with the same people in parties everyday on Skype. Best way to avoid the trash talkers.
03-05-2013, 01:55 PM #6
Originally posted by divybc View Post
Do what I do, play with the same people in parties everyday on Skype. Best way to avoid the trash talkers.

Best way to avoid everything OP was complaining about :nerd:
03-05-2013, 02:26 PM #7
Originally posted by m3dic8d View Post
Their objective might not be the same as yours Winky Winky

When I'm nearing gold on a gun going for double kills and bloodthirsty I'm a camping little bitch. You can't really complain, if you don't like getting newbs on your team then you should play FFA or play in a party. I only play FFA... no clan, and random people on your team might as well be FFA you just can't shoot half the ppl on the map. Put people that aren't in your party on mute and quit whining like a bitch, you have to be 17+ to purchase the game not to play it.

Have fun, worry about your own score... not everyone elses. That's why there is different game modes

Lol. Camping lil bit@$. Hahahaha. Its things like that, ruin the gameplay and reflect in others scores. Especially in objective based games like domination.... This is why TREYARCH has hurt this games gameplay. Ppl like you and what you just confirmed. Instead of earning medals/ rewards/ titles during legit gameplay. Tryarch has made it so ppl camp/boost/cheat/exploit this game for kills to earn titles like nuke/ merciless/ bloodthirsty. Or run around with only a knife/ rpg/ or some dumb shi$ for diamond camos, headshot medals and so on. Nobody just plays and earns them legitly. Mostly because ppl like you probably wouldn't be able to earn them otherwise. Gotta be the first with camo/titles. Imo. OPINION. these kinda things ruin games like domination, demo, etc... Because ppl like you and i quote" When I'm nearing gold on a gun going for double kills and bloodthirsty I'm a camping little bitch". ENOUGH SAID.

The following user groaned oppie0. for this awful post:

Fapping Machine
03-05-2013, 02:36 PM #8
League Champion
Originally posted by hotmail. View Post
Lol. Camping lil bit@$. Hahahaha. Its things like that, ruin the gameplay and reflect in others scores. Especially in objective based games like domination.... This is why TREYARCH has hurt this games gameplay. Ppl like you and what you just confirmed. Instead of earning medals/ rewards/ titles during legit gameplay. Tryarch has made it so ppl camp/boost/cheat/exploit this game for kills to earn titles like nuke/ merciless/ bloodthirsty. Or run around with only a knife/ rpg/ or some dumb shi$ for diamond camos, headshot medals and so on. Nobody just plays and earns them legitly. Mostly because ppl like you probably wouldn't be able to earn them otherwise. Gotta be the first with camo/titles. Imo. OPINION. these kinda things ruin games like domination, demo, etc... Because ppl like you and i quote" When I'm nearing gold on a gun going for double kills and bloodthirsty I'm a camping little bitch". ENOUGH SAID.

before start ranting, please link your cod elite id love to see your stats moaning about poeple not play obj when probably you got a neg wl, i do the same to get the gold, but i still play obj with immense stats
03-05-2013, 02:49 PM #9
Originally posted by hotmail. View Post
Lol. Camping lil bit@$. Hahahaha. Its things like that, ruin the gameplay and reflect in others scores. Especially in objective based games like domination.... This is why TREYARCH has hurt this games gameplay. Ppl like you and what you just confirmed. Instead of earning medals/ rewards/ titles during legit gameplay. Tryarch has made it so ppl camp/boost/cheat/exploit this game for kills to earn titles like nuke/ merciless/ bloodthirsty. Or run around with only a knife/ rpg/ or some dumb shi$ for diamond camos, headshot medals and so on. Nobody just plays and earns them legitly. Mostly because ppl like you probably wouldn't be able to earn them otherwise. Gotta be the first with camo/titles. Imo. OPINION. these kinda things ruin games like domination, demo, etc... Because ppl like you and i quote" When I'm nearing gold on a gun going for double kills and bloodthirsty I'm a camping little bitch". ENOUGH SAID.

And that's fine. You can't let it ruin your experience because others are doing their own thing. I more than likely would have lost some interest in the game if I didn't have diamond to go for... and it's not that I'd be unable to get them if I were playing normal, it would just take FOREVER. Think about it, how many headshots do you get playing regular?

I don't see how "people like me" ruin the game, when I only play FFA and am not hurting my team at all. Why do you care if my KD is low, or if I'm camping? The only reason I can see for you to complain is that you lack the skill to take these campers out. I don't know about you, but I only die to a camper once... the next time he's going to die. People who camp lack the skill to roam and for the most part only camp because they're not as good. So what's your excuse getting killed by them more than once? Flash / EMP / shock / concussion into the room then charge... simple

So I admit to camping when I'm going for bloodthirsty. That's when I've already gotten 3 kills in a row, imo at that point regardless it's smart fo preserve your life and keep the scorestreak you've built up instead of being 1 kill away and dying. Helping the team out that way, am I not? I think you need to learn the spots people camp better so you can take them out instead of being on here crying about campers killing you. It's not easy to camp this game and there's no excuse to die more than once from them, so maybe instead of posting here you should be learning the maps better Smile

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

Originally posted by Hickey View Post
before start ranting, please link your cod elite id love to see your stats moaning about poeple not play obj when probably you got a neg wl, i do the same to get the gold, but i still play obj with immense stats

I'm kind of curious to see his stats, although kind of irrelevent but still. I just don't see any room for complaint about campers other than people not understanding strategy in this game. They gave us NUMEROUS things to take care of campers... no reason at all to bitch.
03-05-2013, 04:19 PM #10
Originally posted by Hickey View Post
before start ranting, please link your cod elite id love to see your stats moaning about poeple not play obj when probably you got a neg wl, i do the same to get the gold, but i still play obj with immense stats

1. Im not an elite member 2. Ive been reset im sure you ve seen the posts. Since you seem to kno so much you would kno k/d and w/l is greatly depreciated by thousands in the death/loss columns resetting wins/kills to zero. However, with that said i never back down from any types of challenge. So heres what i propose. We, you, me, or maybe someone from ngu not linked you or i make two new bo2 accounts where you and i start out even, play in same closed privacy ffa matches for a set amount of time where we can then compare k/d and finish placement. Theres really no way of knowing if you or i boosted/ cheated stats otherwise. Im on psn if you are you can add oppie0. Play anygame mode you want and check lobby leaderboards and you will see my stats since being reset. The only thing that will show and you should kno as a long time ngu member is combat record kd n wl will be off compared to leader oards. But i like the idea of you and i starting accounts and playing together to see how we finish over all game modes. Theres no shame in my game. Lmk

---------- Post added at 11:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 AM ----------

Same goes for medicated. Are you both on psn. Lets party up and see where the numbers fall??!! It has nothing to do with me not being able to kill campers. I was simply stating i hated how kids exploit the game in a vast amount of ways from camping. To not even playing the game like you should. For example i was in a match with a 5 man clan i was teamed with and the entire game of tdm those 5 guys only crawled through the map the entire match. Mostly i was talking a out kids trolling lobbies like snd sitting in the spawn with six riotshields. Blowing themselves up when their last alive to lose match. That kinda thing. But you two should already know bc your trolling my thread all the same off topic making it about you and i when i wanted to see what others experiences/ opinions are and what i e been seeing. But please go on really im interested in your rants on my rants please tell me more

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