Originally posted by puform
Hello Ngu
Today i will you show you a easy way to steal emblems on black ops 2. First you will need a CFW so here's what you want to do. Change Your Name to the person you want to take the emblem from. Sign Out Of Psn Than You going to want to sign back in but while signing in spam the change name button on your RTM tool. Than just go to your own personal lobby than Change your name back. Now go to emblems than just copy and save. This is how you steal emblems on bo2 without doing the combination. Any Help? Add my bro on ps3 @Divuntay Hope This Help.
I know this is an old thread, but this is amazing! Thanks so much.. it worked. Good for getting emblems from people who don't have screenshots. If I could +Thanks you 99 times, I would.