Post: making a modding clan
10-03-2017, 03:55 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I want to make a clan with modders but first i want to see how many that is interested comment below if you are interested
10-04-2017, 01:27 PM #2
Lifetime Elite Member Enzo
i would be interested if we could get a consistent amount of people. I would only be down if we wouldn't be aimboting and etc. I would want to do Zombieland and things like that.
10-05-2017, 04:31 AM #3
It's funny still to this day people bother creating clans smh 😂
10-05-2017, 01:01 PM #4
Lifetime Elite Member Enzo
Originally posted by Jarzh View Post
It's funny still to this day people bother creating clans smh ��

How is it funny? It can be hard finding good people to play with who don't ask for something related to mods every 3 seconds.
10-06-2017, 01:38 PM #5
I'm down reason why I don't mod ps3 cause tired of people I play with asking for stuff.
10-06-2017, 09:08 PM #6
I want to be in it
10-12-2017, 06:56 PM #7
Bounty hunter
I Would be in it but i can never find a cid to use and have no money to buy one aha but still im down
10-15-2017, 09:52 AM #8
Im down i play everyday

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