Post: Zombies host leaves
11-03-2010, 10:03 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); this is more of a question, in zombies will there be host migration? because its really pisses a lot of people off when the host leaves and the game ends.
11-04-2010, 04:37 AM #11
What is a Stugger?
It would be nice though if they added some sort of a migration thing when the host left.
11-04-2010, 08:13 AM #12
Originally posted by deozpester91 View Post
simplecase always play with friends lol cause playing with random ppl is liekplaying russian roulete its either a epic fail or turns into a epic fail

lmao so true
11-04-2010, 09:25 AM #13
Originally posted by another user
thats the one thing that utterly piss*ed me off the begginign rounds and having to hear MY points blah blah blah like by the time u get to round 10 with a simple tactic everyone can have 10k in points Not Happy or Sad .... its cause they all want to go rape the mystey box for a gun when a tompson with perks does justice till lvl 20

Soo annoying wen they do tht, specially wen they go dwn time an time again an still go to box instead of buying jugg.. then wen they get waffe or ray gun they show it off by just wasting the ammo lol..

Back on topic, Saddens me tht they not doin host migration for zombies, i do play mostly with friends but i like to just jump into normal server from time to time and games almost always end coz host leaves!

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