Post: CoD Ghosts HUGE Insider Information - Perk Combination, MW2 Style Maps Back, & More!
06-26-2013, 05:28 PM #1
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All of the information is presented in the video, as stated the insider would like to keep his identity secret due to the fact this release of leaked information could get him fired!

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07-06-2013, 03:54 AM #20
Originally posted by Blackadder1 View Post
There was nothing 'balanced' about the UMP45!!!!! looool

and those commando lunges Awesome face
07-06-2013, 05:07 AM #21
Pr0n ftw
Originally posted by RuthHavoc View Post
Surely you jest. If I was changing the definition of balanced to personal preference I would have discussed World at War. Before I get any further, I probably laughed for a good five minutes when I read, 'you did mention that every gun was balanced, but did not mention that they were all OP.' So what you're telling me is that you like one insanely overpowered gun that everyone uses compared to a vast array of guns that will go toe to toe with one another? Because it seems as if you're insinuating that.

Now onto stopping power, again surely you jest. I had no issue killing people who ran stopping power while I ran lightweight or cold blooded. The only people who even ran stopping power couldn't shoot for shit. Just about everyone I would play with had no issues when killing a guy running stopping power.

Killstreaks that awarded camping. It was rare seeing someone who camped that got a decent killstreak, unless you just stood there and looked at the person camping. If anything the people who pulled out really good killstreaks played the objective, had good defense and offense and flanked. From my experience with Black Ops 2, which has probably been over four months the only guys who got swarm, dogs, orbital etc, camped their ass off. I myself camped an entire game of HC CTF and pulled out dogs several times no problem.

Unlimited noobtubes. The name literally explains it all, if you got killed by one you were most likely a noob. The people who ran that class were oblivious and obvious about it, they hiked out in one spot which usually had multiple flanking routes and were guarded by claymores, and I wouldn't be surprised if people instinctively ran up a flight of stairs to get blown up by one, instead of checking out the area, and even then if you had marathon, lightweight you could run right past them.

Deathstreaks... compared to Modern Warfare 3 they were mild and caused less issues. Last stand, not much of an issue. If you saw a guy flop the first time you ever engaged him you could leave him there to die. Final stand, same thing. He'd get up and you could shoot him afterwards and he'd die because he already used it. At least it wasn't like Modern Warfare 3 where a guy potentially had Dead Man's Hand which killed you from the most outrageous distance.

Finally hacks and glitches. One of the first potentially game breaking glitches was the javelin glitch, which got patched rather fast. But in regard to some things that couldn't be patched such as hacks, you rarely saw them throughout the lifespan of Modern Warfare 2. Hell most of the hacks on PS3 didn't come into play until September/October 2010 and even then most hosters didn't play pubs because they were busy making money. It was around January 2011 when it started affecting pubs. And if you were still playing Modern Warfare 2 by then, that isn't the developers problem because by that time they're already focused on producing and developing the next game in the franchise.

Ultimately no new CoD in the franchise will compete with Call of Duty 4 and World at War. As for Modern Warfare 2, and by definition of balanced according to developers and what they teach you in game development... Modern Warfare 2 was probably the last balanced Call of Duty. Unless you prefer everyone using the same gun, attachments, perks and killstreaks which is all you see in Black Ops 2.

So you're telling me that it's fine to have every single gun OP? How about making all guns weak and equal, stopping power increased the damage of the guns so were people really playing at the same level? You tell me how stopping power did not bother you as long as you ran lightweight or cold blooded, but it did bother me and other rushers and there's a reason it's removed today. You seem to ignore the things that are balanced in newer cods because it did not bother you at all, you make it sound like everyone's playing style is the same.

Now on to killstreaks and camping, are you kidding me? The killstreaks went up to 25, with 7 being harrier and 11 chopper gunner and you're telling me you never saw anyone camp for it? I went 69-0 by just rushing, that's a job that's almost impossible in MW2, and I do have evidence as it's in my file share, if you don't believe me you can PM me and I'll give you my PSN. And again you're wrong regarding people camping for swarms and SCORESTREAKS in BO2, yes ton of people have done it but not specifically people who have always been sitting in a window or in a corner, as people who play the objective will get them 3x faster, and there are gamemodes that force people to rush such as kill confirmed and hardpoint, if you've never gotten a high scorestreak by rushing you don't play the objective, and you've said it, you camped to get a scorestreak, that shows why you enjoyed mw2 more because it did not reward players who play the objective at all.

Regarding unlimited noobtubes, are you really supporting them? You're the only person I've heard that has toleration for noobtubes, if you're gonna have balls to defend this game, at least have balls to admit that unlimited noobtubes was a huge flaw... And marathon + lightweight? I think you meant run right into it. Honestly I and thousands of others wouldn't hate this game today if this was patched.

Now on to deathstreaks, these aren't in BO2 and the comparison isn't between MW2 and MW3.

Well hacks weren't really the developers fault so it was my mistake for mentioning them but there were many glitches where it seemed like infinity ward just went on vacation, returned and then fixed the glitch taking their time.

Finally, since when does everyone use the same gun, attachment and perk loadouts in BO2? And the question is even bigger when you can make up to 100 classes. Maybe in competitive you see people using MSMCs, PDWs, M8A1, AN94 but this was never different for MW2, as you would always see people using UMP, ACR, TAR 21s, etc, all with stopping power. And yes there are guns in BO2 that are underused and are still pretty damn good, it just depends on what type of player you are. At least in BO2 you can use more than 3 perks depending on what role you're playing, again it gives you more options depending on what type of player you are, if there is a perk that seems to be the best to win gunfights, of course people are gonna use it, but that doesn't mean you will go wrong by choosing another perk if you're that type of person who doesn't run around trying to win gunfights at all times, or you can choose more than 3 perks and remove anything that you may not need. I personally have a class with just 1 submachine gun, 2 attachments and 5 perks because I'm that type of player, and before you say this is unbalanced, I have no secondary, equipment and lethal, different people have different preferences, in MW2 everyone would really have the same loadouts as they can only change the perks, equipment, lethal, gun and attachments, not remove one and add more of the other depending on what type of player they are, so you will see people using the same loadouts more often in MW2.

In conclusion, BO2 may not be as fun as cod4, but it's close, and MW2 almost ruined the franchise, maybe they didn't make the killstreaks simple, instead they got rid of them and replaced them for scorestreaks which encourage people to play the objective, and the addition of competitive playlists makes this game the best since cod4.
Last edited by xShadow ; 07-06-2013 at 05:14 AM.
07-06-2013, 07:56 PM #22
F l e x
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by RuthHavoc View Post
Compared to the stupid shit now in the Call of Duty franchise, I'd beg to differ. I'm assuming people don't understand what 'balance' is, so I'll explain in a short paragraph. People seem to think that balancing a game makes it fairer for all the players, which is not the case. Balancing in basic terms is managing unfair variables, since unfairness leads to tension and excitement, which is the goal all game designers strive for.

So in regards to older CoDs and Modern Warfare 2 included... you saw people using different ARs, SMGs, LMGs, perks etc. Nowadays you literally see about 1000+ people running the same exact gun, attachments, perks and loadouts. Why? Because there aren't any other guns that can compete and go toe to toe with that particular gun. And in regards to the UMP-45, I would shit on kids day in and day out who ran it with stopping power. I myself wouldn't run that gun often because I liked to prove the point that other guns can compete, along with other perks. Which I proudly did throughout the lifespan of Modern Warfare 2.

Ultimately it doesn't matter if a gun was overused, that doesn't make it overpowered 'OP'. I just means people who can't play the game join in the clique of people who suck at the game and run the same load out as others. And I'd like to add this, back on the older CoDs I was probably one of the first to run a gaming headset and sound whore and listening to sound queues which is non-existent now. Which is ironic because the amount of gaming headsets from 2008 to now has probably quadrupled if not more. So why game devs such as 3arc would make characters shout like they are at a rave just boggles my mind. If anything, I would expect it to be easier to soundwhore since the playing field has leveled since 2008/2009. It's hilarious that people bitched about the rushing play style then, and now that is the only play style...

In regards to the rushing play style that you currently see in Call of Duty, that is my opinion. But in regards to the actual definition of balance, Modern Warfare 2 probably came the closest to being balanced compared to all the latest CoDs. Which have drifted from the definition of balanced.

i stopped reading at
"Why? Because there aren't any other guns that can compete and go toe to toe with that particular gun"

nononononononono. that is false. its because of youtube. every call of duty game has been equivalent to shit because of youtube. people give tips on how to "play better" by telling them to use certain classes they have seen others use or set up themselves. call of duty 4 was not wrecked because of the fact youtube was on its second year when the game came out. not that popular and the only problem that occurred in its life time was glitching, and colored names. and the glitches either required old school, rpg jumping, strafes, or the freeze glitch. nothing that could be useful on alot of maps. all im sayin is that if you used a m8 or an an-94 or what ever gun you think is OP i can easily win with somthing like an mtar, swat, chicom, w/e its about gunskill, and player movement. if you have the ability to move around with ease, not be predictable, and have good gun game it doesn't matter what gun you use.

as i read this further, i stopped once again here.
Now onto stopping power, again surely you jest. I had no issue killing people who ran stopping power while I ran lightweight or cold blooded. The only people who even ran stopping power couldn't shoot for shit."

very false statement, i ran stopping power and i rushed , my accuracy was 28% the average accuracy in call of duty (based on my friends list) was about 18-22% so making statements like that shows you don't know what your talking about.

as i keep reading it gets dumber, and dumber.

"Killstreaks that awarded camping. It was rare seeing someone who camped that got a decent killstreak, unless you just stood there and looked at the person camping. If anything the people who pulled out really good killstreaks played the objective, had good defense and offense and flanked. From my experience with Black Ops 2, which has probably been over four months the only guys who got swarm, dogs, orbital etc, camped their ass off. I myself camped an entire game of HC CTF and pulled out dogs several times no problem."

really ??!!?! Killstreaks don't award camping. camping is for people who aren't good at rushing and like to control an area, (a defensive player more likely. but, a faggot is someone who sits in a corner with c4s shock charges and an lmg target finder with scavenger.) and allot of players who "camped" where streakers, ive done so my self in the latest call of duty games because its an easy way to win a game and do your part as a teammate. i agree with you on the part were you say people who pulled out good killstreaks where the people who played obj. flanking and defense has only a little part to do with obj, and alot of people who play defensively get called campers, by people like you. and about ur ctf claims, ctf is the easiest game mode to get streaks while camping, no ability or skill to show you are a good player when using ctf and camping in the same sentence. all you need to do is take the flag , don't cap. and streak.200+ a kill and ive gotten swarm with only 7 kills like that before because i capped 2 and then did that. aswell as taking out equipment and assists. its rare to so a good player get a swarm playing obj because of silly things they add in the game. like shock charges. no one wants to use tac mask when you can have dead silence , or extreme conditioning.

Last edited by F l e x ; 07-06-2013 at 08:20 PM. Reason: finished adding
07-09-2013, 09:43 PM #23
MW2 maps? Sounds like its going to be a great game! Thanks for the video.
07-09-2013, 11:06 PM #24
I thought Afghan and Overgrown were a couple of the best snipping maps in MW2 & COD4
07-10-2013, 03:08 PM #25
Originally posted by HD View Post
All of the information is presented in the video, as stated the insider would like to keep his identity secret due to the fact this release of leaked information could get him fired!

looks good

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