Post: My shotgun tips so far
11-26-2013, 01:43 PM #1
In Flames Much?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So I have been messing around with shotguns last night and spent a couple hours on a couple builds.
Very quickly working out the MTS is trash, FP6 is also trash that should be avoided.

However two gems Bulldog has a bite to eat and Tac 12 has an even bigger bite.

That said shotguns suck even with these two guns you're out ranged out powered and out classed.
Max range of most shotguns is about 10 meters, Tac 12 it 12.7 meters so yea......not very far.
For people who are curious most smgs/assaults have a longer 3 hit kill range compare to your max range. I believe pistols also have a 5 hit kill range around the same as shotgun range.

Muzzle break use it, avoid grip it worthless ^_^

Steady aim
Super fast run mode!

The above perks are ones I found which work the best you can use quickdraw but the range you get extra is pretty bad for the ADS times.
Hipfire is terrible without SA and gets worse when you move.

Slug rounds do not increase your max range only the one hit kill zone, which sort of sucks the trade off not worth it in my eyes.

However if you want to use a real shotgun slap on steady aim to a SMG with big ammo have fun ^_^

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