Post: My knowledge of hacking MW2 (You may want to read ;))
07-05-2010, 11:51 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Before you read this is NOT a hack, but it MAY help you along your ways.

After looking through thousand's of threads I've decided to create my own because with the looks of it your all getting confused with it all.

Here's what I know so far.

I know your all wanting a challenge lobby.. Well sorry but Hunter/Unknown said they're not releasing it... Well how much stuff have we release here on NGU that they have probably used?

Anyways back to it.

For a challenge lobby you need the code below
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "dpad_down", "+actionslot 2" );
chalProgress = 0;
self waittill( "dpad_down" );
useBar = createPrimaryProgressBar( 25 );
useBarText = createPrimaryProgressBarText( 25 );
foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo )
finalTarget = 0;
finalTier = 0;
for ( tierId = 1; isDefined( challengeData["targetval"][tierId] ); tierId++ )
finalTarget = challengeData["targetval"][tierId];
finalTier = tierId + 1;
if ( self isItemUnlocked( challengeRef ) )
self setPlayerData( "challengeProgress", challengeRef, finalTarget );
self setPlayerData( "challengeState", challengeRef, finalTier );

chalPercent = ceil( ((chalProgress/480)*100) );
useBarText setText( chalPercent + " percent done" );
useBar updateBar( chalPercent / 100 );

wait ( 0.04 );
useBar destroyElem();
useBarText destroyElem();

That code goes into the patch_mp.ff file, Have a browse around I'm sure you'll find it.
You also need FF Viewer (google it) to open the file.

now you ask where did this come from/where does it go?
Well it came from the mw2 patch.
If you've tried the proxy GUI thing where you download the patch I'm sure you've seen it.

When you download this it come's in a .PKG file (Package File)
And believe me its HARD to open it, if not impossible !

I've tried everything, You search anywhere and I bet I've seen it lol.
I even broke my PC.. Yes broke it because I downloaded that many programmes trying to open this file my PC just crashed.

Well anyways because you can't open that you need another way to get into the files... Well they is !

So far I've found 3 ways.
1. Using a SATA to USB 2.5 - Connects your ps3 HDD to pc.
2. Using loads of programmes and complicated wires.
3. Backing up your PS3.. To do this you need a FAT32 external HDD (anything that will hold the back up on your PS3) but it MUST be FAT32 or it won't recognize it.

After you've got your PS3 data onto your PC you now need to decrypt it.
After you've decrypted it you need to find the MW2 files and find out where the Patch_mp.ff file goes.

Now once you've found that you can use FF viewer to open up the Patch_mp.ff file and edit it with the hacks you would like.

After doing that you need to encrypt your ps3 data and get it back onto your PS3.. If you use my method you need to put it onto the external HDD and go to back-up on your PS3 and restore the data..

IF done correctly the new patch (the one you've created) will be on your PS3.

Now.. I know most of you know this but other's don't.
Its just better for it all to be in one thread.

And before you ask no I don't have modded lobbys this is just all the info I've got together from the last couple of days..

But trust me.. If I get it working I won't be like the others and charging BILLIONS of £/$ to get into a lobby I'll be doing it for high repped and trusted people on NGU Winky Winky

If you come across any other findings then let us know, Don't just keep it to yourself.

If we put our heads together we can do this !

Also a HUGE ! Thanks to..
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Originally posted by another user
File downloaded from Sony's PlayStation Store, an online store with games, movies, and demos for PS3 and PSP devices; used specifically for downloadable games, game updates, and demos; saved in an encrypted format that is only recognized by compatible Sony devices.

Packages downloaded from the PlayStation Store can be transferred to a PSP or PS3 via USB, Memory Stick, or a network connection.

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Here's what I think, Now correct me if I'm wrong but like I said its what I THINK.

The .PKG file is like a zip/rar file but can only be opened on a PS3.
When its on a PS3 it unzip's it and installs the file's E.G MW2 patch.

Now they is no way possible that I know of how you can open this at all.

Here's what I do know.
Once the patch has downloaded and installed (thats what i think lol)
and you do a back up or get all your data from your ps3 onto your PC you can find the files.. But now it won't be in .Pkg format because the PS3 and opened them all for you.

Now in this file they'll be the patch_mp.ff file.
So you get that and edit it then boom you have your own custom patch.

Here's what other people have been trying...

They have been trying to decrypt/open/view the contents of the mw2 .PKG file.
They think if they can get into it and edit the patch_mp.ff file then they'll be able to make their own custom patch, then re encrypt it and download it via proxy GUI.

Well yes that would work but only if you can decrypt the .PKG file but believe me it will not be easy !
This is the file you need to edit.
Where you put all of the code's.

Like i said before once you've done a back up or got the data from your PS3 this file should be in there somewhere as long as you have an MW2 update.

Browse around and you'll be able to find all the code's so you can make your own custom one if anybody ever gets it working.
After a while I'll add a link to a thread but I'm lazy and can't be bothered yet.

[multipage=Cpt.Jay's & I's Theory !]
You can try it, but even if you say it won't work were going to try it anyways Winky Winky
We wasn't going to release it but we keep hitting brick wall's so BLAH give it a shot.

1. Get an external HDD.
2. Connect it to your PC and do a full format and change it to FAT32 memory.
3. Connect it to your PS3 and go to settings > system > back-up utility.
4. Do a FULL back up of your PS3.
5. Decrypt your PS3 files.
6. Locate the Patch_mp.ff file.
7. Edit it to your liking.
8. Save it all then re-encrypt your ps3 data.
9. Make sure its all saved to your external HDD.
10. Connect it to your PS3 and do s system restore.
11. Make sure your ps3 isn't connected to the internet and try it in split screen first?
12. Go online, Get a friend in the lobby and try it !

Don't forget to rep You must login or register to view this content. !!

[multipage=Latest Idea !]
Here's another idea.
After browsing more.. and more.. and more this is what I came up with.
First off you need 2 PS3's.. An old and new one (or just two)
Now you need to install firmware version 3.15 to both PS3's (Well I think you do)
You can download that You must login or register to view this content.
Now on your old PS3 you need to install linux You must login or register to view this content. if that don't work look on google/Youtube.
Now go onto your other PS3 that you use.
Go to
System Settings > Data Transfer Utility.
Now you need to transfer the MW2 files over to your PS3 that has linux.
Once they're on linix you'll need to find the MW2 files and edit them (Now this is the bit thats confusing me, Is it possible?"
If it is possible and you can edit then I'm pretty sure you'll all know what to do.
After editing transfer the data back over to your main PS3 and give it a shot.

If this don't work please no nooby comment's, I'm only trying to help out Winky Winky

[multipage=Another way...]

Just like the old way I said but With little change's.

First you need 2 PS3's.
1st PS3:
On the first PS3 you need everything updated, Just like most playstations with the latest firmware.

2nd PS3:
On the 2nd ps3 you need an old firmware (3.15 or lower)
Install Linux!

On your 1st ps3 send the data over to your 2nd PS3 using the System Settings > Data Transfer Utility.

Send the MW2 data over to your 2nd PS3 that has linux installed onto it.

Now you'll need to edit the patch_mp.ff on the linux PS3.
Back-up your 2nd ps3 and decrypt the HDD.
Edit the patch restore the edited files onto your 2nd ps3.

Now you've done that you'll need to send the data back.
So on your 2nd ps3 go to
System Settings > Data Transfer Utility.

and send it to your first ps3.
This should block out check-sums (hopefully)
I know they'll be more technical stuff about this but it shouldn't be too major !

If anybody has 2nd ps3 (with old firmware) then maybe you could try this.

But my opinion that's why people are having so much trouble doing it.. Its because everybody always update's their ps3's.

I'll keep you updated if I find out anything else.
[multipage=Next Theory]
First off if your going to try this way you'll need time on your hands !

You'll need to do a FULL format on your PS3.
This could take a while, But like I said you'll need time.

After that is completed use a proxy to bypass MW2 so you can go online.
Once your online go into a private match.
Shoot your gun a couple of times, Jump around die or what ever just to make sure that it create's all new data onto your PS3.

(Full format required so it's easy to find the MW2 files rather than always looking in the wrong section's of the HDD !)

Now quit the game and do a full back-up of your PS3.
Use HD Studio to decrypt all of your PS3 data and find the MW2 dump/dat files.
Search around untill you find the correct location of the FF file.

After you've found that encrypt all of the PS3 (full tut is around but I can't be bothered to write it all up lol)

Now put the data back onto your PS3.
Set up patch blocker again.
Go online -> Private match and test it out !

[multipage=IF I Ever Get This Working.]
Here's what will happen.
I'll inform you all straight away, No lie.

I'll then get all of my close mate's into the lobby so they can get all the challenge's.

I'll be creating a new account.
I'll add all of the good friends off NGU to get into the lobby Winky Winky

After that I'll create a thread with my new PSN so people can add me to get into the lobby.

If you add me:
If you do add me and I accept do the following.
Join my session and get all the challenge's.

After it's completed no killing or messing around just leave then delete me so the next person can join.

Then head over to NGU and leave a reply on my thread Happy
Again Thanks to You must login or register to view this content. !!
Last edited by Cpt.S ; 07-12-2010 at 07:11 PM.

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07-06-2010, 07:25 AM #29
Do a barrel roll!
Thanks alot .

This is the best method i have ever seen , i think im getting close Smile
07-06-2010, 09:53 PM #30
UPDATESad Awesome Added another page.
07-06-2010, 09:56 PM #31
Very nice post.
07-06-2010, 10:02 PM #32
Do a barrel roll!
Wow, obviously alot of effort and work has been put into putting this togethers, thanks for sharing rep+ ^^
07-06-2010, 10:16 PM #33
this is cool
07-06-2010, 10:23 PM #34
i Ozzy i
At least I can fight
Thanks dude you legend!
07-07-2010, 01:29 AM #35
Still working on it, But really I don't have much to work with.
If you guys have most of the stuff then give it a shot !

Or even if you can decrypt your PS3 HDD and don't know what to do next PM me and I'll try to help out.
07-08-2010, 01:37 PM #36
Do a barrel roll!
thanks bro really helpful!
07-08-2010, 02:49 PM #37
Gym leader
Someone needs to make a challenge lobby already lol...I'm tired of running around trying to get double kills with my javelin Not Happy or Sad

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