Post: Release: How to spawn Bot's
10-10-2010, 11:54 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Here is how to spawn Bots

Originally posted by another user
self iPrintln( "^3Spawned " + numberOfTestClients + "x Bots" );
for(i = 0; i < numberOfTestClients; i++)
ent = addtestclient();
if (!isdefined(ent))
wait 1;
ent.pers["isBot"] = true;
ent thread initIndividualBot();
wait 0.1;

wait .05;
self notify("menuresponse", game["menu_team"], "autoassign");
wait 0.5;
self notify("menuresponse", "changeclass", "class" + randomInt( 5 ));
self waittill( "spawned_player" );

Simply call

Originally posted by another user
self thread initTestClients(numberofbots)

To make bots attack
Originally posted by another user
setDvar("testclients_doAttack", 1);

To make bots move
Originally posted by another user
setDvar("testclients_doMove", 1);

Have fun,
Last edited by EliteMossy ; 10-10-2010 at 11:56 PM.

The following 13 users say thank you to EliteMossy for this useful post:

3arc, BigMel1, Cyrious, FireWire, FourzerotwoFAILS, GNDOOOR_KILLER, lilkiller6009, Nolzad0, SantaClawZ, Sticker522, x_5, ZoneTw0
10-11-2010, 12:43 AM #11
For codes just go to se7ensins, you can't beat it Smile

This site ain't for coding anyway its just let me download your patch Happy
10-11-2010, 01:04 AM #12
Originally posted by alabamahit View Post
people if you want to see coding.

Go google. Mw2 gsc coding, you will find coding on xbox sites..

This is not new. Not a "release". And no credit is given......i know you didn't make this..

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Just go away.
10-11-2010, 01:09 AM #13
Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
Just go away.

How about you just STOP Stealing codes and claiming your own.

Heck you didn't even make that patch that was leaked, anyone that looks at the code knows it is just a converted Havoc patch.

So...yeah. I will post all I want cause I'm sick of people thinking you are something great, when your not doing anything special. You just copy and pasting codes and claiming your own.

So how about you just go away.
10-11-2010, 01:10 AM #14
Originally posted by AlabamaHit View Post
How about you just STOP Stealing codes and claiming your own.

Heck you didn't even make that patch that was leaked, anyone that looks at the code knows it is just a converted Havoc patch.

So...yeah. I will post all I want cause I'm sick of people thinking you are something great, when your not doing anything special. You just copy and pasting codes and claiming your own.

So how about you just go away.

Have you seen my latest patch?

Everyone knew my leaked patch was based on HaVoC's. I made a patch so i could do challenge lobbies, something that was better than Godlymodz.

If you look at my new patch, i spent weeks working on that. You find ANY OTHER PATCH that has all the features mine has, then i will eat my hat.

You're just jealous because you are too retarded to do anything.
10-11-2010, 01:13 AM #15
Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
Have you seen my latest patch?

Everyone knew my leaked patch was based on HaVoC's. I made a patch so i could do challenge lobbies, something that was better than Godlymodz.

If you look at my new patch, i spent weeks working on that. You find ANY OTHER PATCH that has all the features mine has, then i will eat my hat.

You're just jealous because you are too retarded to do anything.

I have seen the video that is all.

Your new patch might be better..but it is not unique, there are probarly dozens of xbox patches with the same feature or MORE. I have been on xbox scene since jtags came out. I know about them, so you will never fool me like these kids on here.

But yeah, I guess i will leave you alone so you can keep on fooling these KIDS around here.

The following user thanked AlabamaHit for this useful post:

10-11-2010, 01:14 AM #16
Originally posted by AlabamaHit View Post
I have seen the video that is all.

The features in there are in other patches also.

Also, I can program unlike you. I have wrote my own patch (with exception of the menu I used dconners).

But yeah, I guess i will leave you alone so you can keep on fooling these KIDS around here.

Dont make me laugh. You can't program for shit.
10-11-2010, 01:16 AM #17
Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
Dont make me laugh. You can't program for shit.

You keep telling that to yourself. Don't worry all your 10 year old followers will still love you.
10-11-2010, 01:19 AM #18
Originally posted by AlabamaHit View Post
You keep telling that to yourself. Don't worry all your 10 year old followers will still love you.

I would love to see some of you're work! Shame you have nothing to show.
10-11-2010, 01:29 AM #19
Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
I would love to see some of you're work! Shame you have nothing to show.

Like you do? Whatever man...You are seriously sounding like a 10 year old yourself.

My work? Is not in C++ As I said in one of my post before (Not on this thread). But is in php, mysql.

Links, even though I know you won't believe me anyways. Also don't care if you do. So yeah, last post for you to, I'm not waisting my time on you anymore. I'll just let you have your 10 fanbase.

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There are a few more but the sites aren't up anymore.

So yeah, whatever buddy, I know what I'm doing. Your the one starting to look like an ass.

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