Post: DT Blackstorm (Mossy v8/private edit)
01-26-2011, 01:27 AM #1
You're Goddamn Right
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DT Blackstorm (Mossy v8/private edit)

Update 1.02 - You must login or register to view this content.
> Added Ghostbusters Gamemode
> Added Twist Sights
> Fixed Rapid fire guns
> Removed Big XP, claymores etc.... from buttons.cfg

Menu is pretty stable thanks to You must login or register to view this content. so leave him some rep , had 4 players as VIP with 6 of Mossy's littlebirds in the air so ye...

Original patch by EliteMossy + mrmoss
MecAj - for the v8 to private menu conversion, menu styling + help with coding
EliteMossy - for some useful codes
Homer Simpson - for his unique codes (dicks + pussy and Colin Dancing )
TheUnKn0wn - useful codes + BMP2CODE
Shaarpy - Weird Classes script
Se7ensins - many of the codes
MPGH - many of the codes


All Features


* x 1000 Accolades
* Colored Classes
* Infinite Ammo
* Third Person
* Suicide
* Clan Tag - Unbound
* No Recoil
* Current Gun - Fall


* Standard
* Nuke Time
* Super SoH
* Super Stopping Power
* Super Danger Close
* Knock Back
* L33T Hacks
* Sherbert Vision
* Javi Macross
* Nuke in Care Package
* Infectable XP


* Sentry Gun
* Predator Missile
* Emergency Airdrop
* Stealth Bomber
* Pavelow
* Chopper Gunner
* AC-130
* Harrier


* Gold Desert Eagle
* Default Weapon
* Akimbo Thumpers
* SPAS-12
* Intervention
* AT-4
* Akimbo Default Weapon
* Spawn a Turret
* Teleport Gun
* Nuke AT-4


* Normal
* Care Package
* Sentry Gun
* UAV Plane
* Little Bird
* AC-130
* Dev Sphere
* Sex Doll
* Chicken
* Green Bush
* Benzin Barrel
* Ammo Crate
* Palm Tree
* Blue Car


* Create Clone
* Forge Options
* UFO Mode
* Walking AC-130
* Wallhack
* Modded Bullets
* Select Bullet
* Teleporter
* Flamethrower
* Jetpack
* Human Torch
* Death Machine
* Kill Text
* Bomberman
* Care Package Gun
* Random Weapon Box


* Speed x2
* Change Class
* Change Team
* God Mode
* Teleport everyone to me
* Invisible
* Spawn 3x Bots
* Bots Play
* Spawn a Littlebird (TheUnkn0wns)
* Flyable Harrier
* Suicide Harrier
* Napalm Strike
* JaviRain
* Super AC-130
* Pet Pavelow
* Mega Airdrop
* Change Appearance
* Collosus Airstrike


* Anti-Join
* Ranked Match
* Force Host
* Big XP
* Stealth Aimbot
* Unfair Aimbot
* TheUnkn0wns Bunker
* Sky Plaza v2
* Attack Littlebird
* Toggle Stealth Binds
* Advertise
* Flashing Text
* Make Unlimited
* Change Map to Rust
* Fast Restart
* End Game
* Roll Credits / End Game


* Normal Lobby
* The Gun Game v2
* One in the Chamber
* Roll the Dice
* Juggernaut Zombies
* Hide and Seek
* Quickscope Lobby


* Afghan
* Derail
* Estate
* Favela
* Highrise
* Invasion
* Karachi
* Quarry
* Rundown
* Rust
* Scrapyard
* Skidrow
* Subbase
* Terminal
* Underpass
* Wasteland

Game Settings:

* Force UAV
* Low Gravity
* Toggle Super Jump
* Toggle Super Speed
* Toggle Game Speed
* Toggle Fake Map
* Toggle Gametype
* Create Fog
* Disable Spectating
* Die Hard Mode
* Turn to Night
* Disco Mode
* Disable Quit
* Pro Mod
* Dicks v Pussies

Team Settings:

* My Team - Godmode
* My Team - Speed x2
* My Team - Autoaim
* My Team - Wallhack
* My Team - Inf. Ammo
* My Team - Suicide
* My Team - VIP
* Enemy Team - Godmode
* Enemy Team - Speed x2
* Enemy Team - Autoaim
* Enemy Team - Wallhack
* Enemy Team - Inf. Ammo
* Enemy Team - Suicide
* Enemy Team - Teleport to me

All Players:

* Remove Access
* Level 70
* Unlock All
* Infect
* Derank
* Suicide
* Godmode (ON/OFF)
* Freeze Everyone (ON/OFF)
* Teleport to Position
* Coloured Scoreboard
* Fuk up Classes (Shaarpy's Classes)
* Flag
* Give everyone Drugs
* Give Akimbo Thumpers
* Rotate Screen
* Set on Fire (works on Karachi, Favela + Invasion)\
* Send to Space
* Turn to Exorcist
* Unbound Clan Tag
* Inf. Ammo


* Kick Player
* Remove Access
* Give Normal
* Give VIP
* Give Admin
* Derank Player
* Instant 70
* Unlock All
* Give God Mode
* Make Suicide
* Teleport to Player
* Teleport Player to me
* Infect Player
* Reset Stats
* Legit Stats
* Lock Menu
* Scare Player
* Make Invisible

Players +:

* Clear Perks
* Flag Player
* Freeze PS3
* Fuk up Classes
* Give Akimbo Thumpers
* Give a Tactical Nuke
* Give Aimbot
* Give Inf. Ammo
* Give some Drugs
* Rotate Screen
* Set on Fire
* Super Riot
* Send to Space
* Take all Weapons
* Turn to an Exorcist
* Money Maker
* Disable Movement


* DPAD LEFT whilst Crouching - Toggle Demi God
* DPAD RIGHT whilst Crouching - Toggle Visibility
* DPAD DOWN whilst Crouching - Toggle Aimbot
* DPAD LEFT whilst Prone - Toggle Wallhack
* DPAD RIGHT whilst Prone - Teleport Everyone to Crosshairs
* DPAD DOWN whilst Prone - Teleport
* R3 Whist Crouching - Toggle UFO Mode

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Last edited by DEREKTROTTER ; 02-20-2011 at 12:52 AM.

The following 223 users say thank you to DEREKTROTTER for this useful post:

-Bane-, -SilverSurfer-, -SprayzZz-, ᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟᅟ, Okami, <Jimbo>, 890popbox, ADAM594, Adamâ„¢, Agent Wolf, AgentSexyPig, ainajp, airghisla, AlphaPoppy, andrewman18, AnthonyINFAMOUS, arab707, AtlasK, BadBoiiUmar, beastleyshotz, bertieboy7, Blackstorm, Bloodstaind, boald15, BreakFree, Brian235026, cadpimp1289, CapoJoel, Carbon0x, chat912, Cien, cjmurder123, Clanor, CleanMODSHD, CODFTW, Coqui, Correy, CraZoY, Creepz, Curt, d1ck_swanging, d7w7z, dakleene, DCLXVI, Demmonnixx, Desert54, dimebag72, divybc, DR-Dizzy, Dr3aMz, DreadArtz, Dreamcather, DRFT-ii_JOKER, Dryder, duderly, DYLANG15, effinTyler, egoDream, FaiL-Scale, final121, firefox7, FireWire, flAmingw0rm, FourzerotwoFAILS, fratxdrizzy, Fred0708, gamekilla, garybrady_09, Geigers, Ghost1990, Gilmar_, Ginnge, hammy876, Hawkin, hilts11, HitMarkerHeaven, howigethere, human193, hydro_122499, I Got Cookies, I HOST CL, Hawk, iCoNz, ii-ownaged-iixx, iiMGodly, iiTz_Si, imsokool, ImTrippinHoes, iReset Nigga, italianboss, J_MAN, jammerz_95, jamzyb, jannu22, Jared, JD_WCE, JewBagel, jfed, Josh1210 and 123 other users.
01-26-2011, 03:08 AM #47
aka xAeRo-_EliTzZ 8|
Originally posted by MecAj View Post
LOL Derek showed me this!!! That is for you to find out! Winky Winky

Hint Hint:

Get an infection which shows current location then move to the locations it says on the coding =D

Ok bro, I know exactly what you mean. Il try tomorrow. Im just looking at the coding atm. Its 03:08am where I live and I gotta go school in 5 hours :/ Sleep time !
01-26-2011, 03:10 AM #48
Former Staff
Originally posted by MecAj View Post
LOL Derek showed me this!!! That is for you to find out! Winky Winky

Hint Hint:

Get an infection which shows current location then move to the locations it says on the coding =D

LOL u was the person in the lobby? yea derek show me that
01-26-2011, 03:18 AM #49
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by skillz369 View Post
great job bro Happy

it was mec_aj
01-26-2011, 03:25 AM #50
Climbing up the ladder
this is the best patch out there right now i would record but i haz finals :(
01-26-2011, 03:46 AM #51
< ^ > < ^ >
Originally posted by DEREKTROTTER View Post
DT Blackstorm (Mossy v8/private edit)

Done with this patch now, left room for if anyone wants to take it any further Cool Man (aka Tustin)

Menu is pretty stable thanks to You must login or register to view this content. so leave him some rep , had 4 players as VIP with 6 of Mossy's littlebirds in the air so ye...

Original patch by EliteMossy + mrmoss
MecAj - for the v8 to private menu conversion, menu styling + help with coding
EliteMossy - for some useful codes
Homer Simpson - for his unique codes (dicks + pussy and Colin Dancing )
TheUnKn0wn - useful codes + BMP2CODE
Shaarpy - Weird Classes script
Se7ensins - many of the codes
MPGH - many of the codes

need a vid :bat:
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All Features


* x 1000 Accolades
* Colored Classes
* Infinite Ammo
* Third Person
* Suicide
* Clan Tag - Unbound
* No Recoil
* Current Gun - Fall


* Standard
* Nuke Time
* Super SoH
* Super Stopping Power
* Super Danger Close
* Knock Back
* L33T Hacks
* Sherbert Vision
* Javi Macross
* Nuke in Care Package
* Infectable XP


* Sentry Gun
* Predator Missile
* Emergency Airdrop
* Stealth Bomber
* Pavelow
* Chopper Gunner
* AC-130
* Harrier


* Gold Desert Eagle
* Default Weapon
* Akimbo Thumpers
* SPAS-12
* Intervention
* AT-4
* Akimbo Default Weapon
* Spawn a Turret
* Teleport Gun
* Nuke AT-4


* Normal
* Care Package
* Sentry Gun
* UAV Plane
* Little Bird
* AC-130
* Dev Sphere
* Sex Doll
* Chicken
* Green Bush
* Benzin Barrel
* Ammo Crate
* Palm Tree
* Blue Car


* Create Clone
* Forge Options
* UFO Mode
* Walking AC-130
* Wallhack
* Modded Bullets
* Select Bullet
* Teleporter
* Flamethrower
* Jetpack
* Human Torch
* Death Machine
* Kill Text
* Bomberman
* Care Package Gun
* Random Weapon Box


* Speed x2
* Change Class
* Change Team
* God Mode
* Teleport everyone to me
* Invisible
* Spawn 3x Bots
* Bots Play
* Spawn a Littlebird (TheUnkn0wns)
* Flyable Harrier
* Suicide Harrier
* Napalm Strike
* JaviRain
* Super AC-130
* Pet Pavelow
* Mega Airdrop
* Change Appearance
* Collosus Airstrike


* Anti-Join
* Ranked Match
* Force Host
* Big XP
* Stealth Aimbot
* Unfair Aimbot
* TheUnkn0wns Bunker
* Sky Plaza v2
* Attack Littlebird
* Toggle Stealth Binds
* Advertise
* Flashing Text
* Make Unlimited
* Change Map to Rust
* Fast Restart
* End Game
* Roll Credits / End Game


* Normal Lobby
* The Gun Game v2
* One in the Chamber
* Roll the Dice
* Juggernaut Zombies
* Hide and Seek
* Quickscope Lobby


* Afghan
* Derail
* Estate
* Favela
* Highrise
* Invasion
* Karachi
* Quarry
* Rundown
* Rust
* Scrapyard
* Skidrow
* Subbase
* Terminal
* Underpass
* Wasteland

Game Settings:

* Force UAV
* Low Gravity
* Toggle Super Jump
* Toggle Super Speed
* Toggle Game Speed
* Toggle Fake Map
* Toggle Gametype
* Create Fog
* Disable Spectating
* Die Hard Mode
* Turn to Night
* Disco Mode
* Disable Quit
* Pro Mod
* Dicks v Pussies

Team Settings:

* My Team - Godmode
* My Team - Speed x2
* My Team - Autoaim
* My Team - Wallhack
* My Team - Inf. Ammo
* My Team - Suicide
* My Team - VIP
* Enemy Team - Godmode
* Enemy Team - Speed x2
* Enemy Team - Autoaim
* Enemy Team - Wallhack
* Enemy Team - Inf. Ammo
* Enemy Team - Suicide
* Enemy Team - Teleport to me

All Players:

* Remove Access
* Level 70
* Unlock All
* Infect
* Derank
* Suicide
* Godmode (ON/OFF)
* Freeze Everyone (ON/OFF)
* Teleport to Position
* Coloured Scoreboard
* Fuk up Classes (Shaarpy's Classes)
* Flag
* Give everyone Drugs
* Give Akimbo Thumpers
* Rotate Screen
* Set on Fire (works on Karachi, Favela + Invasion)\
* Send to Space
* Turn to Exorcist
* Unbound Clan Tag
* Inf. Ammo


* Kick Player
* Remove Access
* Give Normal
* Give VIP
* Give Admin
* Derank Player
* Instant 70
* Unlock All
* Give God Mode
* Make Suicide
* Teleport to Player
* Teleport Player to me
* Infect Player
* Reset Stats
* Legit Stats
* Lock Menu
* Scare Player
* Make Invisible

Players +:

* Clear Perks
* Flag Player
* Freeze PS3
* Fuk up Classes
* Give Akimbo Thumpers
* Give a Tactical Nuke
* Give Aimbot
* Give Inf. Ammo
* Give some Drugs
* Rotate Screen
* Set on Fire
* Super Riot
* Send to Space
* Take all Weapons
* Turn to an Exorcist
* Money Maker
* Disable Movement


* DPAD LEFT whilst Crouching - Toggle Demi God
* DPAD RIGHT whilst Crouching - Toggle Visibility
* DPAD DOWN whilst Crouching - Toggle Aimbot
* DPAD LEFT whilst Prone - Toggle Wallhack
* DPAD RIGHT whilst Prone - Teleport Everyone to Crosshairs
* DPAD DOWN whilst Prone - Teleport
* R3 Whist Crouching - Toggle UFO Mode

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whenever i edit this patch it always shrinks down to 100KB why is this?? all i do is ADD the real do heart to it (in the one with all the random letters) is there a way to avoid this? i use ff viewer to edit it
Last edited by Brian235026 ; 01-26-2011 at 03:53 AM.
01-26-2011, 03:46 AM #52
Former Staff
Originally posted by Brian235026 View Post
whenever i edit this patch it always shrinks down to 100KB why is this?? all i do is ADD the real do heart to it (in the one with all the random letters) is there a way to avoid this? i use ff viewer to edit it

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

whenever i edit this patch it always shrinks down to 100KB why is this?? all i do is ADD the real do heart to it (in the one with all the random letters) is there a way to avoid this? i use ff viewer to edit it

---------- Post added at 10:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 PM ----------

whenever i try to add things to this patch(i added a real do-heart to it inside of the gsc with a bunch of random letters) it shrinks down to 100KB why is this and what can i do to avoid it?

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

whenever i try to add things to this patch(i added a real do-heart to it inside of the gsc with a bunch of random letters) it shrinks down to 100KB why is this and what can i do to avoid it?

Way to be ignorant, Why would you quote him 4 times, Hes obv not there or he would reply. Give him a break.
01-26-2011, 03:49 AM #53
Veni. Vidi. Vici.
Originally posted by xIDivybc View Post
Way to be ignorant, Why would you quote him 4 times, Hes obv not there or he would reply. Give him a break.

lol You took the words right out of my mouth =D
01-26-2011, 03:50 AM #54
Digital Cr8tionz
Derek Throtter u did a great job on this patch i like it nice look VERY STABLE (very important)...but one thing was missing AIM AT HEAD,AND AIM AT CHEST, that gotta be there please also SUPER HARRIERS...but great patch thanks also mecAJ did i good job REP++ for both
01-26-2011, 03:53 AM #55
Former Staff
Originally posted by MecAj View Post
lol You took the words right out of my mouth =D

Tell me about it tho, They want spoon fed with everything but when it comes to changing the names in the patch they will do that no prob.

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