Post: Do you want the nuke back?
05-28-2011, 12:11 PM #1
12% STD free
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I was just wondering, do you guys want the nuke back?
Personally, I don't want it back. It is a major boost cause.
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06-01-2011, 02:32 AM #47
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by thestiefmen View Post
I was just wondering, do you guys want the nuke back?
Personally, I don't want it back. It is a major boost cause.
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The only thing about the Nuke is that theres to much Nuke Boosters. If the put a time limit to plants T.I.s ( For example) Plant T.I. then u die and u have to wait like 10 seconds or so to plant again. If they did this or completely removed them, than i would enjoy having a nuke. But i understand that some people only use T.I.s for spawntrapping or just to keep camping in the same area.
06-01-2011, 03:26 AM #48
Are you high?
yes but instead of 25 kills make it 30-35 kills OR have it be like 15 kills but it only kills everyone in the game but it doesn't end the game.
06-01-2011, 04:13 AM #49
Treasure hunter
I want to be able to join all freind sessions, if the nuke has to be removed for that then no. I would like it back though. Black Ops killsreaks blow.
06-01-2011, 04:15 AM #50
League Champion

06-01-2011, 09:06 AM #51
Pokemon Trainer
Personally, I don't want to see the nuke back... It encourages camping, and of course, boosting. If they did decide to include it, they would have to do a pretty awesome job of balancing the weapons, perks, etc. and the game dynamics would have to be pretty effective... And, let's be honest, IW haven't done a very good of balancing weapons in previous games! :p
06-01-2011, 09:21 AM #52
as long as there is no tac insertions ill love to have the nuke back but only if the killstreaks are stackable
06-01-2011, 10:25 AM #53
I want it all back the way it was.. just add extra's like they done in black ops.. boosters dont bother me.. and the only time they did was in FFA.. all said and done, only minimal changes are required..
06-01-2011, 10:31 AM #54
<3 SGC
No tactical insertion then make it 30-50.
06-01-2011, 06:01 PM #55
Why So Serious?
I personally think the nuke should come back. Why? Well its a deadly kill streak and its the urge to try and try again to get to the nuke without getting killed making you play the game more and more. In black ops the chopper gunner was the deadliest but could easily be stopped , the nuke can't. However tactical insertion should be removed in free 4 all. Also kill streaks which are user controlled should add on but kill streaks which are not user controlled should not add on.

Should be like this:

UAV, Counter UAV, Care Package, Sentry, EA Drop - Don't Add on of course
Predator - Adds on as you guide it to a target
Precision, Stealth Bomber - Should not add on as you just call it and hope it kills someone
Helicopter, Harrier, Pavelow - Should not add on as you just call it in and wait for your kill streak to build. Your not controlling it.

Chopper, AC130 should add as you are piloting it and controlling it.

They should also add a gunship type of kill streak. They had in MW2 but was only usable via hacks.

The kill streaks should be in this order:

3 - UAV
4 - Counter UAV
5 - Care Package
5 - Sentry
6 - Predator
6 - Precision
7 - Helicopter
8 - EA Drop
8 - EMP
9 - Stealth Bomber
11 - Pavelow
11 - Harrier
15 - Ac130
15 - Chopper
25 - Gunship (If there were one)
40 - Nuke

Also if someone calls in a nuke and a EMP is called in after the nuke should cancel. This means the person who got the nuke has to get it again.

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