Post: Call of Duty 5 official title and setting revealed
06-09-2008, 04:26 PM #1
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Call of Duty 5: World at War

Originally posted by another user
According to reports from Videogaming247, Call of Duty 5 will be officially titled Call of Duty: World at War and will indeed take place in the previously rumoured Pacific theatre of World War II.

News comes following the latest issue of UK publication, GamesTM, which was distributed to subscribers of the magazine earlier this morning.

Although substantial details have yet to hit the web, Activision confirmed earlier today that the game would be unveiled later this month, so expect more information to surface around that time.

“The reveal’s scheduled for mid-to-late June,” a source told Videogaming247.

Stay tuned for more information as soon as it becomes available.

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New details have surfaced from owners of GamesTM. See below for a full roundup.

-The game is touted as being as "gritty" as anything out there, with enemies far smarter than before, capable of using a selection of new tactics to get to you.

-Call of Duty: World at War will be released on PS3, PC, Xbox 360 and Wii.

-Co-op will be included for the first time in the series, and the multiplayer component will feature vehicles and various squad-based elements.

-A description of the opening scene in the first level is as follows: "‘The opening scene of the first level we are shown is a Japanese commander stubbing a cigarette out in the eye of a prisoner before slitting his throat - the blood splatters and dribbles down the side of the tent you are being held in. He turns towards you to deal out the same treatment but help arrives just in time. Cue a daring level-long escape.’”
06-20-2008, 03:25 AM #11
I hope it has red dot attachments for online, I love them!

06-20-2008, 04:14 AM #12
its only because u all are used to the modern warfare that u think ull hate it in ww2 but trust me if they make it good enough ull love it as much as cod4
06-20-2008, 06:58 PM #13
FAIl y would they go back to ww2 they FAILED
06-24-2008, 08:14 PM #14
gimme a trailer

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