Post: C++ Coding
11-25-2012, 01:08 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey everyone, I have recently become interested in coding and I was wondering if any of you guys could get me started on some basic coding.

Be really helpful if you guys could put me in the right direction, thankyou
11-27-2012, 05:06 PM #11
Originally posted by KronosCloud View Post
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^ That is VBS 2010 Express I recomend this version as 12 has some bugs in it and express is smaller than Full

Thankyou man I will check this out, really appreciate the help!
11-27-2012, 09:55 PM #12
Originally posted by Darkskull74 View Post
Do you reckon you could link the download to me, that would be a massive help not sure on the best place to download it

I would download the C++ version and not the VB version like linked below.

Now I'll be honest with you, I myself started out with VB. I did not truly understand the syntax and if anything it reversed my progression as a programmer. I would highly recommend starting with C++ CRI or at minimal C#.
11-29-2012, 08:02 PM #13
Originally posted by Darkskull74 View Post
Do you reckon you could link the download to me, that would be a massive help not sure on the best place to download it

It's up to you what you want to learn. If you wish to learn VB ask me else if you want to learn C++ and so on then premier gamer is your man.
12-02-2012, 01:08 AM #14
Originally posted by Darkskull74 View Post
Hey everyone, I have recently become interested in coding and I was wondering if any of you guys could get me started on some basic coding.

Be really helpful if you guys could put me in the right direction, thankyou

I am really good with python, i can give you videos on it, and give you some "homework" that ive been doing in college.
12-05-2012, 07:39 AM #15
ApeX Modding
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i started coding like a few months ago and i learnt from my friends and from this really good youtuber , he shows you how to code with codeblockes and notepad++. I Will post the link laterz.

12-10-2012, 06:18 PM #16
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the best way to start coding in c++ is to read through the tutorial on the language at You must login or register to view this content.

read all that go through the examples and do that best ide's for c++ are code::blocks and visual studio. code::blocks is more better because it's not as windows dependent but it doesn't really matter what you need to focus on is learning the language. and also if you want to learn c++ learn c++ because learning python then going to c++ or a language with a more advanced syntax will wind up confusing and frustrating you. and for video tutorials i would only recommend you watch thenewboston for the basics. and maybe his vector videos as those were the only helpful ones to me. ultimately you can just go to school and learn all that. good luck i hope you do great.
12-11-2012, 06:07 PM #17
Error… Cat invasion!
Why C++ do you have a specific goal in mind? There are tonnes of languages out there that all have they're own benefits and flaws and some lend their selves better(or worse) to certain tasks. For example IOS games are usually programmed in Objective-C, so if this is your aim then C++ wouldn't be the right language to learn.

I would read You must login or register to view this content. for a comparison on C, C++ and C#.

Obviously if you already have a task in mind and C++ is the right language ignore this post Smile

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