Post: How To Program
03-01-2013, 07:57 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Understanding this has been changed via the link, this is not my site: You must login or register to view this content.

It appears it's been added by a Mod to whom they feel it is relevant enough. I have nothing to do with that site, but I will leave it there.

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Some extra sources, I'll add more to the list. Some of these will be paid courses, some will be free sources, some will be reference sites. If the list grows longer, I'll categorize them.
Last edited by Pichu ; 10-10-2015 at 08:17 AM.

The following 25 users say thank you to Pichu for this useful post:

Anastasia-, Belgyrath, Besos, BzrkArts, Conveyy, danilo_BR, HE11_PIGLET, im rich whore, iRnZ, joni_djESP, MrRa1n, Norway-_-1999, Pianist Prodigy, QuantumDev, SC0x, Specter, witchery, xkoeckiiej, xKrazy SicknesS, xMrJR, xSoulEdge, xXGRIM_REAPERXx
10-12-2013, 07:35 AM #29
Pokemon Trainer
Thanks for the help!ChocoChoco
04-18-2014, 05:16 AM #30
Great website, I'm learning Java at school and C# looks really similar
07-22-2014, 04:03 AM #31
How many of you would be interested in me bringing back this project? I'd need support for it but I could get it done though I'd need more than 1 or 2 people.
07-23-2014, 07:46 PM #32
Do a barrel roll!
I do not know how to code. But if there is another way i could get tell me. I would love to see this project back. I want to learn C# and your first 2 tuts are some of the best i seen. Most videos will say c# that nubs (like me) dont even know what they mean or are.
07-24-2014, 05:10 AM #33
Originally posted by Joshua.avacado View Post
I do not know how to code. But if there is another way i could get tell me. I would love to see this project back. I want to learn C# and your first 2 tuts are some of the best i seen. Most videos will say c# that nubs (like me) dont even know what they mean or are.

If I can get enough support with this, I will bring it back. The biggest thing is this is a financial investment for myself meaning I have to make an earning.

I need to make at least 35-100 a month starting out, given I provide quality tutorials. Since I can't use adsense, I'd be forced to do things such as source code locking (meaning you do a survey or pay to unlock the full project from the video/set) - Free if you follow the tutorial and write it yourself.

The other would be I'd need a steady amount of donations. I have no issue starting up a Indiegogo of this.

If I could get about 1-1.5k for months, I could guarantee that by January I could have an entire series created w/ actual source codes and such for free (then base the site on donations).

Before when I was hosting the site, I was getting money via advertisements and now I can't.

This is why I need to know if I have supporters.
08-30-2014, 06:05 AM #34
I will check this out later! Thanks ^_^
01-24-2015, 07:47 PM #35
thank you
01-25-2015, 01:52 AM #36
At least I can fight
Originally posted by Pichu View Post
Bringing the project back.

Visit my site and subscribe via email to be updated on new posts: You must login or register to view this content.

I'm going to be slowly working on general tutorials as well as as focusing on a C# series of guides. Videos will be hosted on my website, attempting to get an encoding for mobile video support.

I plan on it being visual example (Me recording the lesson/project) as well as having the source code broken up in writing explaining things. This way it's in depth.

I will not be do audio, removing this takes away any distractions and speeds up the lesson. I also have to keep video file size down and no audio means better video quality.

I will be doing this project slowly over time unless I can get some financial support coming in.

The other categories are also lessons I will do. I'll be writing this up into an Ebook. If I can raise $500, I'll release the ebook + all the video guides + all lesson source files w/ commentation for free (C# only). I'll be moving on Python after C# because the guide for it will be much easier to write due to it being a scripting language and not OOP.

Thank you so much for the article on fixing your windows 8.1 connection problems, I was in the same situation as you and it worked Smile

thanks again been trying to fix this for monthsss.
04-05-2015, 05:46 AM #37
Might be partnering with a network soon and may be back into making YouTube videos while I am off.

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