Originally posted by Joshua.avacado
I do not know how to code. But if there is another way i could get tell me. I would love to see this project back. I want to learn C# and your first 2 tuts are some of the best i seen. Most videos will say c# that nubs (like me) dont even know what they mean or are.
If I can get enough support with this, I will bring it back. The biggest thing is this is a financial investment for myself meaning I have to make an earning.
I need to make at least 35-100 a month starting out, given I provide quality tutorials. Since I can't use adsense, I'd be forced to do things such as source code locking (meaning you do a survey or pay to unlock the full project from the video/set) - Free if you follow the tutorial and write it yourself.
The other would be I'd need a steady amount of donations. I have no issue starting up a Indiegogo of this.
If I could get about 1-1.5k for months, I could guarantee that by January I could have an entire series created w/ actual source codes and such for free (then base the site on donations).
Before when I was hosting the site, I was getting money via advertisements and now I can't.
This is why I need to know if I have supporters.