Post: [UBUNTU] Including Headers
02-27-2011, 12:55 AM #1
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey guys,

i learned c for about a year now, and i want do make my own header. It should just be a function which ends the programm. So i already wrote one, but obviously there is something wrong with it...

    #ifndef PROGCLOSE_H

int closeProg()
{ int close123 = 0;

printf("Press a buton to end the programm");

scanf("%d", &close123);

if (close123 != 0)
printf("Programm was closed \n \n");
return 0;

So there it is. I want to just put int closeProg() into my source code. But if i do it just simply nothing happens. It's the complete same thing as if it was not in there. Of course i included the header file by putting #include "close.h" at the top of my source, but as i said nothing happens. So does anyone know why that is?

Thanks in advance.

Oh and by the way, it works perfectly if i just put
    int close123 = 0;

printf("Press button bla bla");

scanf("%d", &close123);

if (close123 != 0)
printf("Programm was closed \n \n");
return 0;
at the very end of my SC. But i want to simplify it by including the header file.

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