Post: BASH Scripting help
07-06-2011, 07:27 PM #1
Gym leader
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); i am trying to make a script for the linux command line and i have hit a dead end.

I want this script to give an option like
Originally posted by another user
1) I am On Linux
2) I am On Windows
3) About
4) Quit

i know i can use "echo" or "printf"
    echo "Options:"
echo "1) I am On Linux"
echo "2) I am On Windows"
echo "3) About"
echo "4) Quit"

But i want each option to call (open/run) a different file...
Option 1 would open the "" file and option 2 would open the "" file.
Option 3 would go to the about section of the script and option 4 would exit the script.

i know on windows you can use the
    goto 1
command but i cannot find the unix/linux equivalent to that command that can call (open/run) a different file.

Could Someone please reffer me to somewhere that can help me with it or write the script for me?

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