Post: [TUTS] 50 Ways To Make Money Online
06-01-2011, 03:47 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ways to make money online, search for it and you’ll find hundreds of them. Some are legitimate and real methods for making money online and others are scams and get rich quick schemes. In this post, you will find information about 53 legitimate ways to make money working from home, from making money with affiliate programs, blogging and freelancing to making money with ebay, earning money with online surveys and GPT programs to other simple ways to make money fast.

Although there are so many different ways to make money on the internet, making money online isn’t always easy or quick. It takes hard work and dedication. Yes, there are some online jobs that are easier than others and there are some quick(er) ways to make money, but if you want to make real money, you have to put some time and effort into it.

Earning money online is no different than making money offline. If you want to work at home, you need to have the right mind set. Forget about making money with a push of a button, free money or the magic money making method that is going to get you rich over night. Though internet itself is a virtual world, there is nothing virtual about the need to work to make money online.

Earning money online takes hard work and consistency. But, if you are willing to put enough time and effort into it, there are number of ways you can use the internet to make extra money. Here are 53 ways to make money online:

Wherever possible, I tried to provide other resources and information about some of these methods by linking to other more in dept and detailed articles, which will give you more information on how to make money online with that specific method. I hope it will be helpful.

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Making Money with Affiliate Programs
This is by far the best way to make money online, at least in my opinion. You are basically selling other people’s stuff for a commission. You can find digital products like e-books and short reports to promote on sites like ClickBank and PayDotcom.

Get Paid to Surf
Get paid to surf is kind of big on the internet. And of course scammers are all over it as well. So, be careful and make sure you register with known and trusted sites. You won’t make much money, but not much work is required either.

Make Money Selling Photos Online
If you like photography and can take interesting pictures, there are many sites you can upload your images too and get paid every time someone downloads an image of yours. The good thing is that one photo can sell over and over again. Imagine the potential of having 100s of images on few sites.

Get Paid Sharing Files Online
There are a couple of document sharing sites that you can upload any kind of file you own to, and every time someone downloads it, you get paid for it. The files can be in almost any format, from txt to pdf and everything else.

Earn Money as a Mystery Shopper
Mystery shopping is becoming a popular method for companies to evaluate there employees and their customer services skills. Although there are a lot of different opinions about this, mystery shopping is actually growing as an industry. You will be assigned to shop and dine in different places and report your experience back. Depending on specific assignments, you can expect to get paid anywhere from $40 to $300 or more per assignment. Of course, the amount that you spend buying goods and services will be reimbursed. Sometimes you get to keep the item you bought at no charge to you.

Get Paid to Take Online Surveys
One of the best ways to make money online is doing online surveys. Market research companies get paid from manufacturers and companies to gather feedback from their consumers, which they do by conducting online surveys. they then share some of that money, with those who participate in those online surveys. Although, paid survey scams have mad it harder for people to fin legitimate paid surveys sites, there are still hundreds of legitimate paid survey companies out there, willing to pay you for your opinion.

Make Money Designing T-Shirts and Other Customizable Items
If you are good at making up catchy phrases and cool designs, you can make a decent amount of money designing and selling T-shirts on sites like CaféPress.

Get Paid To Read Emails
As the title suggest, you get paid for reading emails. Everyday you receive paid emails in your inbox with links to different websites, whcih you have to click and view for a few seconds. Not a lot of money, but its something extra.

Make Money with Reward Programs
Another one of those “quick” ways to make money online. Reward programs or as they are known online as GPT( stands for Get Paid To…) are sites that pay their members for doing variety of things. Basically you earn money for doing thing that you already do online in some way or another such as signing up for freebies, registering with interesting sites, shopping, visiting different websites ad etc.GPT site are like middle man. They get paid from advertisers to drive leads (you) to them. They then give a percentage of what they earn from their advertisers with their members.

Get Paid to Search
Search engines are big money makers. No wonder every day new search engines pup up everywhere. But since they are not as big as Google and yahoo and some other engines, they pay you to use their site to search. Basically their sharing their earnings from their advertisers with you.

Get Paid To Answer Questions
If you have knowledge about something (which you do, everybody knows about something that others may not know), put it to work for you. There are many websites that you can offer your expertise and knowledge in exchange for money. 11 Site To Give Advice & Answers For Money.

Make Money on eBay
Believe it or not, there are lots of people who don’t know how to sell on ebay. You can sell their stuff on ebay in exchange for a commission. You can take this one step farther and turn it into a bigger business by buying wholesale items and selling them individually on ebay. Don’t forget that garage sales are often good places to find worthy items for a fraction of the cost.

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Make Money with Focus Groups[/U]
Focus group are basically the same as paid surveys, but unlike paid surveys, most focus groups are conducted in a physical location. Focus group studies are held in most major cities. You will be in with a group of other selected people, talking and answering question about whatever product or service the study is about. You can expect to get paid from $60 to $250 for an hour to a full day of study.

Create and Sell E-Books
You can make e-books about anything. If you have some knowledge about anything, whether its a recipe or a how to do this and that. Its not as hard as you think. Look at some e-books that are selling for $50-$100 or whatever, and you see what i mean (most of them are crap, but people do pay for them!).

Make Money with Amazon Mechanical Turk
Its one of the biggest unknown ways of making money online, yet its so easy to do. You do simple tasks like differentiating pictures from text, and get paid for it. If you have enough time to invest in it, you can make good money with amazon turk.

Get Paid to Play Games (game money)
On game sites like Farm Gold and Second Life, you can make virtual money, which can be exchanged for real money. I am sure you have heard of like Ansche Chung, which is the first person who become a millionaire, exchanging her virtual money earned from Second Life for real money, worth over a million dollar.

Make Money with CPA
CPA is a much easier version of affiliate marketing, which most of the time you don’t have to sell anything. You just have to send leads to advertisers site. For example, some Advertiser will pay you up to $5, each time you send a lead to there page where the person enters an email address or a zip code in order to participate in a survey to win something. Although to get accepted by CPA networks you have to have a website or a blog, you don’t need a website or blog to make money as a CPA affiliate.

Get paid to Socialize
Now that Social networking sites are becoming more popular, a lot of people want to get in the game and make money running their own social networking site. But, since they need some members to get the word out and make the site look active, they are willing to pay people to become members and post messages. Here are some social networking site you can get paid .

[multipage=Affiliate Marketing for beginners]

[CENTERA Beginners Three Step Guide To Affiliate Marketing[/CENTER]

To a beginner, affiliate marketing may sound like a complicated and though to master money making method. But the truth is affiliate marketing is far from being complicated. In fact it’s one of the easiest online money making methods to understand and execute. Affiliate marketing is simply the middle man concept, that has moved from the brick and mortar markets to the digital online market, and found a new identity. It’s a simple yet powerful way to make money online, in which the affiliate (middle man) earns a commission in return for generating sales/leads.

Using affiliate marketing, the seller is expanding his chances of success by reaching more potential buyers through the efforts of his affiliates, and the affiliates make money by selling a ready product, without having to take any risk by investing any of his own money. While it takes some general knowledge and hard work to be a successful affiliate marketer, the one thing that set affiliate marketing apart from other online money making opportunities is the fact that it doesn’t require any special skills or years of training to make money as an affiliate marketer.

Just like any new job or skill, as a beginner affiliate marketer you will face many challenges, but if you truly follow these 3 simple steps, you are sure to succeed as an affiliate marketer.

Choose A Niche
The first step is to find a niche in which you are interested and/or passionate about. Like any other job, doing what you enjoy is an important factor in your success. You can use search engines and online forums to find what people are buying or taking about. Pick one and stick with it. Jumping from niche to niche will not get you far. An example of hot and profitable niche would be the diet and weight loss niche.

Find A Product To Promote
Now that you know what kind of market you are going to promote in, it’s time to find a high paying, easily marketable product to promote. This can be done by using affiliate marketing networks such as Clickbank,Commission Junction and etc. Register with some of these sites for free, and search their marketplace for the kind of product you are looking for. Upon getting accepted, you will be given a special link with your own affiliate id encrypted in it, which any time someone uses that link to go to the merchant’s sale page and buy the product, you will be paid a commission. Keep in mind that using more than one affiliate marketing networks, gives you a better opportunity for finding many different related product, since not all merchants use the same AMN to find affiliates. An example of a good product for diet and weight loss niche is obviously a diet plan, fitness program, e-book, gym membership and etc.

Promote And Promote
Here comes the last but most important step for making money with affiliate marketing, promotion. Now that you have your niche and product picked, you need to find ways to promote the product you chose. This can be done in many ways. You can either setup a website or a blog and start driving traffic to your site. You can also use a review site, where you write reviews and articles for a product is a simple yet effective way of promoting a product through your site/blog. Article marketing is another great way to promote products and services.

Another way would be to use sites like yahoo answers or e-how and such to answer or write how-tos related to your niche, and including your special affiliate link in it. Considering how many millions of people use these sites everyday, it is the easiest and fastest way to promote a product. In fact this is the number one way seasoned affiliate marketers use to make money. Because it’s a very targeted market. Meaning since you are answering questions related to your niche, the people who ask the questions are most likely already looking for such product. Plus it’s totally free, since you don’t have to buy your own website. Also, since these sites are already getting huge amounts of daily traffic, you don’t have to worry about driving traffic to them. Instead you can focus all of your efforts on writing good articles that will lead people to buy products your promoting.

Affiliate marketing requires a lot of time and effort, but if you are persistence enough and are willing to put enough time and effort into it, the rewards are great. After all affiliate marketing is one of the oldest and best ways to make money online.

[multipage=Make Money Selling Photos Online]

10 Website Where You Can Get Paid For Your Photos !

This is a very interesting way to make some money. if you have a camera and think you can take quality pictures, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to generate a source of repeated revenue. people and businesses buy images for a number of different reasons, some need it for their website or blog, others need it for their ad campaign or their book or what have you. how many times you needed an image that you couldn’t find for free but there was plenty of it for a small price? well that’s the whole point and when you consider the number of world wide Internet users who might buy that image, it is so obvious that this is a simple but very effective revenue generating system.

One of the best ways to maximize your revenue is the referral program. 80% of these websites offer referral reward, so take advantage of this opportunity to refer people both the image buyer and the image seller. don’t be shy to put your referral link in your blog or website or even in your email (please don’t spam others). i am a member of couple of the below sites and i am using my referral link to link to them. try to do something like that in your blog or website. there is nothing wrong with that. i belive as long as i am being honest and not referring people to the rip off sites or scamms, its ok to use my referral link in fact in a way you help others find the services they need.

1. You must login or register to view this content. There are three ways to make money with this program: refer photographers(earn 3 cents per photo sold by photographers you refer) , refer Stock Buyers (make 20% off their subscriptions), and submit photos for sale! (25 cents every time one of your images is downloaded. Once you reach $500 in earnings, your commission goes up to 30 cents per download).

2. You must login or register to view this content. Earn 20 % on prices ranging from $1 to $20 per can make up to 40% if you offer them an exclusive on your can also sell Audio,Video,Flash and Illustrations.

3. You must login or register to view this content. Earn 50-80% from each image sold. exclusive photos make you more money.

4. You must login or register to view this content. Make 30 cents to $3 per image sold. they have a list of photos that they need ,submitting photos in those categories will increase your earnings.

5. You must login or register to view this content. You will earn 20% commission with prices ranging from $5 to $15 per photo ,but as soon as you hit 100 sales, you’ll earn 30% commission . of course the more you upload the more you’ll sell. fast and easy uploading process.

6. You must login or register to view this content. 85% commission on all sales. you can host private galleries and you set your own prices. however, you pay 3.25% processing fee on each sale.

7. You must login or register to view this content. Earn 50% on each photo downloaded. refer customers and earn 15% of their purchase or subscription. refer photographers and earn 10% of the price of each of their photo downloaded.

8. You must login or register to view this content. You set your own prices For every image that’s sold on a standard or product license, you will receive a royalty of 30%. If you allow your image to be downloaded on subscription, you will receive 30 cents per download.Once you make $10 in royalties, you will be paid in paypal.

9. You must login or register to view this content. Get paid an average of 50% on each image downloaded. you get paid by pay pal and Money booker, however wire transfers are offered in countries where pay pal and money booker are not supported.

10. You must login or register to view this content. ShutterPoint offers the highest payout rate on the internet. 85% for Full Royalty-Free License. 70% for Standard Royalty-Free License. when you reach $50 you can get it in paypal or by check .

[multipage=Get Paid Sharing Files Online]

5 Website To Get Paid For Sharing Your Files !

Get paid to share your files! The first time i heard that, i thought it was a joke! But this is the 21st century, and every thing is possible. You can now make money by sharing your files. There are actually websites, where you can down load any kind of files or documents you may have, and every time someone downloads that file, you get a couple of cents. I think it is a very well thought out idea that helps both sides. You make some money with a file that otherwise would be useless, and people who need it, have a very fast and cheap way to find and download what they need. Here is a list of websites where you can get paid to share your files.

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It is an impressive document directory, that enables you to upload your files and documents there. And when i say documents, i mean anything in these formats: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, rtf, and txt. Yes you can even upload your articles or how-to’s, as long as they are in one of the above format. There is a lot of potential here. The pay is based on the number of times your files are downloaded, and the revenue earned from ad sense displayed on the page where your uploaded file can be downloaded. Meaning whatever amount of money the Website earns, by displaying Google’s ad sense on your file page, will be shared with you. The maximum size of a single file that you can upload is 50 MB, so make sure your files are not to big.

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You can upload unlimited amount of Photos, Videos, Audios and Documents. Each time one of your files is downloaded, you earn money, $0.001 to be exact. Once you reach $10, it can be redeemed for cash, and paid to you via pay pal. All Payments will be processed on the 10th of each month. The maximum file size is 200 MB.

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DepositFiles – is a popular international service for safely transfer, storage, and distribute files. The pay is based on the size of your files, and you earn each time it’s downloaded. The bigger the file, the more you earn. Basically a file of 1Mb to 4Mb size will earn you $2, and a 5Mb to 9Mb will earn you $3. And it gos all the way up to $10 for 250Mb .. 2000Mb. One of the nice things about this site is their Bonus program, which is a competition for more downloads. Whoever has the most downloaded files, gets a bonus of 200% over their earnings for the period. For example, if you earned $500 in that period (usually a month), you will receive $1500 as your prize. You also earn 20% of your referral’s earnings.

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It’s another file hosting service. Upload your files, and post the links on your Website or blog. Every time someone downloads one of your files, depending on the size of your file, you earn anywhere from $1 to up to $100 (per 1000). They pay for downloads generated from 36 countries around the world . You earn 10% of your referrals earnings. The minimum payout amount is $30. Payouts are sent via Epassporte, AlertPay, PayPal and Webmoney within 7 days of request.

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You’ll earn “ePoints” each time someone downloads your files, up to 2 ePoints per download. For every 1000 ePoints, you will be paid $1, which i think is a good deal, considering the amount of downloads performed everyday, worldwide. Pay outs are made via PayPal (min $10), ePassporte (min $50), WebMoney (min$50) and wire transfer (min$500). You also have the premium membership option, which empowers for faster and more downloads.

So, if you have any kind of files or document (in almost any format), why not use this opportunity to make a couple of dollars? I mean, wont get you reach, but it’s a good way to make money online. The cool thing is, you really don’t need much time or any specific skill (other than knowing how to upload files of course) to be able to take advantage of this option. This is a good opportunity to help others who may need your files, get them for a very low cost, while at the same time you get paid sharing your files and documents.

[multipage=Earn Money as a Mystery Shopper]

10 Real And Legitimate Mystery Shopping Companies To Make Money With!

Mystery shopping is a great and fun way to make some extra cash. You get to shop and get paid for it. The only problem with mystery shopping is actually finding a legitimate mystery shopping company to work for. Mystery shopping has been bombarded with scams of all kind, specially in the past few years. Many people have become victims of these mystery shopping scams, and instead of making money, lost money. Be careful when looking for mystery shopping work, so you don’t become another victim of mystery shopping scams. One thing to keep in mind is that no legitimate mystery shopping company requires a registration fee. If you come across a company or a website claiming to be a legitimate mystery shopping company, asking you for money, know that its just another scam. With that said, here are 10 real and legitimate mystery shopping companies you shop for and get paid doing so.

You must login or register to view this content. Beyond Hello specializes in mystery shopping and provides additional services that help clients measure their customers’ experiences.

You must login or register to view this content. They evaluate theater and everything related to it, like Seating Capacity, Sneak Previews, Audience Reaction, Lobby and etc.

You must login or register to view this content. A company that documents guest feedback and specializes in the hospitality industry like restaurant, hotel, health club, spa and healthcare industry, like dental, medical markets. Your assignments can be found on their website.

You must login or register to view this content. It is a marketing services company that specializes in retail merchandising, channel and back office corporate programs.

You must login or register to view this content. Anyone over the age of 18 may become a shopper. Pays all shoppers via PayPal.

You must login or register to view this content., Inc. If you are dependable and a hard worker, join the professional Greet America team as an independent contractor. They provide On-line training sessions for those who are new to mystery shopping or wish to learn more.

You must login or register to view this content. An award wining mystery shopping company. project includes Shops in retail, banking, sales, hospitality, apartments, restaurants and other industries. Online training too. Site has listing of available jobs.

You must login or register to view this content. Provides comprehensive evaluation services including Customer Service, Merchandise Integrity, Store Standards, Competitor Performance Comparison, Competitor Price Comparison, Associate Integrity and Associate Morale.

You must login or register to view this content. Most shops pay $10-20 per hour. Some shops include benefits such as reimbursement for meals, movie tickets, merchandise, hotel stays, etc.

You must login or register to view this content. Focuses on Retail, grocery, and automotive shops.

[multipage=Get Paid to Take Online Surveys]

Paid Surveys - Legitimate Free Online Surveys

Paid surveys are perfect work from home opportunity and almost anyone can get paid to take surveys. Doing online surveys for money is especially appealing to those who want an online money making method that is free, quick and easy and doesn’t require any experience or skills. And that makes paid surveys the perfect home based job for many people.

Online surveys for money- Why & How?
Getting paid for online surveys is basically the same as getting paid as a mystery shopper or as a paid focus groups memebr. Companies and manufacturers hire market research companies (known as paid surveys sites online) to conduct research on their behalf to gather information and feedback from consumers (you and I) to find out what consumers like or dislike about the product and how they want it to be improved. Companies and manufacturers then use this information to improve their products and services to make it more appealing to consumers.

Get paid to take surveys
One thing you need to realize about doing online surveys for money is that its not a get rich quick method, as a matter of fact paid online surveys are not at all about getting rich. I know there are hundreds of websites and ads claiming you can make thousands of dollars filling out simple online surveys, but the truth is that while a few survey takers may manage to make a few thousands dollars a month by doing free surveys, most people will not make that much money. That’s not to say you can’t make decent amount of money getting paid to do surveys. You certainly can make a good amount of money taking online surveys for money, if you put enough time and effort into taking surveys.

Paid surveys scam VS Legitimate paid surveys
Paid survey sites make it easy for anyone with an internet connection and an email address to get paid for surveys. There are many legitimate paid surveys sites out here. Unfortunately, in the past couple of years paid surveys scams caused many people to look at all online surveys sites as scams. The truth is while there are many paid surveys scams trying to rip people off, there are also hundreds of legitimate and reputable paid surveys companies that are willing to pay you for your opinion. One thing that makes it easy to spot paid surveys scams is that all legitimate paid surveys are 100% free to join. If you come across online surveys sites that ask for money in order to register you, know that its just another paid surveys scam.

I have been member of some of the best paid survey sites for a long long time now and have been paid for paid for surveys hunderds of times, either trough PayPal, gift certificate, check, cash or merchandise and other prizes. Just like many other people, I have been scammed, spammed (or whatever you call it) many times by paid survey scams in the past few years and I have also earned good money taking online surveys for many legitimate paid surveys sites. The experience helped me to differentiate between legitimate paid surveys and paid surveys scams.

[multipage=Make Money Designing T-Shirts]

3 Website To Make Money With By Designing & Selling Merchandise Online, Free!

Thanks to the internet, Selling goods online has been one of the fastest growing businesses in recent years and its not showing any signs of slowing down. having the ability to buy what you need from simple grocery to real state, without having to leave the comfort of your living room has made online shopping a popular habit of modern day life, amongst many people. of course it has created a golden opportunity for many to start making money online. while there are numerous ways of selling goods online, like auction style selling, virtual shopping malls and etc, there is one simple but not widely known method that stands up when it comes down to selling online without using your own money and merchandise. its called drop shipping/affiliate marketing (with a little twist) and i am sure you have heard of it many times. but have you ever considered taking advantage of this opportunity? yes there are many obstacle in the way and there are many different ways of doing it and you just don’t know where to go, what to sell or how to get started… . luckily there is a simple way that will enable you to easily start your drop shipping business.

With that said, here are 3 Website To Make Money With By Designing & Selling Merchandise Online, Free! please feel free to ask any question or voice any opinion you might have, regarding this subject. i wish you all the best of luck.

1. You must login or register to view this content. Cafepress gives you a FREE online shop to promote your products(a sub domain of cafepress) which you can choose what products you want to sell there(if you prefer you can signup for their Premium Shop for $5 a month which gives you more option and control ). basically you design t-shirts, posters, mugs, bumper stickers and etc and put them up for sale. each item you sell has a base price. You simply markup the base price by the amount you wish to earn for each product you sell. just to give you an example lets assume that an item is priced $4, you can list that on your shop for $10 and each time it sells they take the amount of the base price which in this case is $4 and you keep the rest which would be $6. items includes t-shirts, posters, mugs, bumper sticker, Books printed on-demand Audio and Data CDs. they handle all of the payment transaction, shipping and returns/exchanges. your checks are sent out monthly.

2. You must login or register to view this content. With Spreadshirt you can open a free Spreadshirt shop and fill it with your own designs or with other sellers available designs. you can advertise your products anywhere from websites to communities to My Space Profiles or blogs. they take care of processing, payment and shipping. products includes shirts, hoodies, jackets, caps, bags, coffee mugs and doggie shirts.just like cafepress You can choose to become a Premium member for $10.00 per month which gives you a lot of options like offering up to 3 Designer shops where your customers create products on their own with your designs, You will receive a 20% commission with every sale. also you can earn by adding your designs to the Marketplace for others to use, which every time an item gets sold with that design, you get a commission .

3. You must login or register to view this content. Offers your own FREE online store show casing all your designs. they handle all the dirty work. a great plus is that they provides a 100% satisfaction guarantee on every product, so you don’t have to worry about unhappy customers. each product has its base price which you can add your own price on top of that (that would be your commission) for selling on your online store. checks are sent by the 15th of each month (if you have at least $25 in your account). you can have as many stores as you want. international sellers can become store owner as well.

[multipage=Get Paid To Read Emails]

3 Best Legitimate Get Paid To Read E-mails Programs

Getting paid to read emails is a great way to make some extra cash. I mean you won’t make enough to call it a job, but you will make a couple of hundred dollars a month depending on how much time and effort your willing to put into it. Which in this though times an extra couple of hundred dollars a month is very helpful. The problem with PTR industry is scammers. Its getting harder and harder to find legitimate get paid to read emails programs who actually do pay their members. So, watch out for get paid to read email scams.

One thing to remember about get paid to read email programs is the fact that there are actually many other ways to make money with them You can get paid for taking surveys, signing up for free offers and etc, which also makes a whole another industry called GPT (get paid to). But, PTR is more focused on paid to read email offers than other GPT programs, which is why I listed these programs under PTR category.
If you are ready to make a little extra cash without worrying about getting or not getting paid, here are 10 legitimate get paid to read email sites you can sign up with for free to make money reading emails.

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UniqPaid is an international program, where you get paid for signing up for Free Offers, reading E-mails, completing Paid Tasks, Paid Surveys, Visiting Sites, Online Shopping and for Referring Friends. You get paid by pay pal, check and gift cards. There is no minimum for cash out. Whether you make just $.01 or $500, you can request it through pay pal. You’ll get +10% CASH BONUS for each offer completed during the first 2 days after registration in our program, so I would suggest you to try to complete as many offers as possible. Members are accepted from any country.

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Cash4Offers is an incentive-based website where members get paid for reading email, taking surveys and completing offers. Offers available are the same as the others. You earn $3 bonus for singing up. One thing that sets this one apart is their fast payment, you get paid in less than 72 hours. Members are accepted from USA, CANADA, UNITED KINGDOM and AUSTRALIA.

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FusionCash is a loyalty program which rewards surfers for trying offers, taking surveys, and more. You can easily make money just by using free offers. You are paid via check or pay pal, it’s your choice. Plus you get a $5 bonus for joining. Members are accepted only from USA.

[multipage=Reward Programs]

5 Legitimate GPT Sites

GPT sites or “Get Paid to” sites are becoming increasingly popular. Legitimate GPT sites are great for making easy money online. A GPT site is basically a lead generating website for online advertisers. It works in a very simple way. Advertisers use GPT sites to get more traffic and customers, and GPT sites provide them with genuine leads by paying you (the user) to complete the offer as requested by the advertisers.

There are many different kind of offers you can complete to make money with get paid to sites, most of which are 100% free. You can earn cash by completing variety of offers. You can get paid to shop, get paid to take online surveys, get paid to visit websites, get paid to complete free offers, get paid to play games and more.

Most GPT sites pay via PayPal, check and in form of gift certificate. There are some GPT websites that pay instantly with no minimum payment, while others require your earnings to reach a certain amount before you can get paid. But no matter what, GPT programs are a great way to earn money working from home.

Of course, with most other online money making methods, GPT industry is full of scams as well. However, there are also many legitimate and good GPT sites out there that have been paying their members for years. I have complied a list of 5 legit GPT sites that I think are some of the best GPT sites.

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One of the newest yet most well-known and trusted get paid to websites out there is Cash4Offers. At Cash4Offers you get paid for reading email, taking surveys, shopping and completing variety of offers. Cash4Offers is growing very quickly thanks to a few important factors; they have lots of free offers that make it easy and fast to make money, their support team is fast and helpful and they pay fast. If you choose to join only one good GPT site, I would strongly suggest you choose Cash4Offers.

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Well known GPT site with a great referral program. You can earn money for shopping, taking online surveys, signing up for free websites and trying new products. You can also earn prizes for playing games, socializing and more. Their referral program has two levels. You earn 20% of what your referrals make and 10% of what their referrals make. The good thing is that as you refer more people, your earnings will increase and go up to 30% of your referral’s earnings and 20% of their referral’s earnings, which is by far the most referral rewards any good GPT site offers. Minimum payment is only $20 and are paid monthly by check.

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SnapDollars is a fairly new GPT site compared to other legitimate get paid to programs like CashCrate, SendEarnings and others. But, in its short time being up and running, SnapDollars has proven to be a very trustworthy GPT program. Currently they offer $5 bonus just for signing up.

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This is the best GPT site I have ever known. You get paid to shop online, visit websites, take surveys, sign up for offers, play games, print grocery coupons, read emails and much more! No minimum cash out for PayPal or choose from over 50+ Gift Certificates starting at $5. If you are looking for GPT sites that pay instantly, QuickRewards is it! In most cases you get paid less than an hour from when you requested a cash out.

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With more than 2 million members, SendEarnings is one of the most trusted GPT sites. They have been around for a long time now. Lots of offers available including, free ezine subscriptions, surveys, shopping and more. You can also earn money by referring other people. SendEarnings pays via check with a minimum of $30. They have one of the best customer supports I have ever seen with a GPT site.

[multipage=Get Paid to Search]

6 Search Engines That Will Pay You To Perform Your Daily Searches!

Get paid to search! Sounds interesting and almost unbelievable, doesn’t it? But, its true. There are a couple of search engines that pay you for searching on their site. You just need register with them, and after that, all you have to do is… Well just use their search engine to search for whatever you search every day, and before you know it, you’ve made some extra cash, which i am sure in this economy, is appreciated more than ever. With that said, here are 6 Search Engines you can get paid to search on.

1- You must login or register to view this content.
You can earn money by performing genuine searches that you would do with any other search provider. You get paid $0.001 for every minute you are actively searching online, plus you earn 5% of your direct referrals earnings. Once you have $25 in your account you can cash out, which would be paid by pay pal.

2- You must login or register to view this content. shows results from three major engines,Google, Yahoo, Msn. You can either earn points for each search you make, or earn by voting and commenting on keywords that have been searched. You will earn points (usually 3 points per search) for the first 100 searches that you do daily. Plus you earn 25% of what each of your invited friends earn. 6500 points equals to $25 ,assuming you have many friends to invite you have the potential to earn a lot of points quiet rapidly. Paid by pay pal or prepaid visa gift card .

3- You must login or register to view this content.
This is more of a chance to win than actually getting paid for precise action. But still some people might be interested. Search just like you normally would, and each search (up to 25 per day) will give you one chance to win prizes from movie tickets to cars, instantly ( i haven’t heard or don’t know of anybody who has won a car or a big prize yet !). Each day Blingo’s prize program chooses a bunch of winning times (usually several per hour). The first person to search after a winning time wins the prize. You must be at least 13 years old and live in the United States to be able to participate.

4- You must login or register to view this content.
Is an online portal that lets you earn digital dollars called “Swag Bucks,” which can be redeemed for cash (pay pal) and exclusive merchandise. Each searched performed is a chance to win $1-$5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. There are also some other ways to earn money like getting paid for shopping through their network.

5- You must login or register to view this content.
Each search you perform gives you a chance to win an Amazon gift certificate instantly! . Plus you can earn 4 points by voting for or against every website you search for, at the top of every webpage, and if you leave a comment for that site you will earn 4 more points. Each person who you refer that registers on the iRazoo website, will earn you “50″ points as well as earning 50 points for him or herself. The cool thing is, if that person or friend who you refer to the iRazoo, wins a Gift Certificate, you will win that same Gift Certificate as well! The points earned then can be exchanged for prizes such as Mp3 players, Cameras, Memory sticks & Video Game systems.

[multipage=Get Paid To Answer Questions]

3 Website To Make Money With By Giving Advice And Answering Questions !

    Are you one of those guys that whenever anybody in their family or circle of friends needs an answer or some advice on a subject, they go to? Or do you know about in and out of a specific subject? Your answer is definitely yes, because each on of us is good at something or know about a particular subject more than others do. So have you ever thought if you could make money by answering people’s questions and giving advice to those who need it ? I know it sounds crazy, getting paid for advising others and answering their questions!? But if you pause for a moment and think about it, it’s not that so crazy after all. I mean why do people pay a broker or financial adviser? Well it’s the same concept !
About two months ago while i was siting in front of my computer and my mind was enjoying the nightly speed racing that occurs every night in my head, I suddenly thought to myself ” wow what if I could set up a Website where people who need advice or have a question, can go there and get expert advice and answers and people who have the answers and advice, could benefit as well by giving advice and answers to others for a small fee? ” So I started searching the web to see if there is anything like it, only to find out that I was a couple of years behind, many people had already put this idea into action and this was a very popular idea and yes people do pay to have their questions answered or get advice on whatever subject, especially if it’s coming from an expert. If you think about it, it really make sense. for example, if you could get some advice for $10 on how to say fix a specific part of your car( that you didn’t think you would be able to do so ), wouldn’t you rather spend that $10 rather than spending maybe couple of hundred dollars to take it to the shop and not even know if they really fix it right or its going to come a part ten days later. So I think for reasons like that, people are wiling to pay for an expert advice. Now one could start their own Website and offer their services to the people, but getting customer and letting your expertise be known and other things involved in getting a Website like that ready, could be a little hard and time consuming, not to mention the cost. if you don’t want to go that rout, fortunately there are couple of dependable Website that you can use their already set-up platform to offer your expertise and knowledge to others. These are the result of my extensive research online to find the ones that are credible and are paying people. all of these Websites are free to join. good luck to all of you.

1. You must login or register to view this content. With over 20 million user base, is a great place to get paid for what you know. Basically you answer questions that are priced from $5 to up to $25 or more. If the customer accepts your answer, then (s)he will pay for it which will be deposited to your just answer account and once you have reached the $20 threshold, you can cashout via paypal. obviously you can work any time you want. I think it’s a fun way to make a few bucks.

2. You must login or register to view this content. This is a great idea that keen came up with.if you are good with giving advice to people around you then you can make money by giving advice to others over the phone on keen. It is focused more on Psychic Reading and related matters. you set the price that you want to charge per get 62% of it and the rest goes to keen for connecting charges . When a customer that needs your expert advice on a subject calls ,it will be redirected to the way the customer will not see your can set the hours that you accept phone calls.

3.You must login or register to view this content. LivePerson is another advice giving website that matches people who have questions to the people who are qualified to answer will be categorized ( thus paid accordingly )based on your expertise.

[multipage=Make Money on eBay]

3 Powerful Rules For A Beginner To Make More Money Selling On Ebay!

There are many different ways to make money online. some online money making methods like Affiliate Marketing are so profitable that can become your home based business and your only source of income you will ever need, and some like Paid surveys not so profitable, but can still help you make couple hundred dollars a month, which in this south going economy is very much appreciated. with the rise of internet popularity which is growing tremendously, an online based business can be as profitable as ever. some of these online money making methods will require some investment and some don’t. but either way many of these online money making strategies can be quit profitable if done right. an example of such a method that doesn’t require a big investment and can be quit profitable is selling on Ebay. Ebay is by far the most well-known online based action site. using the already established reputation of Ebay, you can build an online business that can make you more money than you could ever imagine.

There are many successful Ebay sellers who used Ebay as a platform to lunch their home based business. but in order to succeed in building a home based business that will be a great source of revenue, such as an Ebay store, you need to take some very crucial steps that will prepare you for the road ahead. it may take some time to go through the process, but it will ensure your success in making more money with Ebay or any other online based business built on the idea of buying low and selling high. lets take a look at 3 of the most essential and important steps you can take to make your online business a success.

1. Research And Find A Profitable Niche
This is the most important part of any successful business. researching and finding what product or service can convert. you need to find a product or products that are hot and are in great demand. this is not very hard to do. keeping an eye on what sales the most on Ebay, and using their seller research tools, will allow you to easily find what kind of product are hot sellers and in great demand. of course not any product is going to be profitable. that is where you have to combine this part with the step 3 to find a product that can bring you bigger profit than others.

2. Find legitimate Wholesale/Drop ship Companies
After deciding what kinds of product you are going to be selling, its time to find a place where you can buy the products at a wholesale price. this step is by far the most difficult challenge in your journey to running a successful Ebay store, finding a legitimate and trust worthy Wholesale/Drop ship Company. while a simple search on google reviles hundreds of wholesaler and drop shipper from all over the world in any niche imaginable, 80% of those are not trustworthy companies. scam in wholesale industry is quit a big problem. while scammers can be all over the world, for a beginner i recommend choosing a company that is located in united stats(or any country that you live in), so you can track their business easier and make sure they are legitimate.

3. Start Small And Grow
After deciding your product and finding a legitimate wholesaler, who you can trust to buy large quantities of the chosen item, it is time to get started. but you want to start slow and build up as you go. don’t make the mistake of many beginners who spend all of their money on buying case loads of stock before they even know how eBay works. starting small and building up gradually is an important aspect of any successful business. not only it keeps your risk to a minimum, but also it allows you to test the water and get your feet wet before you take a plunge into it. many power sellers on Ebay agree that this method is the best way to learn and grow your Ebay business, while keeping the risk involved at a minimal level. you will be surprised how much you learn and grow by selling just a couple items at a time. build on that and take your Ebay business to the next level.

An important part of any business, specially a home based business based on Ebay, is being organized and documenting each and every transaction you make. that will allow you to keep track of your progress, which can contribute greatly in your success as you will be able to look back and find your high’s and low’s.

Ebay can make your dream of having your own online business come through, if you put enough effort and persistency into it. 21 century is going to make the use of internet, a normal and even a bigger part of daily lives of people around the world who are becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of shopping online. thanks to many great ideas such as Ebay, for a smart person who is trying to build a great foundation for rest of his financial life, making money online has never bee easier. fallowing these three basic but essential steps will guaranty your spot amongst many others who make a living by taking advantage of ever increasing online shopping popularity, and building a solid online business that can bring you thousands of dollars, month after month.

[multipage=Paid Focus Groups]

3 Real And Legitimate Paid Focus Groups To Make Money With!

Participating in focus groups is a very fun and enjoyable way to make extra money. you get to hang out with some like minded people and talk about your experiences and opinion about a specific product, negative or positive! either way you get paid to voice your opinion. but as i mentioned in my What Is Focus Group And How To Make Money With …? article, with all of the paid surveys and focus group scams on the internet, finding legitimate focus groups is a hard and time consuming task, if not close to impossible. so to make it easier, here are 10 legitimate focus groups that you can get paid to participate in their focus group studies. keep in mind, since focus groups are usually conducted offline and in a real location, you need to register with those who are around you or you leave close to them, in order to be able to participate and make money. you can always check your local craigslist and also to find focus groups available around you.

1. You must login or register to view this content. Has Focus Groups in Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, Dallas, LA, Manhattan, NJ, Philadelphia, San Francisco, London, Paris, and Frankfurt.

2. You must login or register to view this content. Focus Groups available in Seattle, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Boston, Denver, Fort Lee NJ, Los Angeles, Phoenix and WestchesterCounty.

3. You must login or register to view this content. Providing Focus Groups in Appleton, WI; St. Louis, MO; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Phoenix, AZ; Columbus, OH; Dallas, TX; Kansas City, MO; Los Angeles, CA; Minneapolis, MN; Philadelphia, PA; Seattle, WA.

[multipage=Make an ebook for free]

How To Create an E-book. (6 Steps For Making An E-book 100% Free)

Creating E-book and selling it is one of the fastest ways to make money online. The thing that set E-books apart from the rest of online money making method is that almost anyone can do it. You can turn any knowledge or expertise you may have about a particular subject into an E-book. To create an E-book you need to take certain steps and you will need some tools to help you along the way to create your E-book. There are two ways you can do create an E-book. You can either buy software and E-book templates and covers to do it, or if you are on a tight budget like me, you can make an E-book 100% free. If you are going with the late one, here are 6 free tips and tools that can help you create your first E-book in no time, without spending a dime.

If you already chose a subject and know what you want to create, then you don’t need brain storming. You can simply move on to the next step. But, if you haven’t decided yet about the subject of your E-book, and don’t know where to start, it can be frustrating. The easiest and the best way to do this, is brain storming. Simply write any subject that you have enough expertise and knowledge about to create an E-book, on a piece of paper.

Research The Market
Do some research to find out which idea will work better, and have a bigger and more promising market. Use tools like Word tracker to find out the number of times people search for that subject in a month. This will help you determine the needs of your market, and base your E-book on it.

Now that you have a subject for an E-book that is marketable, its time to start writing the actual E-book. Simply use Notepad or word to write and create a txt or a html file. When you are done, take your time in proof reading your E-book. Make sure there are no grammatical and spelling errors.

Converting To PDF
There are many ways to create a pdf file. Some are free, some you have to buy. Since we are trying to spend no money at all for creating our E-book, we need a free tool. Head on over to Gymnast and download the tool. Its a free and user friendly PDF maker.

E-book Cover
Like any book, an E-book not complete without a cover. There are many softwares that you can purchase to create an E-book cover, but you have to buy them. We need a simple cover that we can use for free. One free E-book cover software is 101 E-book Covers. It comes with 101 different covers that can be used as they come, or you can edit them.

Now that your E-book is ready, you need to market it and put it in front of potential buyers. The fastest and easiest way that is also free, would be to use forums and social networking sites like Warrior Forum or Digital Points to market your E-book. Be creative, you can even use free classified advertising sites such as craigslist to sell your E-book. Although there are many ways to sell your E-book, selling your E-book on affiliate marketing networks specializing in selling E-books is the best ways for getting maximum result. One such a site is Click Bank. The only draw back is that you have to pay a one-time $49.95 product activation fee, which if you are serious about selling your E-book, is worth it. Depending on the amount you are charging for your E-book, you can make that money easily on your first or first few sales. Another great site to sell your E-book Or any digital product for that matter is payloadz, which is free to use, with option to upgrade.

Creating and selling E-books is one of the biggest and easiest ways to make money online. The demand for information and knowledge is always high. Take advantage of this high demand, and turn your wnoledg and expertise into a money making machine by creating a useful and informative E-book.

[multipage=Amazon Mechanical Turk]

What Is Amazon Mechanical Turk And How To Make Money With It?

What is amazon mechanical turk and how do you make money with it? Its a question i come across often. And i think its because most people have never even heard of AMT (Amazon Mechanical Turk) or Mturk as their websites is called. In this article we will analyze how Amazon Mechanical Turk works and how you can make money working on Mturk.

Whats AMT?
Well, for starter AMT stands for Amazon Mechanical Turk. The website is called Mturk is a market place for tasks that computer and machines cannot do. Tasks that can only be done by good old human intelligence. So, how can you make money this way?

What Does Amazon Mechanical Turk Do?
Well, companies that have some tasks that computers cannot do, or can not do it precise enough, such as writing reviews or detecting a phonographic image and etc, post these jobs at Mturk, and just like any other job finding website, you can go there (after you register) and look for tasks that you envision you can perform. So, you will be assigned to do the task. There is no contract.

What Is a HIT or Human Intelligence Task?
The tasks or as they call it ” HIT “s (Human Intelligence Task) are fairly easy and quick to execute, most of them can be done under 20-30 seconds or less. Some times the task requires you to look at an image to see if they are different, or look at the page with a specific picture, and tell them if its pornographic or unlawful or what have you.

How Much Money Can You Make With Mechanical Turk?
The payout however is a little different from conventional jobs payout. Would you like a job that pays $0.10 per task completed? Of course not. But, when working on Mturk, there is a catch that can make that $0.10 to $10 ,$100 ,$1000 and so on.
Lets assume that you pick hits that pay $0.10, and each hit takes about 20 seconds. You work for an hour. You can make about $18 in one hour. Now tell me that’s not more than what most of us make! plus not all of the hits pay $0.02 or $0.10, there are some jobs that pay up to $ 3- $4 per hit. But keep in mind, since nobody dislike making more money, most high paying hits will be taken by other workers right away, so you have to be pretty quick. A useful hint would be to refresh your browser whenever you are looking for hits, hits are posted constantly, and you never know when a high paying hit will be posted .

How Does Mechanical Turk Pay You?
Here is the good part, the pay. After you submit your hit, Amazon Mechanical Turk will automatically transfer money from the companies’ (or REQUESTER as they call it) prepaid HIT balance to your amazon gift certificate account. Then you will have two options, you can either choose to transfer the money to your bank account, or transfer it to your gift certificate balance.
There is also bonus involved for workers who do better jobs than other, which is decided by the requester, although not for every hit you complete. Many companies will give you a bonus in addition to the stated compensation, if they like your job, and think that you have done a praiseworthy job. So, keep that in mind.

As you can see Amazon Mechanical Turk is another great way to make some extra cash online. Mturk is certainly one of those unusual ways to make money online. Although you may not make thousands of dollars, but depending on the amount of time you spend working on hits, you can easily make a couple of hundred dollars a month working on hits on Amazon Mechanical Turk.

[multipage=Get Paid to Play Games]

Sites Where You Get Paid To Play Games!

Get paid to play games!? Yes it is possible to get paid to play games. Apparently it is very popular too. Its one of the most talked about methods of making money online, amongst the online money making communities like moneymakergroup and getpaidforum. In fact, it was featured and talked about on one of NBC‘s morning show in 2008 ! Yep, you better catch up! Many people are making some extra cash by playing games. It might not make you rich( which I am certain it will not!) but its a good way of making couple of extra dollars, while relaxing and playing some fun games.

“How is it possible and who will pay me to play games? There must be catch or something, like you may be required to pay a fee or something like that, at on point or another” you might say. Well you are right and wrong! Yes there are some sites that you can make money by playing games but you have to participate in real cash games which requires you to spend money, its just like those credit card reward programs, where you get point or cash back for spending specific amount of money, and the more you spend the more you earn. Which is a very bad or good(depends on how you look at it) way making money by telling you to buy a dollar bill for $10 !

But, the game sites that i am talking about, are not those, these sites are completely free to join, and do not require you to spend any money in order to make money. There is a very simple idea behind this. Basically, they show ads on their website where you play games, and of course they get paid for showing you these ads, so in order to get more PI for their ads to make more money, they give percentage of what they earn to people who will spend time on their site, and what better way to attract people, then paying them to play games. see how simple it works. You play games, they show ads, you both get paid, simple as that.

So lets get to the point and give you what you need to get started, websites where you can make money this way! Here are 3 website where you can get paid to play games. don’t forget to let me know your experiences.

1. You must login or register to view this content. Exodus 3000 is a multiplayer RPG strategy game where the stage is set roughly 1000 years into the future, after the planet earth has been rendered uninhabitable due to a catastrophic event. Each player has a home base which from there they can venture out in search of minerals and “mars dollars” which is the official money of the game. You earn mars dollars by mining volcanoes, searching ruins and attacking other players. After earning a predetermined amount, you can request a cash out, which will be paid in the form of real money. Its a very simple and fun game and from what i have researched and heard, nobody has had any difficulty in receiving their payment. When you join you receive 5000 free Mars Dollars, exchange rate is 300,000 MD = $20.00.

2.You must login or register to view this content. Anshe Chungthe who is a SL property developer was recently announced the worlds first millionaire, with income earned entirely from virtual world profit, she has made $250 million Linden which can be exchange for $1 million dollars in the real world. Second Life is a world of almost 2 million people where your avatar (your three dimensional character) can meet and chat with other people. You can make money by buying and selling land (Virtual real estate), creating and selling – content, clothing, gadgets, hosting and performing at events – Game shows, rock concerts and whole bunch of different ways including sitting on camping chairs, yes you can earn $LD, sitting on camping chairs .(people who own a store will pay you to sit there and since the whole notion of the game is meeting new people and hanging out, that will attract others to go there and hangout which for the owner means selling virtual goods and ultimately making more money).

3. You must login or register to view this content. It’s a new site crated by microsoft as a part of making Bing (microsoft’s decision making search engine) known and expanding its reach. Each time you play a game you earn tickets, (some games give you 1 ticket and some 5 ), which then you can redeem for various prizes. You can also donate your tickets to a charity or school of your choice. there is a limit of 1000 tickets to be earned each day. Every 1000 tickets converts to $10. make sure to sign in with your Windows Live ID when you play. if you know if any such a website. Good luck.

[multipage=Get paid to Socialize]

3 Social Networking Sites To Make Money Socializing!

Social networking sites are amongst the biggest money and news makers of today’s internet world. Social networking has become part of our daily routine. Checking Facebook, Tweeter, or Myspace at least once a day, is on most people’s daily to do list.

Sites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Digg and many other, have created a whole new culture of socialization, and have changed the way we communicate with each other today, while at the same time making big money for their owners. People are noticing the huge money making potentials of social networking sites, and that’s why almost every day a new social networking site is born in hopes of getting their share of this new online money making methods.

But, with big competitions like Twitter and Facebook and such, its not easy to make it as the new hot social networking site. You see, in order to become a big SN site and make money, the site must attract users. The more people use the site, the more money they can make. Having a lot of users is a must for a successful social networking site.

To beat the competition, some of these newly born social networking sites came up with a clever idea! They offer a share of their revenue to their user. Its a great way to attract more users. The new site gets more and more users, and the users(that would be you) make some money while networking with friends and family. What can be better than that? Socialize and get paid for it. So, if you are looking for an easy and fun way to make money online, here are 5 social networking sites that pay you for your activities as a member.

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They call it “the MOST FINANCIALLY REWARDING social networking site in the world”, which is true to some extend. You earn $5 just for signing up and the rest is as followed: (you can do most of these as many times as you want to), Create blog= 4c, Blog Comment= 1c, Upload video= 3c, Video comment= 1c, Post classified= 1c, Start topic in a group= 1c, Group Comment= 1c, Profile comment= 1c, Upload photo to album= 1c, Photo comment= 1c, Band comment= 1c, Chat reward= 2c, plus 5% of your referral’s daily activities. As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make money on this site. You will be paid via pay pal.

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Create great experiences for others to increase what you earn. The more quality content you share and the more interaction you have with others, the more points you’ll earn. Maximize your earnings by creating consistent, popular experiences and conversations for the rest of the community and by promoting them to people who share your interests outside of Gather. You earn what is called “gather points” which can be exchange for gift certificate from, Starbucks, Target, The Gap, and The Home Depot. New gift certificates are added frequently. You can also redeem your points for cash through PayPal.

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You can make money by doing almost everything possible on a social networking site, form a simple chat to up loading photos, videos and MP3. You can also earn money by referring new members to FrensZone. It basically comes down to this, the more members you invited and the more activities that you do in FrensZon, the more money you make.

[multipage=Smaller Tutorials]

Sell Unused Items on eBay and Craigslist
Almost everyone knows how to make money on ebay these days and you are probably tired of hearing about it. But the truth of the matter is that ebay is a really good way to make money. Another great place to sell unused stuff is CraigsList. CL is one of the most visited sites in the world, so your ad will get viewed by many potential buyers and its free to place an ad on CL. Look around your house and find things you don’t need and use any more. List them on ebay for a fair price. No mater how much money you end up making selling your unwanted stuff on ebay, its still better than letting them dust in your garage!

Make Money Designing Logos
Hundreds of new websites and blogs are born everyday. Most of them will need a logo, but not every site owner knows how to make a logo. If you have some design talent, you can make good money offering custom logo creations on webmaster related forums and classified ads sites. Don’t have a professional software? Use free imaging tools such as PhotoFilter to make stunning logos.

Make Money Flipping Website and Domain
Buy good domains and resell for a profit. Build a website or a blog, work on it for a while and get it going. Its Just like flipping houses, when you get the site to a good point, put it up for sale. People like websites that are ready to go, and they do pay good money for it. Hundreds of website are bought and sold every day on sites like

Earn Money Designing Websites
If you are good at it, why not make money doing so? There are even free softwares such as Kompozer that you can use to design and build nice looking website without any knowledge of html. Use webmaster related forums like WarriorForum and DigitalPoints to find buyers.

Make Money with Digital Scrap Booking Templates
I personally don’t get this, but many People love to scrapbook, and they do pay good money for templates. Make different kinds of templates, and make it easy for people to use them.

Record Songs and Sell Online
Don’t laugh at this one! In this age of YouTube and instant super stardom, its not very far fetched to think you can become a star if you can sing. YouTube and other video sharing sites make it possible for anyone to have a chance to be discovered by record label companies.

Make Money Making MySpace Backgrounds
They are all over the internet, those ad for MySpace background! And that means only one thing, there is a market for MySpace backgrounds! Creating MySpace backgrounds isn’t that hard. But, most users don’t have the time to do it or are simply lazy. You can provide them with this service and customize their MySpace pages, and charge a fee for doing so. What place better to advertise your service, than MySpace itself?…

Get Paid For Your videos
With the huge interest in videos online, there is always room for more. Create interesting videos of yourself or whatever, and upload them to Web Sites like Revver and Break. They will share a percentage of their ad revenue with you. Plus you get something for each download as well.

Earn Money Doing Directory Submission
In order for a website or blog to be successful and make money, it needs traffic. There are many ways to work on traffic. One way is to submit your site to website directories. But, many webmaster and blogger are busy with other aspects of running a site, so they don’t have time to do this. That’s where you can come in, and offer to submit their site to directories for a fee. Use forums like SitePoints and DigitalPoint to offer your service to webmasters.

Get Paid To Review
Set up a website or a blog, and start a review site. Website owners and bloggers will pay you to post a review of their site on your site. It helps them get the word out and helps you make money. You can also pick affiliate products and review them on your site and place your affiliate link for that product in the article. Every time someone buys that product using your link, you get a commission.

Make Money with a Niche Directory
You have seen those directory sites that have a list of specific sites in different categories. Set up one for yourself. Gather a list of site and sources related to a specific niche, and list them on your site. Sell ad space to other webmasters. You can charge a monthly fee to have their ads shown on your site. is a good place to look for potential customers.

Make Extra Money Making Photo Mosaics
If you can make photo mosaics, set up a website and offer your Photo Mosaics service. You will be surprised how many people pay for these things.

Work as a Virtual Assistant
Its becoming very popular, as more and more online based businesses are born every day. People use virtual assistant for research, finding things, doing time consuming tasks, making phone calls and etc. Setup a free blog or site to offer your service.

Make Money Hosting Online Forums
Use softwares like SebFlipper to host hundreds of separate forums from a single web server. Make money by charging people to host a forum with you, or offer it for free, but show your ads on their forums and make money that way.

Get Paid To Install Applications
Most People have problem with installing different kinds of applications. If you are good at installing a particular app or a software, why not make some money while helping others?

Pod Casting
Think of it as a voice or video blogging. Talk about interesting topic and make money from ads shown. If you are a good speaker, provide useful information and have a nice voice, its not that hard to get hundreds of subscribers. You can use free sites like to turn your blog into a podcast!

Domain Drop Shipping
Its basically selling domain registration for big domain registration sites like TuCows, which makes it easy for you to start your own private label domain registration and make money not only from the initial sale, but from renewals as well.

Get Paid to Review Softwares
WebSites like SoftwareJudge will pay you for using and reviewing any of the software available in their collection.

Make Money Blogging
Blogging is becoming increasingly popular. You can set up a blog in less than an hour. There are many free blogging platforms you can use at first. When you get comfortable, then pay for your own hosting and domain name. You can blog about anything you like, no matter how bizarre and unusual you may think it is. There is always an audience out ether. You can make money with your blog, showing ads on your blog using advertising programs like Google ad sense or selling affiliate products or even your own short reports and e-books. However, making money with blogs takes lots of work and time. You have to be patient and willing to put a lot of time and effort into it.

Earn Money Moderating a Forum
Forums are another great way to make some extra money. You probably already participate in a forum or two. Why not start a forum of your own? Pick a topic you like and build a forum based on it where people can talk about it and share their ideas and experiences about he subject with each other. You can make money showing ads. And if the forum becomes popular, you can charge people to join, or have a special room in the forum where one has to subscribe in order to participate. An example of that would be the WarRoom which only paid users of worrier forum have access to.

Make Money Creating Softwares
Know how to make a software? Then start writing software and plug-ins. One of the hottest plug-in markets is the blogging platforms like word press and blogger. Use forums to find out what bloggers need that you can make a plug-in for. Create your plug-in or software, and set up a free blog to advertise it.

Make Money Posting On Forums
People who start a new forums often pay people to post on their forums, so it will look active, therefore attracts more people to join the discussion. Many forums will pay up to $0.25 per post, which can be just a sentence or two. Again you can use established forums to find people who are looking for forum posters.

Ads On Forums
If you like participating in forums or are already a member of any forum, look for “ad share” sign in your user CP. Some forums offer a percentage of their earnings from ads, with their members.

Earn Money Online Translating Document
If you speak a second language, why not translate document online and offline, and get paid for it? Free classified sites are the best way to advertiser your service.

Make Money on Fiverr is a site where you can make money doing almost anything you can imagine for $5. Simply register for free and create gigs, offering people your services. Whether its singing a song for them, calling their kid and pretending to be Santa or teaching them a Spanish phrase or showing them how to make a facebook fan page, people are willing to pay you doing these things on Fiverr. You will be amazed at how easy it is to make money on Fiverr with things that you could never imagine someone paying you for it.

Get Paid as a Game Tester
Very easy way to make money by doing something enjoyable. But, its hard to find legit sites that pay you to test games. If you look around hard enough, you may find a company or two. If I do find one, I will update this page and post it here. So be sure to bookmark this page and check back.

Make Money with Your Own Search Engine
Use Google to build your own custom search engine. Build a search engine for a specific topic like a search engine just for finding information related to music or what have you. To get it going, set up contests for searchers, and give a prize to the biggest searcher. You make your money when people search from your search engine and click on ads.

Get Paid to Comment on Blogs
In order to rank higher and attract more traffic to make money, bloggers need quality links pointing back to their blog from other blogs, more than anything else. You can do that for them by commenting on other peoples blog and charging $0.50 or so for each link back.

Become a Job Referrer
Some firms pay referral bonuses of up to $1,000 for referring the right person for a job. Develop relationships with recruiters, like temporary job finding services and refer people who you know are fit for the specific job. You can do this both online and offline.

Software Plus
Work on already developed softwares and make them better and easier to work with.

Convert Online Money
You can make money by converting, EGold money into Paypal money, etc. People charge up to 5%-10% to do the same thing.

Drop Shipping
Use sites like CaféPress to create a free storefront online and be a drop shipper. You don’t have to deal with anything but getting customer to visit your online store front.

Sell Craft and Art Work Online
Have free time on your hand and are good at making things? Well, use your skills to create art work and crafts to sell online. You can sell your art work and crafts either on ebay or classified sites, especially CraigsList.

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There you have it, 50 online jobs you can use to earn money working from home. I hope this list can give you some ideas and inspirations for making money online. Please keep in mind that most of the above online money making ideas, are simply ways to make extra cash. They are not to be looked at as long term work at home business plans. Although, a few of them, like making money on ebay and making money with affiliate programs do provide fantastic work at home opportunities and are revered by many internet marketers as some of the best ways to make money online.
Last edited by Jason Statham ; 06-03-2011 at 08:38 AM.

The following 11 users say thank you to Jason Statham for this useful post:

ResistTheMoon, ꜛ  , MikeOxBig, FlyingIrishMan, Millz, Monster-Energy, Potassium, ShottinG STarzz, Stx, Swede, Warlockplayer19
06-04-2011, 10:13 AM #20
Originally posted by Josh View Post
I think you have to be premium, when a premium user downloads the file, you get paid.

Oh, That sucks. :(
06-04-2011, 05:16 PM #21
Wheres the get paid to surf?
06-04-2011, 06:04 PM #22
Originally posted by HavoK
Wheres the get paid to surf?

I didn't create a page for it as all the information I had was already posted in the first page. It's not in the 'smaller tuts' page because it's a good way of making money
06-07-2011, 06:25 PM #23
Originally posted by JimmyBMXz View Post
Oh, That sucks. :(

There are other sites that don't require you to be a premium member.

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