Post: Any way to unlock Hundred and Counting in FIFA 11?
12-07-2012, 01:27 AM #1
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi, Hundred and Counting is glitching for me and my boost partner in FIFA 11. We keep playing full games, yet the trophy is not unlocking after 140+.

Is there a way to get the trophy to unlock?

Is there a save to unlock this instantly? Thanks!
12-25-2012, 02:32 PM #2
Do a barrel roll!
i've got the same probleme :(
12-29-2012, 09:35 PM #3
Do a barrel roll!
It unlocked for at 141 but there was a catch. In 2010, I played 40 games online with no D/C and left the game. I went back 2 months ago this year and I had to play all of my 100 games in a row so it seemed the previous 40 games weren't counting. It took me roughly a week
12-30-2012, 01:59 AM #4
Do a barrel roll!
So you need to play 100 in a quick session to unlock this? I am up to 270 GP and no trophy.

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