Post: Selling some players
03-29-2012, 12:21 AM #1
Elite Gamer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All of these players are in formation 4-2-2-2 , I´m taking only coins because I need to buy others players, so here´s the list:

Name:Van Der Vaart
Club: Tottenham
Position: CAM
Price: 18,000 coins

Country: France
Club: Manchester City
Position: CAM
Price: 17,000

Name: Modric
Country: Croatia
Club: Tottenham
Position: CAM
Price: 20,000

Name: Glen Johnson (In form)
Country: England
Club: Liverpool
Position: RB
Price: 85,000

Name: Luis Suarez (87)
Country: Uruguay
Club: Liverpool
Position: ST
Price: 50,000

Name: Clichy
Country: France
Club: Manchester City
Position: LB
Price: 3,500

If you are interested post below or add me on xbox live , my GT is Carbonic95

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