Post: SIVS - String Image Value Setter (MW3, Ghosts)
02-28-2014, 05:59 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); SIVS: String-Image-Value-Setter

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USE AT OWN RISK. Some strings may or may not freeze your ps3 as well as others in your party/lobby.

THIS SETS IMAGES FOR YOUR NAME/PSN/GAMERTAG... If you havn't read this thread, please check before asking what this does. Smile --> You must login or register to view this content.

UPDATE V4: (Fixed bugs)
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SIVS4.exe MD5: 514BE65CC7A2499C99E68C81392E497A
SIVS.4 - {BH}.zip MD5: C175CDE4D1FA0861396040B5EB479FB1

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Old version:

UPDATE V3 Version: (1.09 for Ghosts)
DOWNLOAD : You must login or register to view this content.
SIVS.3.exe MD5: 37E5B15F3DED47038B24EC5E30EA3F66
SIVS.3.rar MD5: B660CD7537FFAB2ECFA31E6F7BF98DE4

V2 Version:
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SIVS.exe MD5: 02F6620D2C7C7E069A991DF5B1DF74DA MD5: 658226804A2E11192C9797289421F7C5 MD5: D658FCDB52A15BA009922E6B5D6D5FB7
Antivirus: Someone please do this for me.
Source Download: You must login or register to view this content.
(FIXED ELITE TITLE, Now working)

(V1) -- Has bugs
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MD5: 44DA0D10D4937E72F4C1BED10F3BDB36
VirusTotal: NO NEED, This is open source
BUT, i forgot i packed the .dll's in this so i will put a virustotal. Smile
EXE: You must login or register to view this content.
SOURCE: You must login or register to view this content.
--Thanks to xMiLeZz for the virus scan. Smile
SOURCE DOWNLOAD (VB): You must login or register to view this content.

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Any Feedback is appreciated.

If you want to add me on PSN, my current PSN is: HackerzAddMePlz
Feel Free to contact Me: Skype: MichealWeston7

#1) Connect & Attach (FOR CEX use CEX method (already checked for you) or uncheck to use dex)
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#2) Select the game in which you are currently wanting to use this on, Ex. MW3 for Modern Warfare 3, and Ghosts etc.
(idk if COD4, WAW, Mw2 has these strings, but if they do... this should work.)
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#3) Select a string from the string list and it will automatically set it to the 'String box' for you.
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+) You may put your own string in the string textbox as you wish... also the textbox BELOW the string textbox is the text
that will go AFTER the string textbox, so.... essentially: string + text = (FACEBOOK LOGO) + YOURTEXT
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+) Then you can select the Width & height for the size of the Image. You must login or register to view this content.

!) I would recommend leaving Auto checkbox checked, but if for some reason your IMAGE isnt showing/working and giving
a block/patched image, then uncheck and try to move the length around until it does... keep in mind this won't always work.
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+) Choose a color NIQQQUA!!! ;p
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+) You may also Choose 'flip' checkbox to flip the image (or mirror in other words)

#4) Click the button "SET", and you should have the image AS YOUR NAME ON SCREEN! Smile


#x1) Click MyList in the top-right hand corner of the SIVS MAIN tab form. You must login or register to view this content.

#x2) Put your strings in this textbox by LINE! and click save. THIS WILL SAVE ALL YOUR STRINGS Smile
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#x3) To Load your list of strings, simply click MYLIST checkbox and it will automatically load it into the combobox! Smile
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!??!!??!?! YEP Smile <3

Click the button and the theme menu should popup...

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#1) Change the 'Forecolor' values (R G B) Red Green Blue

: Forecolor (*& BORDERCOLOR)
First numericupdown = Red
Second numericupdown = Green
Third numericupdown = Blue
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First numericupdown = Red
Second numericupdown = Green
Third numericupdown = Blue
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Choose your RGB values you like and click 'SET' Smile

Their is the default theme in the bottom left in case you ever want to revert to the original theme.

*Or choose girly, or light theme Smile


*If you ever want to change your theme again, just come back.


*Note: For COD Ghosts, Some string will prevent you from entering a game, and kick you out because "your server version is
different". The only one i got to work in game was "FACEBOOK"

*EXTRA NOTE: When you have your name as an image, ex. FACEBOOK... people can't send friend request... obviously your saying
you already know that... but its far more than what you THINK. When they add as a friend it will say you don't exist in the
COD database.

*EXTRA NOTE #2: If a friend has you added, and tries to add you with your name changed as IMAGE will sign them offline/out
of PSN. --Thanks to FearNMT for helping with that

Further Help:


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CFW IS MANDITORY! What's this mean? If you don't know what CFW stands for, you CANNOT USE THIS! Not Happy or Sad Continuing on...

To use CEX, make sure you have CCAPI.dll in the same folder. I have provided you with it in the .rar folder.
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Self explanitory, you know how to use ;p

If you dont...

#) click da button, any button. Also you may choose a color from the combobox in the top left corner. Smile

ONLY for MW3:

Same thing setting your name but for the title.

Flip = flip image

Real time = well, sets all value constantly in real time. Smile

Width = width of image

height = height of image

length = length of string

return = \r which is 'RETURN', and overlaps the image with whatever text you want on top with the textbox below.
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Says what it does, 'Converts'.

What does this convert?

It converts your string (top textbox) to ASCII for you to just set as name Smile

So here's the steps:
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#1) Adjust width & height

#2) Set Color

#3) Choose to FLIP image or not

#4) Hit Convert
*The second textbox should now have the 'ascii' converted text for you to set memory to change name.

#5) Set the converted text to name with the button "SET NAME", and if you are on MW3, "Set Elite Title" for title.
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What's this do?

This set's your choice of String + String + string OR String + Text + String OR String + Byte + Text and SO ON...

You can have multiple combinations for this. String, Byte, or Text.

EX> You must login or register to view this content.

EX2> You must login or register to view this content.

So your name could look like this: You must login or register to view this content.


A debugger for Seeing/getting/setting Memory in an EBOOT or .self.
(credits to Medatho)

How to use:

Click the button to show debugger... you should already be connected to your ps3 and just load memory and see your name! Smile

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PUB is for public play. This is just a little bit of ingame stuff i added in case your in a rush or whatever... the options
displayed will work for your cod, just check what you would like, and hit SET.


ALSO!!! I added Simple name changer = 'Default' or Flash = 'flashing name' or Rainbow = individual letter flashing name

CBUF Addtext
(Credits to SC5Cool Man (aka Tustin)
This is to set cbuf_addtext in game on mw2. Now your probably asking, WHY TF MW2?! Smack yourself! - Haha, allow me to explain.
You can use MW2 'say' function to display 'text' onscreen like cfg, so its fun.

*I have made a cfg spammer all ready for you to use... just go into a MW2 match, and spam away xD --Get ready to piss ppl off.

* Spam on will spam whatever is in the textbox; will constantly spam every 250 seconds (just enough not to get client command overflow)

* Buttons! will constantly spam buttons every 250 seconds (just enough not to get overflow)

*Spam off turns buttons! and Spam OFF
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Whoever wanted the from Frog its this string: iw5_cardicon_elite_13
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Me = BaSs_HaXoR, the creator of this program. All coding was done by me.
My Youtube: You must login or register to view this content.
SC58 = Cbuf Addtext for Mw2
Winter = For informing me about Setting strings as images on game (the day it came out)
Dphracker = For being a pimp niqqua, and a str8 boss. (being a true friend)
Medatho = For CCAPI Debugger Smile
*****Momo5502 = For releasing the converter and explaining how to use/set string-images on game *****
Kiwi_modz = For being a crazy kiwi, and moddin his life away. haha. (being a true friend)
KarismaMods - colin = Helping me out with Image-strings and bein' a chill homiiiieee....

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Lmao look, we gotta Hater: You must login or register to view this content.
Last edited by BaSs_HaXoR ; 11-28-2014 at 08:15 AM. Reason: SIVS3 (Update)

The following 45 users say thank you to BaSs_HaXoR for this useful post:

-SuperMan, Eddie Mac, A Friend, Absolute Zero, AlexNGU, anxify, ByteSource, clark1226, Dannie Fresh, Esker, Father Luckeyy, flynhigh09, Gay For Satan, EVaSii0Nz, hkownz, iifire, kiwi_modz, lucasaf01, M33-_-Firmware, Mango_Knife, marioju, milky4444, Mythusala, Notorious, xProvXKiller, RatchetBooty, Renton, sauib786, spicky, Swaqq, TheItzPulse, ThePaaqoHD, tunde1992, Turk_Warrior, Vanz, Winter, xelahot, Fatality, xKtF, xMiLeZz, xxAussiefella69, yomen9, Zealand
03-01-2014, 06:30 AM #29
I’m too L33T
Originally posted by HaXoR View Post
'standard style practice' Not Happy or Sad. Most 'simple' & 'basic' tools made for RTEing aren't made to 'conform' to users. They're made for relatively basic reasons... me adding 'save theme' and 'colors' and what not is more than basic, and definitely conforms to users with a custom GUI. I dont use basic GUI as its boring, and plain. Also, with all do respect, you using terms like "end user" and "Microsoft Style standards" is a little overboard when you can't even seem to capitalize the beginning of your sentences.(You must login or register to view this content.) And you passively calling me a 'newb', is just rude so whatever man, im not about this drama shizz, so do it up. Hate away...

My original post was only meant to be a friendly rub at this image in your original post You must login or register to view this content. Apparently you are easily offended or have issues with continuity. Either way my intent was not to offend.

You posed a question as to why I would say that. I interpreted that question related to why I disliked your GUI styling and answered appropriately.

Now you have called me out on an obvious typing error. The reason this is obviously a typing error and not a grammar error is that it only occurs once. Most people of average or better intelligence can recognise this without having to be told so. Not only are you incapable of this simple recognition you go on, and I quote, to state "you can't even seem to capitalize the beginning of your sentences" in an attempt to imply more than one occurrence.

Since you brought up the subject of grammar:
I would not normally correct a post like yours because it shows the author is at least making an effort to keep their post legible. Although your post is easily deciphered into correct grammar, you should take extra care when attempting to insult someone else's grammar. So let's get started.

Going by your spelling of the word colour as color I am assuming that you are a residence of the USA. In that country when using quotation marks one must start with a double quotation mark, not single as you have done.
Although the use of an ampersand is acceptable in an informal note it is not acceptable to use both ampersands and the conjunction 'and' in the same note.
The acronym RTE stands for 'Real Time Editing' and does not require the addition of 'ing' to transform it into a verb.
The use of an ellipsis is never correct for ending a sentence.
My favourite is your not capitalizing the beginning of the sentence "me adding 'save theme' and 'colors'". By the way say that out loud, the use of 'My' instead of 'me' prevents it from sounding like a five year old retarded kid speaking. This error you could have found simply by proofreading your post.
You use commas before conjunctions in sentences that do not contain a preceding comma separated list a few times.
The correct contraction for 'do not' is don't not dont as you spelt it.
Speaking of contractions, it's is a contraction for 'it is' or 'it has' but you spell it 'its' like the possessive pronoun.
When you state 'with all do respect' did you mean 'with all due respect'?
Then there is "im not about this drama shizz,". Can you see the problems here? Right, lack of capitalization again and once again no apostrophe in the contraction. Finally it is all finished off with a slang term made popular by black Americans back in the 1990's that went out of style shortly after.

TLDR If you are going to attempt to insult someone based on grammar at least make an attempt at proper grammar yourself.

As far as the context of your post I disagree completely. Regarding my apparent passively calling you a 'newb' goes your own programming style and UI design clearly demonstrates your lack of experience. I also don't mean that as an insult. If you think it was then you simply have an issue with comprehension that I can not help you with.

The following user thanked FarSideX for this useful post:

03-01-2014, 07:42 AM #30
You definitely need to get out more.

The following user thanked BaSs_HaXoR for this useful post:

03-01-2014, 08:10 AM #31
Originally posted by FarSideX View Post
My original post was only meant to be a friendly rub at this image in your original post You must login or register to view this content. Apparently you are easily offended or have issues with continuity. Either way my intent was not to offend.

You posed a question as to why I would say that. I interpreted that question related to why I disliked your GUI styling and answered appropriately.

Now you have called me out on an obvious typing error. The reason this is obviously a typing error and not a grammar error is that it only occurs once. Most people of average or better intelligence can recognise this without having to be told so. Not only are you incapable of this simple recognition you go on, and I quote, to state "you can't even seem to capitalize the beginning of your sentences" in an attempt to imply more than one occurrence.

Since you brought up the subject of grammar:
I would not normally correct a post like yours because it shows the author is at least making an effort to keep their post legible. Although your post is easily deciphered into correct grammar, you should take extra care when attempting to insult someone else's grammar. So let's get started.

Going by your spelling of the word colour as color I am assuming that you are a residence of the USA. In that country when using quotation marks one must start with a double quotation mark, not single as you have done.
Although the use of an ampersand is acceptable in an informal note it is not acceptable to use both ampersands and the conjunction 'and' in the same note.
The acronym RTE stands for 'Real Time Editing' and does not require the addition of 'ing' to transform it into a verb.
The use of an ellipsis is never correct for ending a sentence.
My favourite is your not capitalizing the beginning of the sentence "me adding 'save theme' and 'colors'". By the way say that out loud, the use of 'My' instead of 'me' prevents it from sounding like a five year old retarded kid speaking. This error you could have found simply by proofreading your post.
You use commas before conjunctions in sentences that do not contain a preceding comma separated list a few times.
The correct contraction for 'do not' is don't not dont as you spelt it.
Speaking of contractions, it's is a contraction for 'it is' or 'it has' but you spell it 'its' like the possessive pronoun.
When you state 'with all do respect' did you mean 'with all due respect'?
Then there is "im not about this drama shizz,". Can you see the problems here? Right, lack of capitalization again and once again no apostrophe in the contraction. Finally it is all finished off with a slang term made popular by black Americans back in the 1990's that went out of style shortly after.

TLDR If you are going to attempt to insult someone based on grammar at least make an attempt at proper grammar yourself.

As far as the context of your post I disagree completely. Regarding my apparent passively calling you a 'newb' goes your own programming style and UI design clearly demonstrates your lack of experience. I also don't mean that as an insult. If you think it was then you simply have an issue with comprehension that I can not help you with.

Okay, first off your the one who caused the issue by your blantant, irreputable, and rude comment. Enough said.
03-01-2014, 08:34 AM #32
I defeated!
Originally posted by FarSideX View Post
My original post was only meant to be a friendly rub at this image in your original post You must login or register to view this content. Apparently you are easily offended or have issues with continuity. Either way my intent was not to offend.

You posed a question as to why I would say that. I interpreted that question related to why I disliked your GUI styling and answered appropriately.

Now you have called me out on an obvious typing error. The reason this is obviously a typing error and not a grammar error is that it only occurs once. Most people of average or better intelligence can recognise this without having to be told so. Not only are you incapable of this simple recognition you go on, and I quote, to state "you can't even seem to capitalize the beginning of your sentences" in an attempt to imply more than one occurrence.

Since you brought up the subject of grammar:
I would not normally correct a post like yours because it shows the author is at least making an effort to keep their post legible. Although your post is easily deciphered into correct grammar, you should take extra care when attempting to insult someone else's grammar. So let's get started.

Going by your spelling of the word colour as color I am assuming that you are a residence of the USA. In that country when using quotation marks one must start with a double quotation mark, not single as you have done.
Although the use of an ampersand is acceptable in an informal note it is not acceptable to use both ampersands and the conjunction 'and' in the same note.
The acronym RTE stands for 'Real Time Editing' and does not require the addition of 'ing' to transform it into a verb.
The use of an ellipsis is never correct for ending a sentence.
My favourite is your not capitalizing the beginning of the sentence "me adding 'save theme' and 'colors'". By the way say that out loud, the use of 'My' instead of 'me' prevents it from sounding like a five year old retarded kid speaking. This error you could have found simply by proofreading your post.
You use commas before conjunctions in sentences that do not contain a preceding comma separated list a few times.
The correct contraction for 'do not' is don't not dont as you spelt it.
Speaking of contractions, it's is a contraction for 'it is' or 'it has' but you spell it 'its' like the possessive pronoun.
When you state 'with all do respect' did you mean 'with all due respect'?
Then there is "im not about this drama shizz,". Can you see the problems here? Right, lack of capitalization again and once again no apostrophe in the contraction. Finally it is all finished off with a slang term made popular by black Americans back in the 1990's that went out of style shortly after.

TLDR If you are going to attempt to insult someone based on grammar at least make an attempt at proper grammar yourself.

As far as the context of your post I disagree completely. Regarding my apparent passively calling you a 'newb' goes your own programming style and UI design clearly demonstrates your lack of experience. I also don't mean that as an insult. If you think it was then you simply have an issue with comprehension that I can not help you with.

Man, could you sound any more up your own ass? lighten up dude. No ones tools are perfect.
lets use your GT6 tool for example :P. As from my opinion to you, you should focus on fixing that GT6 tool which from my point of view has a what one would call a "boring GUI", rather than nagging at ones "oh the GUI looks like shit" you know. at least his tool is fully functional. And He is helping the community "by offering his source code for all to learn from" Unlike others who encrypt with smart assembly and think there source is still "safe" hahaha. Finally who cares about "oh he has a brain and thinks out side of the box" rather than "lets follow the Microsoft trend like sheep"
03-01-2014, 11:00 AM #33
League Champion
Originally posted by kiwi
Man, could you sound any more up your own ass? lighten up dude. No ones tools are perfect.
lets use your GT6 tool for example :P. As from my opinion to you, you should focus on fixing that GT6 tool which from my point of view has a what one would call a "boring GUI", rather than nagging at ones "oh the GUI looks like shit" you know. at least his tool is fully functional. And He is helping the community "by offering his source code for all to learn from" Unlike others who encrypt with smart assembly and think there source is still "safe" hahaha. Finally who cares about "oh he has a brain and thinks out side of the box" rather than "lets follow the Microsoft trend like sheep"

*offtopic* Love your Mw3 tool Winky Winky
03-01-2014, 11:57 AM #34
Nice although done so many months ago.

I'd have to agree, instead of over complicating such simplicity as throwing shit in to an offset, more attention should have been given to the design and errors within, perhaps next time ay.
03-01-2014, 02:44 PM #35
Originally posted by HaXoR View Post
SIVS: String-Image-Value-Setter

USE AT OWN RISK. Some strings may or may not freeze your ps3 as well as others in your party/lobby.

THIS SETS IMAGES FOR YOUR NAME/PSN/GAMERTAG... If you havn't read this thread, please check before asking what this does. Smile --> You must login or register to view this content.

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DOWNLOAD : You must login or register to view this content.
MD5: 44DA0D10D4937E72F4C1BED10F3BDB36
VirusTotal: NO NEED, This is open source
BUT, i forgot i packed the .dll's in this so i will put a virustotal. Smile
EXE: You must login or register to view this content.
SOURCE: You must login or register to view this content.
--Thanks to xMiLeZz for the virus scan. Smile

SOURCE DOWNLOAD (VB): You must login or register to view this content.

Any Feedback is appreciated.

If you want to add me on PSN, my current PSN is: HackerzAddMePlz

#1) Connect & Attach (FOR CEX use CEX method (already checked for you) or uncheck to use dex)
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#2) Select the game in which you are currently wanting to use this on, Ex. MW3 for Modern Warfare 3, and Ghosts etc.
(idk if COD4, WAW, Mw2 has these strings, but if they do... this should work.)
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#3) Select a string from the string list and it will automatically set it to the 'String box' for you.
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+) You may put your own string in the string textbox as you wish... also the textbox BELOW the string textbox is the text
that will go AFTER the string textbox, so.... essentially: string + text = (FACEBOOK LOGO) + YOURTEXT
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+) Then you can select the Width & height for the size of the Image. You must login or register to view this content.

!) I would recommend leaving Auto checkbox checked, but if for some reason your IMAGE isnt showing/working and giving
a block/patched image, then uncheck and try to move the length around until it does... keep in mind this won't always work.
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+) Choose a color NIQQQUA!!! ;p
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+) You may also Choose 'flip' checkbox to flip the image (or mirror in other words)

#4) Click the button "SET", and you should have the image AS YOUR NAME ON SCREEN! Smile


#x1) Click MyList in the top-right hand corner of the SIVS MAIN tab form. You must login or register to view this content.

#x2) Put your strings in this textbox by LINE! and click save. THIS WILL SAVE ALL YOUR STRINGS Smile
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#x3) To Load your list of strings, simply click MYLIST checkbox and it will automatically load it into the combobox! Smile
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!??!!??!?! YEP Smile <3

Click the button and the theme menu should popup...

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#1) Change the 'Forecolor' values (R G B) Red Green Blue

: Forecolor (*& BORDERCOLOR)
First numericupdown = Red
Second numericupdown = Green
Third numericupdown = Blue
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First numericupdown = Red
Second numericupdown = Green
Third numericupdown = Blue
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Choose your RGB values you like and click 'SET' Smile

Their is the default theme in the bottom left in case you ever want to revert to the original theme.

*Or choose girly, or light theme Smile


*If you ever want to change your theme again, just come back.


*Note: For COD Ghosts, Some string will prevent you from entering a game, and kick you out because "your server version is
different". The only one i got to work in game was "FACEBOOK"

*EXTRA NOTE: When you have your name as an image, ex. FACEBOOK... people can't send friend request... obviously your saying
you already know that... but its far more than what you THINK. When they add as a friend it will say you don't exist in the
COD database.

*EXTRA NOTE #2: If a friend has you added, and tries to add you with your name changed as IMAGE will sign them offline/out
of PSN. --Thanks to FearNMT for helping with that

Further Help:


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CFW IS MANDITORY! What's this mean? If you don't know what CFW stands for, you CANNOT USE THIS! Not Happy or Sad Continuing on...

To use CEX, make sure you have CCAPI.dll in the same folder. I have provided you with it in the .rar folder.
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Self explanitory, you know how to use ;p

If you dont...

#) click da button, any button. Also you may choose a color from the combobox in the top left corner. Smile

ONLY for MW3:

Same thing setting your name but for the title.

Flip = flip image

Real time = well, sets all value constantly in real time. Smile

Width = width of image

height = height of image

length = length of string

return = \r which is 'RETURN', and overlaps the image with whatever text you want on top with the textbox below.
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Says what it does, 'Converts'.

What does this convert?

It converts your string (top textbox) to ASCII for you to just set as name Smile

So here's the steps:
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#1) Adjust width & height

#2) Set Color

#3) Choose to FLIP image or not

#4) Hit Convert
*The second textbox should now have the 'ascii' converted text for you to set memory to change name.

#5) Set the converted text to name with the button "SET NAME", and if you are on MW3, "Set Elite Title" for title.
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What's this do?

This set's your choice of String + String + string OR String + Text + String OR String + Byte + Text and SO ON...

You can have multiple combinations for this. String, Byte, or Text.

EX> You must login or register to view this content.

EX2> You must login or register to view this content.

So your name could look like this: You must login or register to view this content.


A debugger for Seeing/getting/setting Memory in an EBOOT or .self.
(credits to Medatho)

How to use:

Click the button to show debugger... you should already be connected to your ps3 and just load memory and see your name! Smile

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PUB is for public play. This is just a little bit of ingame stuff i added in case your in a rush or whatever... the options
displayed will work for your cod, just check what you would like, and hit SET.


ALSO!!! I added Simple name changer = 'Default' or Flash = 'flashing name' or Rainbow = individual letter flashing name

CBUF Addtext
(Credits to SC5Cool Man (aka Tustin)
This is to set cbuf_addtext in game on mw2. Now your probably asking, WHY TF MW2?! Smack yourself! - Haha, allow me to explain.
You can use MW2 'say' function to display 'text' onscreen like cfg, so its fun.

*I have made a cfg spammer all ready for you to use... just go into a MW2 match, and spam away xD --Get ready to piss ppl off.

* Spam on will spam whatever is in the textbox; will constantly spam every 250 seconds (just enough not to get client command overflow)

* Buttons! will constantly spam buttons every 250 seconds (just enough not to get overflow)

*Spam off turns buttons! and Spam OFF
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Me = BaSs_HaXoR, the creator of this program. All coding was done by me.
My Youtube: You must login or register to view this content.
SC58 = Cbuf Addtext for Mw2
Winter = For informing me about Setting strings as images on game (the day it came out)
Dphracker = For being a pimp niqqua, and a str8 boss. (being a true friend)
Medatho = For CCAPI Debugger Smile
*****Momo5502 = For releasing the converter and explaining how to use/set string-images on game *****
Kiwi_modz = For being a crazy kiwi, and moddin his life away. haha. (being a true friend)
KarismaMods - colin = Helping me out with Image-strings and bein' a chill homiiiieee....

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Lmao look, we gotta Hater: You must login or register to view this content.

what string is that green frog? Smile
03-01-2014, 04:08 PM #36
I’m too L33T
Originally posted by HaXoR View Post
Okay, first off your the one who caused the issue by your blantant, irreputable, and rude comment. Enough said.

Did you mean you're instead of 'your the one'?

Originally posted by kiwi
Man, could you sound any more up your own ass? lighten up dude. No ones tools are perfect.
lets use your GT6 tool for example :P. As from my opinion to you, you should focus on fixing that GT6 tool which from my point of view has a what one would call a "boring GUI", rather than nagging at ones "oh the GUI looks like shit" you know. at least his tool is fully functional. And He is helping the community "by offering his source code for all to learn from" Unlike others who encrypt with smart assembly and think there source is still "safe" hahaha. Finally who cares about "oh he has a brain and thinks out side of the box" rather than "lets follow the Microsoft trend like sheep"

If you had a little more than a week's experience with Microsoft Windows you would be aware that what you call a "boring GUI' is completely customizable. Yes, you can even make it look like the tool of this discussion (no pun intended). This is because all styles and colours in it are connected to customizable settings rather than hard coded in tools such as these. Anyone with any Windows form application programming experience already knows this unless they are to stupid to learn even the most basic concepts behind it. As far as releasing source code, although you may think it is nice and helping the community it is poorly written and should not be used as a leaning tool. It displays a major lack of experience in programming and can only convey that style to those wishing to learn.

I am sure BaSs_HaXoR has probably taken this wrong again; if he would like some pointers on improving his coding I am more than willing to help out, as long as he can stand a little criticism. If he can not then he is a lost case and will forever be just below an average hack when it comes to coding.

BaSs_HaXoR you cam PM me if would like some help with your code. I will be away most of the day.
03-01-2014, 04:36 PM #37
Krazy Weed
Lol People Always Fighting, Seriously Stop this shit why? well from what ive seen he probably didn't like people criticizing his tools and you just like to help in any way possible.

From What i know Bass you need to take this as Feedback well you asked for it so ur gonna have feedback if its bad or good.

FarSide You need to stop writing essays, and move on the moment you see the type of person who doesn't like criticism.

What i can say is Cheers Guys.

If your Thinking who the fuck is this guy, Im SuperMan My Brother Is BatMan My Cousin is SpiderMan and My Family is DC.

The following 2 users say thank you to -SuperMan for this useful post:

BaSs_HaXoR, kiwi_modz

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