Post: Motorola Droid RAZR questions
04-17-2013, 02:05 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I've noticed(not on here specifically) but lots of the android forums that people complain about the RAZR's and RAZR MAXX's.(NON HD) I really don't know why.. Does anyone have any complaints about it?
Just want to see what the fuss is all about.
My only fuss is the recent Official update made me a little mad because of the general graphic updates it had.
04-17-2013, 02:38 AM #2
Maggbot timeout!
Originally posted by RedBK View Post
I've noticed(not on here specifically) but lots of the android forums that people complain about the RAZR's and RAZR MAXX's.(NON HD) I really don't know why.. Does anyone have any complaints about it?
Just want to see what the fuss is all about.
My only fuss is the recent Official update made me a little mad because of the general graphic updates it had.

I have a Droid Razr and the only complaint I have is not dishing out an extra $50 getting the Maxx Cuz my battery life drains after 3 hours of gaming :p Other than that for the razr generation seems just fine to me.
04-17-2013, 03:21 AM #3
I went ahead and bought the MAXX. I don't really have much problems with the battery life. With tons of use in a day, I may need to charge it that night. But with little use or maybe a bit of use I can usually go atleast 2 sometimes(though rarely 3) days without charging it.
04-17-2013, 02:06 PM #4
PC Master Race
Originally posted by RedBK View Post
I've noticed(not on here specifically) but lots of the android forums that people complain about the RAZR's and RAZR MAXX's.(NON HD) I really don't know why.. Does anyone have any complaints about it?
Just want to see what the fuss is all about.
My only fuss is the recent Official update made me a little mad because of the general graphic updates it had.

my mom has the standard razr its a great phone but the razr m is a better choice and so is the razr HD which is a razr maxx with a slightly smaller battery, but overall the razr is a quality phone but the razr m is a higher quality 4.3in phone
04-19-2013, 01:57 AM #5
Well in general if its using the same basic cpu/gpu having a smaller screen means a better resolution on phones. In general and that may not be true for every phone though.
04-19-2013, 02:08 AM #6
Originally posted by RedBK View Post
I've noticed(not on here specifically) but lots of the android forums that people complain about the RAZR's and RAZR MAXX's.(NON HD) I really don't know why.. Does anyone have any complaints about it?
Just want to see what the fuss is all about.
My only fuss is the recent Official update made me a little mad because of the general graphic updates it had.

IDK But You Should Get The HTC One Or The Galaxy S4 Smile I Hear That RAZR Sucks :/
04-19-2013, 02:11 AM #7
Meh, I still like my RAZR, I've only ever had one problem with it. I was driving for work and had left my phone in the car earlier that day, so the phone was already hot and then I proceeded to use the GPS function on my phone and it overheated about 30 minutes later. :P I literally pulled off the side of the road and just blasted the AC on the phone until it cooled and turned it back on and continued on my way. SO pretty much it was just my fault for doing that. :P
Also, Why would I want either of those? I'm not a fan of HTC from past experiences and I don't care much for Samsung.
04-19-2013, 02:38 AM #8
PC Master Race
Originally posted by CorruptModder
IDK But You Should Get The HTC One Or The Galaxy S4 Smile I Hear That RAZR Sucks :/

they arn't even out yet, don't talk a product up that isnt out because it can only be worse then u expected.
04-19-2013, 02:56 AM #9
Originally posted by Toke View Post
they arn't even out yet, don't talk a product up that isnt out because it can only be worse then u expected.

M8 The RAZR HD Sucked... It Was Like A Kevlar Back Lol It Was Kinda Slow
04-19-2013, 03:02 AM #10
PC Master Race
Originally posted by CorruptModder
M8 The RAZR HD Sucked... It Was Like A Kevlar Back Lol It Was Kinda Slow

it was the same as the Maxx HD just a not as large battery, had same internals as a US spec GS3, and he wasnt talking about HD phones

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