Post: Theory: No Bad Sport Ever
10-20-2013, 02:56 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So i was thinking, rockstar coded 10 levels of bad sport and as we all know we can change the length of them to be instantly over, but what happens after we instantly finish that 10th level of bad sport? There is no 11th coded... so does it loop? or does it just not register a valid ban time, meaning you would be infinitely bad sport? or possibly never able to be bad sport again.. I haven't tested this but if someone does let me know the results Smile
10-22-2013, 08:22 AM #20
Originally posted by heykids123 View Post
So how would anyone be able to reach that level 10 you were talking about if it's stored on cloud servers?

You get the 2 day ban, thats level 1, you use an rpf to make it over instantly, then you get the 4 day ban, thats level 2, you use the rpf to make it over instantly, you get the 8 day ban, thats level 3, etc etc etc.
10-22-2013, 08:39 AM #21
Hmm, I'm pretty sure after 1024 days it would just be indefinite.
10-22-2013, 09:46 AM #22
Originally posted by heykids123 View Post
Hmm, I'm pretty sure after 1024 days it would just be indefinite.

yeah that or it wont be able to find a ban to give the user and it will just never make them a bad sport OR it will jsut keep repeating the level 10 ban, until someone tests it we wont know.
10-22-2013, 10:27 AM #23
Former Staff
Originally posted by Renton View Post
or you just dont get bad sport.. ive never had it. ive blown up 20+ personal cars in 1 day no problems.

my record was 35 with no bad sport, it popped up loads but didnt label me as one.

i gave up in the end lol

It maybe due to the fact i have 4 days clocked online game play time in good sport?
10-22-2013, 12:34 PM #24
Originally posted by xLew
my record was 35 with no bad sport, it popped up loads but didnt label me as one.

i gave up in the end lol

It maybe due to the fact i have 4 days clocked online game play time in good sport?

Yeah okay how did you not get bad sport for blowing up 35 cars and yesterday i blew up 1 car and got bad sport just like that total bs time remaining 3 days 8 hours 30 mins.
10-22-2013, 12:46 PM #25
Former Staff
Originally posted by SandMan0689 View Post
Yeah okay how did you not get bad sport for blowing up 35 cars and yesterday i blew up 1 car and got bad sport just like that total bs time remaining 3 days 8 hours 30 mins.

I don't know I had like 12 people against me in my tank, I kept blowing them and their cars up, they couldn't touch me although they tried, it just kept coming up on the right 'your being a bad sport' etc I blew the same kids car up about 6 times but didn't get nothing and then shortly after when I changed lobbies I got a £1000 bonus for good behavior lol the game loves me
10-22-2013, 12:54 PM #26
Originally posted by xLew
I don't know I had like 12 people against me in my tank, I kept blowing them and their cars up, they couldn't touch me although they tried, it just kept coming up on the right 'your being a bad sport' etc I blew the same kids car up about 6 times but didn't get nothing and then shortly after when I changed lobbies I got a £1000 bonus for good behavior lol the game loves me

well i got a 2nd bad sport yesterday for somebody driving they're car into my tank and it blew up and bam bad sport for 3 days 1 car blows up how is that my fault R* needs to fix this or just get rid of bad sport period.
10-22-2013, 03:37 PM #27
< ^ > < ^ >
Originally posted by Xplaya View Post
There is a risk of losing your Character by doing that though

I watched a streamer on Twitch test their "theory" the other day by pulling the ethernet cable.


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