Post: Need help with PayPal verification ..
09-17-2014, 01:55 AM #1
Save Point
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey guys. I usually buy a lot of mods from modders on here, but i been buying stuff and everytime I sign into PayPal I get this message. "You've reached a limit for how much you can send, receive, or transfer. See how to lift your limits." Now, everytime I click that and go on, it tells me to link a bank or something like PayPal Extra MasterCard. Now, Problem is I don't have a credit card or anything at all. Oh and.. Everytime I click that MasterCard thing, it gives me a white page saying "Access Denied" I used to send & get money on it i had my mobile phone verified with it.
What can I do now? :( Could anybody by any chance help me? I really need it my money back. It has quite few $ in it which I need to use. Could anyone help please? My Skype ID is ossywossy300 if you could help i'd appreciate it.
09-17-2014, 02:10 AM #2
Phone them.
09-17-2014, 02:16 AM #3
Just a Mad Man
i dont know where to put this tread hmmm :?

but its related to gta i guess and modding it + request ???!!!

moved to requests section

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